Homeopathy Remedy Ratanhia


      Sticking through spine to pit stomach. Bruised pain in spine; B. pain towards morning, (>) rising; in region of hips in morning on rising, (>) motion. Intermittent sticking on inner margin of r. scapula. Lumbar region, pain during menses; forcing as if to stool; jerking, and in region of hips.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking from l. axilla into chest in afternoon, (<) expiration, (>) inspiration. Tearing in shoulders; to elbows; from r. almost to wrist. Tearing above and below l. elbow l. elbow in evening, (>) allowing arm to hang down, (<) bending. Constriction as with a cord two inches above and two inches below r. elbow, (>) stretching arm. Elbow, burning stitching bend of r., then sudden shaking chill; pinching constriction in bend of r. when arm was bent, (>) stretching it. Forearm, burning stitch in flesh of l., then tension; tearing in flesh on outer surface of l., extending to wrist; tearing from l. into first joint of ring finger as if in bone.

Tearing in r. wrist; in wrist behind ball of thumb, with sticking; between l. thumb and index; jerking, on back of r. hand. Sticking in middle of thumb, extending into tip. Jerking tearing alternately in each thumb. Constriction in r. middle and ring fingers, (>) rubbing, but returning frequently; in r. middle and ring fingers in evening, with an asleep sensation, so that she could not stretch them.

Lower Extremities

      Thigh. Jerking in middle of r. in morning. Trembling in r. in evening, or waving sensation. Sticking in a spot in forepart of r., with tearing in l. side of head. Tearing in hips; from hips to knees; T. posteriorly when riding one over the other; in middle of r., when sitting, extending to knee. Tension in flash above r. knee when standing. Weariness on inner side, with heaviness; W. in r. when sitting, with heaviness.

Sticking in bend of r. knee on rising from a seat. Tearing in r. knee when sitting; in r. tibia; calves; lower part of r. leg; tendons of r. calf in evening and morning when sitting tendo- achillis, extending upward, then sticking deep in r. knee when standing. Jerking in calves. Drawing in legs; in calves in evening. Weakness of legs in morning after rising and in afternoon. Intermittent contractions in tendons above heels in evening. Tearing in tendons behind r. external malleolus when standing; on back of r. foot; in tendons of r. foot. Jerking in forepart of r. foot. Toes, sticking in l. great, with burning tearing; tearing in three first, extending towards tips; sprained pain in last joint of r. great, when sitting.


      Pimples in skin of r. temple; on chin; (<) shoulders and lumbar region; like a boil, itching, on l. hip. Boil on r. sole.

Twitching beneath r. axilla. Stinging in various parts of body, neck arms, (<) legs, when walking, (>) rubbing, leaving soreness and itching, a vesicle on the spot. Burning sticking on inner margin of l. sole; now above r. knee, now in r. upper arm, or in small of back. Stretched feeling once from above root of nose to top of forehead and once from centre of forehead to r. frontal protuberance. Feeling as if drawn together in centre of forehead. Stiff feeling on lower forehead, (<) knitting brows. Crawling beneath skin of r. knee, alternating with sticking and tearing; C. on back, with itching eruption. Tickling on heels and soles; in ball of r. thumb.

Itching on nape and between scapulae; on tip of nose, (>) rubbing; in evening, (>) scratching, on back, also anteriorly on thigh; here and there over whole body, (>) scratching; on outer part of l. forearm, not (>) scratching; on nose and upper lip, returning after scratching; in epigastric region, with red spots; on forearm, and on scratching itching pimples; between shoulders, with pimples, burning after scratching; in hollows of knees in evening, burning after scratching; tickling, voluptuous I. in l. sole.


      Yawning; in evening, without sleepiness. Sleepiness in morning and after dinner, with indolence and yawning; S. when sitting; during dinner. Late falling asleep and waking about midnight. Snoring. Starting up soon after falling asleep. Sleep restless, she woke often and could not fall asleep for a long time. Waking at 2 A.M., with trembling, apprehension and fear, so that she started up. Dreams full of quarrels, anger and vexation; of funerals, death of friends, etc.; anxious, of snakes and sick people, from which she woke in sweat and thirsty; frightful, of earthquakes and the like.


      Chilliness in afternoon and night; from 8 till 9 P.M., (>) in bed, then sweat till midnight; general, at 9 P.M., with burning in hands and feet and external heat, afterwards in bed sweat till midnight. Shaking chill in morning; in evening and in bed. Shivering in evening. Cold fingers in morning. Heat on l. external malleolus; in head, with heaviness of head and external heat in forehead; in rushes to face; tensive, in thighs and legs in evening on rising from a seat. Seat at night; at 1 A.M., on waking, with thirst and dryness of mouth.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.