Homeopathy Remedy Raphanus

Scraping, not (>) clearing it, and at night in bed expectoration of white mucus as in catarrhal fever. Soreness every on waking, with cough and greenish, salt expectoration. Sensation in pharynx, in region of tonsils, forcing him to clear the throat to relieve it of viscid mucus, which is adherent or detached so small quantity that it cannot be expectorated, the hawking causes irritation, which excites a dry cough producing a painful shock in head and sides of chest.

Contraction. Stricture at 5 A.M., with expectoration of tenacious white mucus from pharynx and oesophagus. Dry; feeling as if everything swallowed were dry. Burning; in pharynx; below larynx; in pharynx and tonsils, with stitches. Uneasiness high up in oesophagus, the air when inspired feels cold in mouth, when expired burning.

Clinical Spasmodic painful contraction of the throat, cannot speak a loud word.


      Voracious appetite, and when she has eaten she herself smaller and less tight than before, also empty sensation after dinner; A. at 4 A.M. in bed, without hunger; constant A., with aversion to food, thirst; A. lost. A version to food and tobacco. Repletion in evening from sugar, with vomiturition, bitter risings or rather acrid vapor ascends into oesophagus, she swallows everything with disgust. Violent thirst. Drank more than he urinated, though he urinated considerable.

Eructations of liquids, with retching; E. of water and mucus, sometimes mixed with blood; almost putrid; bilious, leaving a bitter taste; of the of radishes, (<) drinking. Wind from eau sucree. Nausea; in evening and after breakfasting on chocolate; when riding in a carriage, with headache; with retching; so that she must sit up, in spite of great weakness; in faintlike attacks. Retching in afternoon; in evening when walking; at night; when coughing, with pressure mounting into chest and eructations of acrid; colorless liquid. Vomiting; at 7 A.M., of undigested radishes and white mucus; twice at 1.30 P.M., of greenish bitter liquid, then clear water; of the radish, with mucus and bread; dark, slimy matter.

Sticking, and in region of liver; in epigastric region; in pit; in pit, (<) deep breathing. Cutting in pit. Pressure in pit; intermittent, extending from pit to pit of throat and sometimes to back, (<) eating and coughing, (>) drinking, with sticking. Swollen sensation, with throbbing in epigastrium, she can scarcely sit still.


      Distention after eating a little; beginning at stomach, A. hard, as if filled with air, without pain, she cannot bear pressure on stomach; (<) hypogastrium, and hardness and pain on pressure, it as if she would choke with the swelling; then griping, as before stool; tympanitic, with twisting pain in region of ascending and transverse colon and in l. groin, (<) pressure. Rumbling; at night. Flatulence. No flatus emitted upward or downward. Flatus smelling of radishes. Trembling. Lancinations in l. side. Griping. Pain, then hard stool, before stools, accompanied and followed by heat and pains of swelling in intestines. Heat, (<) about umbilicus.

Liver, sticking in region; pressure in region as from an internal abscess; pain in r. lobe like tightness or lancinations. Umbilicus, griping about; sticking to l. of; pinching to l. of as before soft stool; sharp pains at side of, with pressure; colic about, after breakfast; burning above.

Hypogastrium. Gland in r. groin swollen and painful to touch. Cramping sore pain in morning on waking, (<) motion, with distention and tenderness on pressure, could hardly bear touch of her clothes, next day the same, with tenderness from least jar when walkinG. Loins are relieved when she leans on her side, burt at the same time pain in hypogastrium and sensation of round body suddenly impelled upward and stopping in throat, where it feels like a morsel too large to be swallowed, thence the substance seems to descend into stomach, where it causes a sensation of something hard to digest and leaves emptiness, with hunger and lancinations in hypogastrium, each Lancinations causes flushing as if blood rushed to eyes, eyes burn, dizziness, ebullitions of blood throughout body, cold feet, with prickings sensation as if she had put her cold feet into hot water, then heat. Pain in H. and kidneys as before menstruation, lassitude in groins nd top of thighs, pain, with heat in sides almost every time she breathes. Pain on pressure. Feeling as if a hernia would protrude. Heat, (<) side.


