Homeopathy Remedy Psorinum

Ulceration of r. gum after toothache. Inflammation of gum of a posterior r. hollow lower molars, with swelling and crawling pain, (<) touch. Tongue coated; white; yellowish-white; ulceration of T. and gums, with sore throat; dry; dry at tip, as if burnt, painful; burnt feeling from tip of middle, so that he has hardly any taste.

Thick mucus from choanae; nauseous tasting M.; tough, of nauseating taste, and teeth stick together. Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior wall of soft palate necessitating hawking; A. to soft palate of tough mucus, tasting like old cheese, coming from choanae, also on posterior wall of soft palate. Scratching in back part, and when leaning backward asthmatic feeling. Swollen sensation in palate. Dryness.

Taste – Bitter mornings before eating, (>) eating; when not eating; (>) eating and drinking. Bad, finally coppery, like cat’s urine, to bread and butter in morning. Oily to the dinner; flat, insipid. Foul, she drinks to get rid of it. Increase of the nauseous T. after eating or smoking tobacco. Sticky.


      Submaxillary glands swollen and painful to touch, also a painful pustule below l. lower jaw. Angina, on r. side an ulcer, with sore pain deep in throat and burning in palate. Painful pimple on fauces. Sticking in l. tonsil; in l. sinews on turning head. Pain in l. tonsil, with swollen feeling; P. on swallowing saliva; intermittent P. and difficult swallowing. Soreness, with difficulty in swallowing; S., with inability to swallow; can take without difficulty only cold food. Scraping as if she would become hoarse (in a herpetic patient); S., with suffocation, causing dry cough. Burning; extending farther downward. Dryness; in morning, with scraping; of fauces, with moisture in mouth. Swollen feeling in fauces. Tickling mornings; causing cough; then empty eructations.


      Hunger great; in afternoon, with thirst for beer; in evening; desire for breakfast; H. without appetite diminished; easily satiated though he has a good appetite; loss of appetite, but constant thirst. Disgust for pork. Desire to smoke in evening, but when not smoking the desire for it ceased. Aversion to smoking after breakfast, but when he begins smoking is relished. thirst; during dinner; after the chill, then heat in mouth; with dryness and burning in mouth; for beer.

Eructations tasting like rotten eggs; sour E.; rancid E. in evening. Pyrosis; after drinking water; when lying down, colic (>) eating. Hiccough; after eating; when smoking a pipe after eating. Nausea; during the day, a kind of vomiting of sweet mucus every day at 10 A.M. and in evening; in morning; in pit of stomach in morning; after all food; after supper, (>) eating something roasted. Vomiting sour; of sour mucus, so that teeth are on edge, in morning before eating; of food, then of a sour, slimy fluid. Bloating. Sticking in pit. Cramp in epigastric region. Cutting in epigastric region. Oppression. Contracting pain in epigastric region. Weakness and pressure.


      Bloated; after eating; after eating frozen things. Rumbling in morning. Gurgling and roaring. Foul-smelling flatus. Cutting; in evening, (>) passage of offensive flatus; as from a purge. Cramps in morning in bed. Griping when driving; G. in women, (<) pubic region. Pinching in morning, so that he has to run for the closet, (>) stool. Pain; towards evening, (>) eating; after eating, (>) emission of flatus, with nausea; and in lumbar vertebrae, with flatulent troubles, pain in spermatic cords and testicles as if filled with blood, a soft, difficult stool; as from canine hunger, (<) epigastric region, an hour after supper, with accumulation of flatus.

Sticking in sides; r.; region of spleen; under last l. rib; in hepatic region; region of spleen, (>) standing still, renewed by walking, later felt even during rest. Swollen sensation horizontally across below short ribs when sitting. Frequent sticking to l. of umbilicus during rest. Cutting in umbilical region. Gurgling in small intestines. Twitching in r. groin after driving. Sticking in inguinal glands. Pain in r. inguinal ring. Bearing down towards pubes, with tenesmus and painful burning micturition.

Clinical Chronic hepatitis. Sharp stinging pains in the liver, general aggravation from lying on the right side.

Rectum and Anus

      Spasmodic pain in rectum. Burning high up in rectum. Chafed sensation in rectum during a drive. Ineffectual urging. Burning nodes in anus. Itching in anus.


