Homeopathy Remedy Phosphoricum Acidum

Sleepless from 2 till 4 A.M.. from flow of ideas. Late falling asleep; and for several hours nothing but large ciphers before eye, (>) rising in bed. Waking at 1 A.M., with sad, solicitous thoughts; anxious W.; early W., and difficult falling asleep again. Restless in morning in bed; restless sleep, with dry heat. Laughing expression at one time, at another weeping, with distortion of the half-open eyes. Singing. Moaning; with half- open eyes, talking and jerking of hands. Biting of tongue. Starting up in fright as if he were falling into water or from a height.

Dreams – Lascivious, with emissions. Sleep full of D., with erections. Causing uneasiness. Full of strife, night restless. Fatiguing, working all night. Anxious, of dead people, with fear on waking. In part vexatious, in part indifferent, towards morning he places arms under head, then they fall asleep. Pleasant before midnight, fearful but little remembered after midnight. Vivid, shocking, unremembered; vivid, of feasting. Wonderful. EVery night, of the last thing that happened in the evening.


      Chilliness; towards evening; in evening on lying down, and heat on first waking, without thirst; in open air; waking her every night after an hour’s sleep, with drawing in limbs; sensitive to cold air; with cold creeping and palpitation; alternating with heat in evening, dry heat in face without redness, with chilliness, after the heat still more violent chill, cold creeping over whole body, sweat in sleep towards morning, if after waking he falls asleep again; trembling, in evening, next morning heat of face, dryness of mouth and sticking sore throat on swallowing.

Shaking chill in forenoon, with blue nails, tearing in wrists and paralytic weakness of arms; S. chill from afternoon till 10 P.M., then dry heat; an hour after eating, with cold fingers, after four hours heat, without thirst. Shivering in attacks in evening, then exhausting sweat at night; paroxysmal S. in forenoon, with blue, cold hands and dry palate, without special thirst; more internal S. than external coldness; alternating with heat, in evening; creeping s., then heat alternating with S.

Coldness on scalp; nose; r. upper arm; from malleoli to calves; feet in evening after lying down, with heat of head; hands on talking much, with heat of head; often internally in r. cheek, with internal warmth in l.; as from a cold wind on face, temples and forehead, with coldness of finger-tips.

Heat from 11 A.M. till 5 P.M., without thirst; general H. in evening, then a restless night; with sweat and thirst for water; internal, without thirst or redness of cheeks, with deep respiration and apprehension; dry, on going to sleep. Intolerance of heat. Catarrhal fever, with soreness of limbs and loss of taste.

Heat on side of frontal bone; on chest; here and there in arm and on shoulder; in tips of elbows; palms; feet and soles; soles and head; soles in morning; face in afternoon, without redness, but with thirst; cheeks and ears in evening before sleep; cheeks in evening on walking in open air, with flushes of heat in back; face at night; side of ace on which he was not lying; posterior femoral muscles, when standing, (>) walking; soles, with soreness between toes.

Sweat in morning; and heavy dreams of dead people and of being pursued; all night, with hot feet and forehead; about midnight and on waking, beginning on head, most profuse on chest; on exertion; on walking; on walking in open air, (<) genitals; in attacks when walking; on nape, (<) during sleep in the daytime; on forehead; cold.

Clinical Typhoid fever, with debility, stupor, diarrhoea, rattling mucus in the chest, deafness, etc. Typhoid fever, with quiet delirium, disconnected talking, inability to protrude the tongue or to articulate distinctly, tongue and lips dry, extremities cold, discharges involuntary. Typhoid fever, with panting respiration, dark blue circles around the eyes and mouth, nosebleed tympanitis, involuntary, undigested stools, red streak in the centre of the tongue, albuminuria, urine milky, temperature low.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.