Homeopathy Remedy Podophyllum

Respiratory Organs and Chest

      Suffocating sensation at night on lying down. Short breath. Inclination to breathe deeply, sighing. Snapping in r. lung like the breaking of a thread, on deep inspiration. Pain in chest, (<) deep inspiration. Oppression of chest in morning, with inclination to inspire deeply, but prevented from doing so by constriction of chest.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in heart. Sensation as if H. ascended to throat. Palpitation in morning, with rapid, small puls; P. from exertion or emotion; from physical exertion in persons subject to rumbling in ascending colon, with heavy sleep, and fatigue in morning on waking, then drowsiness in forenoon. Pulse rapid. Pulse slow; and weak and small, also with nausea. Pulse weak.

Neck and Back

      Pain in nape, (<) motion, with soreness. Stiffness of nape, with soreness of muscles of neck and shoulder. Pain under r. scapula (Chelidonium); between scapulae in morning; between S., (<) night and morning and by motion, with soreness; in loins when walking and standing, with sensation as if back bent inward; in loins,, night and motion, with coldness; in loins, (<) a misstep and walking over uneven ground.


      Aching, (<) night. Tingling. Weakness of joints, (<) knees; wrists, with soreness on touch. Spasmodic in r. thigh and leg. Pain in thighs, leg and knees, (<) standing; P. in l. hip like rheumatism from cold, (<) ascending stairs, with weakness of it. Cracking in knees on motion. Pain in l. knee, leg and foot. Heaviness of knees and stiffness as after a long walk. Pain in r. leg in afternoon, with cramp. Sharp pain in outer and upper part of l. foot.


      Rubefacient and vesicant effects. Scabs on arms and legs. Minute vesicles filled with serous filled, which soon changes to whitish or yellowish pus, with superficial inflammation, the pustules usually slow in healing. Itching on body and arms, and on scratching blotches like hives.


      Sleepiness; in daytimes, (<) forenoon, with rumbling in abdomen; early in morning. Sleep too heavy. Difficult waking in morning. Unrefreshed in morning on waking. Restless in forepart of night. Moaning, with half-closed eyes. Rising up in bed without waking.


      Chilliness; in afternoon, then fever and headache, next day fever and headache. Shivering and prostration. Cold feet. Intermittent, quotidian, tertian and quartan fever. Heat; in afternoon, with occasional coldness, not (>) heat of stove, but (>) warm covering in bed; in flashes up back after stool; passing over face and head. Sweat, so that it dropped off finger-tips; S. of feet in evening; cold S.

Clinical It has been found useful in some cases of remittent fever, with numerous “bilious” symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.