Homeopathy Remedy Picricum Acidum

Clinical Ophthalmia (>) cold water.


      Puffy and burning, with sensation as if worms were crawling in them. Pain behind r., running down side of neck. Buzzing and hissing.

Clinical Noises in the ears, with vertigo and headache at the base of the brain. Chronic deafness, apparently caused by excessive headache, with noises in the ears when tired, membrane pale.


      Boil in l. nostril. Stinging in r. side. Weight on bridge. Full of mucus, can breathe only through mouth, (>) open air. Bleeding from r. nostril; with heat and congestion of head.

Face and Mouth

      Irregular pain in lower jaw, with beating in molars. Tingling in lips. White, frothy saliva hangs in strings to floor. Taste bitter; with thirst; sour, bitter; T. sour; bad; bad, of gas.


      Redness, with raw, scraped, stiff and hot feeling, as if burnt, and with thick white mucus on tonsils, difficulty, in swallowing, with sensation as if throat would split open. Rawness in l. side, extending forward to submaxillary gland, (<) swallowing; R., with roughness and scraping. Soreness back of and above soft palate, with debility, (<) lower limbs; S. on swallowing, (<) l. side, (>) eating, (<) after sleep, with roughness and scraping, also on empty swallowing. Dry and husky. Feeling of a plug on swallowing saliva and afterwards. Sensation of something in lower part of oesophagus.


      Appetite great in evening; increased, then lost; lost; lost for breakfast. Aversion to food; at noon. Thirst; unquenchable, for cold water. Eructations; empty; sour, of gas and ingesta; bitter after breakfast. Waterbrash. Nausea; on retiring; after retiring, with headache; till night, with intermittent griping in epigastric region; as from a weight, with frontal headache; deathlike, in stomach and abdomen on waking at 5 A.M., (<) rising and moving about, returned on waking a second time, repeated next morning on waking. Vomiting. Sharp pain in epigastric region. Pain in cardiac region when eating breakfast. Oppression of epigastric region. Weight in pit, with ineffectual desire to eructate. Faint feeling in epigastrium all the morning; nauseated faint feeling in epigastrium most of the day, occasionally the next day.


      Fulness. Rumbling; in small intestines; at 7 A.M. on waking, with colic; with crampy pain and flatus. Emission of flatus; during the day; in evening. Crawling stinging. Pain all the forenoon, with slight headache; P. on waking, with strong eructations, and on moving emission of much flatus; and in neck of bladder; rumbling.

Sticking through hepatic region, (<) muscles; S. backward though l. umbilical region. Pain in umbilical region in evening; sharp, on l. side of umbilicus. Shooting, wandering pain in region of coccyx, bladder, rectum and umbilicus, caused by wind. Sharp pain in r. iliac region above ovary, at 11 P.M., with soreness on pressure. Pain in lower part of large intestines; in. groin on walking, (<) ascending stairs. Occasional sensation of giving way in hypogastrium all day. Vacant and sore feeling in hypogastric region.


      Stinging during and after stool, with itching. Shooting around a. at 9 A.M.


      Like gruel, yellow or yellowish-gray, twice before 9 A.M. Diarrhoea, with burning and smarting at anus; frequent D., with prostration; light-colored, with cutting and smarting at anus during and after stool. Soft, with tenesmus; S., light-colored, with straining; and small, ineffectual, with tenesmus, then drawing up of of anus; and scanty, with burning at anus; in plugs, easy, shooting away, then much flatus. Light-colored, with burning and smarting in anus. Yellowish, copious, oily, frequent. Quick, as if greased, of sweetish smell, as of boiling sap, at night and morning, then much wind. Difficult, next day ineffectual desire for stool.

Urinary Organs

      Pains in region of bladder; sharp, in evening, (<) r. side. Frequent micturition in morning. Dribbling micturition. Urethra, jerking drawing; pain after micturition, burning pain during micturition; burning during and after micturition.

Urine Yellow. Of as milky olive hue. Dark; indications of sugar. Dark yellow, with strong odor; dark yellow, scanty, afterwards profuse and yellow. Red; dark, in evening. Copious; and pale; and light- colored, sp. gr. increased; and hot when passed, with burning pain in urethra; afterwards scanty; afterwards diminished. Scanty. Urates abundant. Contained much indican, numerous granular cylinders and fatty degenerated epithelium.