      Frequent desire for stool, about noon.


      Liquid; and brownish, frothy, profuse, forcible, three times in one day; and yellowish, brown, rather copious, forcible, three times in one day; and yellowish, brown, rather copious, nine times in one day, mostly in morning; and copious, forcible, painless; and of the color of coffee with cream, every time she eats. Diarrhoea, dark brown; scanty, yellow, like fresh butter, twice, with urging, without colic. Soft; and yellowish; and colored like cafe au lait; and profuse, in morning and at noon. Hard. Dark, profuse. Preceded by colic, twice in one day. Frequent. Omitted.

Clinical Diarrhoea, thin, brown, yellowish, frothy, forcibly expelled, with colic and prominence of intestines like pads here and there all over the abdomen during the pains, and especially with the characteristic absence of emission of gas upward or downward for long time. Chronic diarrhoea, green liquid stools always mucous and bloody, anxiety. pale, suffering face, small pulse, no emission of flatus for six days, chills form the back along the arms and limbs, followed by heat, frequent efforts to vomit, great thirst, great weakness. Chronic diarrhoea, with dropsy, great thirst, weakness in the pit of the stomach, and pain especially on breathing, profuse urine, no gas.

Urinary Organs

      Burning on forepart of urethra during micturition. Desire to urinate, with pain in mons veneris like a pressure in fundus of bladder; frequent D. at night. Urging returns as soon as she has urinated, with pain in sides and loins. Did not urinate all day. Urine yellow, depositing a copious whitish-yellow sediment like yeast; dirty yellow, with sediment like yeast, equal in amount to urine; whitish-yellow, turbid; pale, copious and passed frequently; very clear, afterward thick; copious; scanty.

Sexual Organs

      Female. Titillation increasing till 1.30 A.M., when it abates, with abundant flow of mucus. Uterus and groins pain, with heat and constant ineffectual urging to urinate; U. and abdomen, pain, and in groins on touch. with inflammation, pain in bones, cracking of joints, weakness of spine; burning pain extending from U. to pit of stomach, where it changes into nervous contraction, giving a sensation as if she would have convulsions; sensation of a round body rising from fundus of U. and stopping at entrance of throat.

Nervous irritation of clitoris, impelling her to onanism. Vagina, great flow of mucus; flow of a little blood, like rose- colored mucus, every day between 3 and 5 O’clock. Menstruation profuse, in clots and long-lasting; M. profuse, with flushes of heat from uterus to head, then into loins and through body, causing sensation as if about to perspire, prickings in legs and under soles, loss of thought, faintness, difficulty in speaking. Desire Nymphomania in morning increasing till 11 P.M.

Clinical Abnormal sexual desire, with sleeplessness.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in larynx; in epiglottis. Hoarseness; in evening.

Cough beginning by tickling at bottom of oesophagus and resonant in chest; C., it seems as if something came from larynx, also when she laughs, with tickling at bottom of larynx which seems to start from epigastrium, after cough, acid risings, as of bitter water; with hoarseness, and in evening feeling as if chest were in a vise, with difficulty in breathing and speaking; drier, she tries to raise something from throat, but the cough does not bring it up, but creates more of it. Expectoration easy, of round masses of mucus; easy, of round masses of thick mucus; clear and sticky, like gum-water.

Respiration. Strangulation when she begins to eat and drink. Difficult and short. Possible only with mouth open, till 3 A.M., the air which enters mouth causes pain and burns as if everything were alive, uvula is swollen and red, tongue rather white and red on edge. Uneasy, with general distress, she cannot remain sitting, standing or lying; U., with oppression of chest, difficulty in swallowing, it seems as if water would return through nose, burning in oesophagus and chest, she is better at midday than in morning and worse in evening, better from walking in open air. everything she swallows and even breathing cause pain in back; during expiration pain between shoulders and in sides of chest, during inspiration only tightness of chest, drawing pain as from a prick or bruise, which returns when drawing breath, drawing pains in whole chest as far as back during expiration, it feels as if stretched fibres returned to their place, which causes pain between shoulders and in sides of chest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.