Homeopathy Remedy Physostigma

Respiratory Organs

      Cough from tickling in throat; in evening; C. till expectoration of a plug of white mucus, with irritation of r. bronchus; constant inclination to C. from filling lungs. Dyspnoea; at 10 P.M. Sighing; and yawning.


      Twitches across pectoral muscles. Sticking near apex of r. lung at 5 P.M., in l. breast all day, preventing a long breath. Pain in lungs, (<) l.; P. in r. side, in region of sixth and seventh ribs, at 7 P.M.; muscular, beneath clavicles, extending down inside of arms, at 3.45 P.M. L. lung cannot be filled, as the attempt causes pain in upper part, (>) pressure.


      Pain in region. Palpitation, with the nervous motions. Action regular after strong coffee; tumultuous when lying on l. side, (>) lying on back; heart and pulse feeble and tumultuously irregular.

Clinical Spasmodic action of the heart, with feeling of pulsation through the whole body, especially in the chest, the beats of the heart distinctly perceptible in the chest and head.


      Rapid; and full, strong; and small; then slow, feeble and thready; then slow, small and wiry, then slow, thready and difficult to count, then slow, thready, intermittent. Slow; and feeble; and feeble, afterwards could not be counted; and soft, compressible, with occasional intermissions. Full. R. side nearly double in strength to that of l. Could count it in carotid and hear two sounds of heart as my head lay upon the pillow. Variable; and full, strong. Feeble.


      Pain across nape at base of brain as if it were cutting the body off from the head, extending to back of throat, which was stiff and sore, in afternoon, with loss of power and sensation in occiput as if head would fall forward, then pain down nape, (<) the most prominent bone there and on each side of it, drawing whenever the head was turned. Pain in nape reaching to first dorsal vertebra; rheumatic, in l. side and l. shoulder; rheumatic, in l. side, with soreness. Inclination to “run the head out” from uneasiness in nape. Stiffness of l. side; of r. side, inability to move head, with drawing and tension; sudden, in r. side when taking the usual cold morning bath, extending during the day to r. shoulder and also to clavicle, which felt sore and was swollen over sterno-mastoid, (>)leaning head towards r. side, extending towards evening through r. lung, the pain in neck and shoulder at times caused nausea, sharp pain in r. ear, afterwards soreness of neck.


      Cramplike stitches up and down spine. Pain at 2 P.M.; down spine at 1 P.M., with stiffness and inclination to bend forward; with downward pressure and appearance of menses; with almost constant desire to urinate and copious reddish urine. Weakness, inability to stand erect. Sticking under inferior angles of scapulae during expiration. Pain in region of r. scapula and below it; deep under r. in afternoon when sitting; under l. after dinner.

Lumbar Region. Pain; in l. side of sacrum in afternoon and next morning; between hips at 6.30 P.M., with numbness in region of womb; in kidney region, causing restlessness all night; dragging, over l. hip in sleep the rest of the night after 3 A.M.; drawing, low down in back and in abdomen, with bearing down as if menses would appear, a week later the menses came on at the right time without the usual unpleasant premonitory symptoms; heavy, over l. hip, extending to back, in afternoon and evening, with bearing down as before menses. Bruised feeling in kidney region. Soreness; with heavy pains.


      Neuralgic stitches in muscles of knees and arms. Darting pains in joints, more in legs than in arms, extending up into body, pains in knees, (<) flexion. Pain; in joints of wrists, hands and knees. Bruised feeling in joints. Weariness, with constant desire to move them; W., with heaviness; W., or numbness. Pleasant numbness, as before the sleep of Opium or Morphia, at night when awake. Stiffness of joints at 9 P.M.

Upper Extremities

      Shooting in l. shoulder at 7 A.M. Rheumatic pain in l. shoulder at 8 P.M.; drawing, through l. Arm, uneasy pain in r.; uneasy pain in r. deltoid, preventing sleep the forepart of the night,(>) violent motion; sharp pain in l., then in r., involving shoulders; pains extending downward, with weakness of them; burning throbbing in l. arm and hands as if it had been out in the cold, at 11 A.M., with the sensation felt on coming to the fire, also a nervous, tremulous, weak feeling in arm; sudden constriction around l., above elbow; weakness; tired feeling and difficulty in lifting them; numbness of l. also at 7 P.M., and down ring finger.