      Fluid, dark brown, foul smelling. Diarrhoea preceded by colic; green, bilious D. mixed with mucus; four times in a day, without pain. Soft, difficult; S. and copious. Constipation. Either costive or mushy. Of normal consistency; in small balls, almost involuntary, at night, with violent emission of flatus. Two in forenoon. Four or five a day, preceded by colic. Sometimes shooting away as from a syringe, at another time it is mushy, sometimes of normal consistency. Stopped.

Clinical Diarrhoea; evacuations dark, liquid and extremely fetid; during teething; after enervating diseases; sometimes with ravenous hunger, debility, profuse perspiration, with a foul odor from the skin, which is greasy.

Urinary Organs

      Discharge of prostatic fluid before micturition. Tenesmus urinae, and discharge of a few drops when he thinks he has done. Some drops of urine after micturition although he tries to hold it back. Frequent micturition at night. Sticking inwardly from orifice of urethra. Burning during micturition, with cutting. Urine has a red sediment and a pellicle of fat.

Sexual Organs

      Relaxation; with indifference to sexual affairs. Glans inflamed, with an ulcer on it, testes swollen and heavy. Burning pain at tip of penis on beginning to urinate. Frequent tightness of penis, with drawing. Absence of erections; even with lascivious thoughts, afterwards morning erections and pollutions, with satyriasis. Drawing in testicles, but more steady in small back. Painful suppurating vesicle on scrotum. Aversion to coitus. Impotency. No discharge of semen during coition. Menses too late; and scanty.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarseness. Tickling in trachea, with cough. Inclination to cough, with sensation of coldness. Cough in evening, (>) keeping quiet, with pain in chest and throat, talking causes cough; C., with weakness of chest; so that he could not remain in bed at night, with weakness and vertigo. Dry cough all day, with nausea and retching and tickling in throat; from tickling in trachea; with soreness under sternum; with heaviness on chest. Cough, (<) morning on waking, and in evening on lying down, with expectoration of green mucus, nearly like matter, with nausea, chest is affected and expectoration is difficult; C., in morning, with copious expectoration; sometimes with expectoration of mucus streaked with blood; with expectoration from chest, salivation and vomiting of acid mucus.

Suffocation in larynx when sitting bent backward, with crawling, causing paroxysmal, dry, hacking cough, and at the same time contraction and heaviness in chest and pain in upper part of sternum. Dyspnoea in evening. Short breath; in fresh air, (>) riding and lying down. Want of breath on walking in fresh air; W. of breath, (<) sitting, (>) lying, with pain in chest. Whistling respiration on waking, with constriction, again in evening whistling in chest. Breathes easily when doing some light work, as trimming trees.

Clinical Chronic cough from tickling in the larynx. Extremely offensive expectoration, night-sweats. Haemoptysis.


      Twitching through l. anterior side. Sticking in l.; l. mamma; under l. false ribs; in r. side on coughing; in r. when breathing; even when not breathing; in sternum on deep breathing, and on touch a pressing and bruised pain. Feeling as if everything in it were torn when lifting. Pain as if a lung had been torn loose and something were pressing it down. Cutting in evening, with burnt feeling in throat, eructations, then emission of flatus. Boring in r., with oppressed breathing. Pain under sternum when coughing as if something would be torn away, extending to throat. Pain on spots; ulcerative P. under sternum; P. as from a load, (<) bending head forward, with want of breath. Oppression. Pressure. Contracted feeling. Dull feeling, with pain in back. When in bed he has to remove the arms as far as possible from chest, otherwise they increase the pain.


      Palpitation; with anxious oppression.

Clinical Pericarditis, with effusion.


      Glands swollen, and on touch bruised pain extending to head. Sticking, with pustules. Tearing in nape. Boring in nape, with stiffness. Pain in nape in afternoon, only in the house, when supporting the head with the hands it feels as if it had no body, as if he could pass through it with the hands; P. in muscles of r. side, in their upper sinewy part, as from sudden tension, on turning head to r., backward or sideways, (>) pressure; tensive, in nape after waking, as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position; drawing, extending to shoulder, after waking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.