Clinical Valuable for subacute and chronic inflammation of kidneys, with scanty urine, dropsy, profound weakness, very dark, bloody urine.

Sexual Organs

      Erections in morning on waking; E. at 11 A.M., with bruised pain in l. testicle, extending up cords to external abdominal rings; firm in morning, with pain in abdomen, next morning woke with emission and firm erection, which lasted about ten minutes after the emission; terrible, at night, with restless sleep; violent, all night; plus violent, all night, then profuse emissions. Desire at night, with emission; at night; with hard erections, lewd dreams and emission, emissions every other night; D. with almost constant priapism night and day. occasional aching in l. ovarian region; in in evening. Menses delayed, during the period yellowish-born leucorrhoea, the night before menstruation, in bed, voluptuous pruritus (Usually pruritus slight after menses, never before), exasperating menses painful, bruised pain in abdomen, with sickening sensation.

Clinical It has proved valuable for seminal emissions followed by extreme exhaustion, occipital headache, etc. Loss of sexual power, with tendency to boils and carbuncles. Loss of power, with threatening paralysis of the legs.

Respiratory Organs

      Dry cough, as from dust in throat, then nausea. Can get the breath only half way down.


      Twitching in l. side over eighth and ninth ribs; in l. side over tenth and eleventh ribs from 6 till 11 P.M., with throbbing in muscles. Pain in r. side, extending across l.; P. in l. lung in evening; sharp, under r. clavicle; heavy throbbing in l., under tenth and eleventh ribs at 11 A.M., changing at noon to region of kidneys, extending at 2 P.M. into legs, (<) l.; stunning, at 9.30 A.M., with twitching in throat. Tightness, as if encircled by a band. Numbness in lower part of sternum.

Heart and Pulse

      Pain in apex of H. in evening. Intermittent fluttering at base of H. all day, it seemed to move. Palpitation. Pulse frequent; slow, feeble, afterwards rapid; slow, small and feeble; irregular.


      Muscles on r. side felt as if they would give way in afternoon when lying; at night when lying on r.side, with feeling as if neck, would be dislocated.


      Pain; (<) sitting; in B. and lower limbs. with heaviness and weakness; in dorsal region; extending from r. scapula to r. loin when bending forward. Sticking under r. scapula; in upper part of l. loin; in r. loin in evening; in lumbar region on bending forward when sitting. Sharp pain in region of coccyx. Pain in lumbar region; and anteriorly in thighs, in muscles, (<) motion, with weakness in the same, (<) legs; extending down legs, (<) motion, legs and lumbar region sensitive to pressure; heavy, at 6 P.M. Dragging pains in region of kidneys and nape, extending upward and downward till they meet between scapulae, at 2 P.M.; between hips, descending slowly to l. leg, with throbbing and jerking in muscles in different parts of body, and chills. Weakness in sacral and lumbar regions. Lumbar region and limbs tired at 12 P.M. on waking; at 6 A.M., with heaviness, the same next day at 4 P.M., with heavy frontal headache.


      Rheumatic pains in joints. WEakness; from a short walk, with heaviness. Heaviness, (<) l.; of arms and legs on exertion, (<) legs, legs weak and heavy all the time. Lame sensation in shoulders. Shoulders tired and sore; r. Twitching of lower part of biceps; in forenoon. Shooting in l. elbow, extending down arm. Pain in r. elbow, between ulna and radius. Shooting in hands. L. hand goes to sleep.

Lower Extremities

      Weakness; on ascending stairs; and heaviness. Numbness. Twitching on back of l. hip at 9 P.M. Pain anteriorly in l. thigh, can hardly flex and extend legs. Hips and legs heavy all day. Knees weak.

Legs. Twitching of flesh of r. Sticking, and in feet. Pain anteriorly on touch; below knees on touch; in calves all night; in back part of l., extending to sole, (>) motion and open air, with sensation as if foot would go to sleep; intermittent, in a spot in r. calf, with soreness on hard pressure; deep-seated sore, in upper part of l. Scarpa’s triangle, (<) night, (>) sleep, returning on waking; numb, sleepy, extending to soles, (>) cold water and in open air. Calves lame and sore. Weakness; (<) l., which trembles; with soreness; legs and region of hips, with heaviness. Heaviness, (<) l.; H. at 9 P.M. Numbness of anterior muscles.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.