Elbow. Darting pain in r. extending down outside or arm to the two middle fingers. Acute pain in l. and darts of pain thence to fourth and fifth fingers (these pains began in l. side of neck and elbow, extended thence to l. leg, locating in l. knee). Tingling pain (as from hitting the nerve) in r., extending down ulnar surface of forearm and into third finger.

Numbness of l. forearm at 5 P.M., with sticking down arm. Pain in wrists, with weakness; P. deep in muscles of r. forearm and wrist at 8 P.M., next day pain moving, gnawing deep in inner aspect of wrist, thence it ran up ulnar side of forearm to elbow, with desire to move the arm, which did not relieve; sharp, in l. wrist at 11 A.M., recurring frequently at 8 P.M.; in bone of r. wrist, as if squeezed and gradually let go, in afternoon. Stinging in r. knuckle from 2 till 4 P.M. Hands, trembling sensation; pain in dorsum of r.; weakness; numbness of l.; numbness at 11.30 A.M., (<) feeling pulse. Twinging in l. fingers. Darts of pain through r. thumb, at root of nail, at 3 A.M., less severe through r. finger-joints. Sharp pain in l. index.

Lower Extremities

      Staggering. Walking difficult. Could neither stand nor walk. Pain at 9 A.M.; twinging pain. Weakness at 6.30 P.M., coming from a spot in back between hips.

Thigh. Twitchings in lower third of vastus externus every time I sat down. Intermittent shooting in or near l. popliteal space. Thrusts in l., with aching down it. Cramplike pain in l. popliteal space, (<) walking, (>) rest, returned on motion, (>) continued motion. Aching in r. gluteals; in l. thigh and both knees about noon, after a few steps; in l. hip extending into groin, at 2 P.M. Stiffness in rectifemoris muscles in afternoon when walking; S. in hip and knee-joints; in l. hip at 2 P.M., next day at 9 A.M.; l. hip and r. knee at 6 and 9 P.M.; l. hip at 7 P.M.

Knee. Pain on outside; in patellae on descending stairs; numb, in knees and ankles when sitting, with desire to move frequently. Drawing in posterior cords of leg and knee at 6.30 P.M., (<) walking, especially up stairs. Weakness of r. at 9 A.M. Unsteady feeling from knees downward when walking, (<) shutting eyes, (>) exertion of the will, with weakness about ankles. (Better in morning).

Cramp in l. calf at night in bed. Gnawing in l. tibia. Intermittent constriction around l. leg above ankle. Weight in legs. Twinges of pain in ankle; in r. in-step. Cramp in l. foot in evening in a warm bath. Numbness of l. foot. Pain around r. great toe.


      Eruption about the size of flea-bites on back and arms. Itching of l. palm. Numbness ( from local application), with pricking.


      Yawning. Sleepiness; all day, with yawning; mornings when riding, such sudden falling asleep after dinner that he was surprised on waking to find that he had slept, the sleepiness (>) a few hours of hard exercise, he slept at night as well as if he had not slept in afternoon; at 8 A.M. when driving, with pressure encircling head; at 3 P.M., (>) sleep; (<) from morning till 2 P.M.; and sleep for two hours, but the mind was so active that I was not conscious of having been asleep. Sleep early in evening and prolonged next morning. Difficulty in arousing myself in morning. Heavy sleep, with tired feeling before rising. Frequent falling asleep and sudden waking, next night eyes scarcely closed in sleep, thoughts active, an idea started, kept on with unusual persistence.

Sleeplessness before midnight, then disturbed sleep. Awake for some time in a dreamy state. (Wakeful in evening, instead of drowsy as usual). Restlessness at night; restless sleep towards morning. Sleep disturbed, awake from 2 till 5 A.M., then deep sleep for an hour, on waking discomfort as if I had slept too sound, with pain on r. side of head and neck and stiff neck, cannot bear my pillow high. Dreams vivid, pleasant; horrid all night; that he was a lion; in afternoon, that my head was full and as if brain were revolving upward from frontal sinus to occiput and that I was almost blind, next day sleepiness at 9 A.M.


      Chilliness; at 8 P.M., with fever and frontal headache, next day at 10 A.M. hot and dry skin, (<) noon; in paroxysms; in back, with yawning and bruised feeling in joints, every draught of air caused shuddering, and the same bad feeling every time I moved; on r. side of back at noon. Chills creeping up back at 7 P.M.; at 2 P.M., with nausea; with feverishness. Chilliness in limbs, with vague discomfort; C. of hands, then heat and redness of them; of lower limbs in evening, with heat in face and down back, as when the sun shines directly upon you on a cold day. Cold and clammy skin.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.