Homeopathy Remedy Petroleum

Petroleum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Petroleum…

      A tincture is made by dissolving one part of the crude rock-oil in 99 parts of alcohol.

General Action

      Very complex and not clearly defined. Its nausea and occipital headache are marked; examine also its skin symptoms; it is generally allied to all the Carbons and the tissue remedies.

Allies. Sulph., Graphites; Tabacum, Colchicum, Pulsatilla


      Emaciation; with good appetite. Swelling began in feet, spread over abdomen and chest, disappeared, but returned, at the necropsy the body was extremely oedematous and the epidermis in places was extremely oedematous and the epidermis in place was raised in little blebs, dissection showed dropsy of the cavities and oedema of lungs, but no lesion to account for the dropsy, there were traces of fatty to account for the epithelium. Trembling in morning on rising. Convulsions; tetanic frightful pains at times followed by general rigidity with incessant cries, after ten minutes’ quiet the paroxysms returned with renewed violence, no liquid could be taken and six men could not hold the patient. Jerking together of body in evening in bed when awake.

Stitches here and there. Pain (>) lying; sprained P. in arms, chest and back in forenoon; sharp jerking, in one or another part; weary, in shoulders, spine and loins; drawing, here and there in bones; drawing, in r. arm, then in head. Frequent drawing in trunk. Indescribable feeling of sickness, with anxiety. Tremulous tension through whole body, with apprehension, ill humor and cracking in joints. Affected by a slight vexation, taste bitter, appetite lost, a short walk then affects her, she has frequent diarrhoea, orgasm of blood on falling asleep, eructation, nausea, restless sleep, next morning trembling and waving through whole body, diarrhoea and internal misery, so that tears stood in her eyes. Takes cold easily, which causes faintness. Aversion to open air when walking. Everything seems too hard when sitting and lying. Restless; at night.

Heaviness of feet and of whole body. Indolence; with heaviness of limbs. Weakness; in morning; in morning in bed, with bruised feeling in limbs; in morning on rising; after a walk; during menses; after stool, with vertigo, vanishing of vision and necessity to close eyes in order to recover himself; (<) evening on lying down, with bruised feeling in limbs; (>) eating; with trembling and intolerable sensation as before severe illness; of body, with heaviness of lower limbs; so that limbs were painful; so that she fell asleep when sitting; nervous, after a short walk. Faintness in morning on entering the house, he felt sick, heat mounted to face, a veil seemed to come before the eyes, compression in temples. Amelioration at noon.

Clinical General relief from warm air.


      Excitement. Extravagant and exaggerated condition, with internal trembling, then despondency. Imagined that some one was lying never him. Arose up and got out of bed. Violent, offended at trifles. Irritable; and indolent. Quarrelsome; in morning on walking; and lachrymose. The child become fierce and uncontrollable. Inclined to be angry every morning. Discontented with everything, Constant complaints. Irresolute. Little ambition weeping at trifles; F. of death. Anxiety at the noise of a crowd. Dejected; in morning, and quiet, with dim vision; when walking in open air, and inattentive to intellectual conversation or other diversions; with feverish condition; with sick feeling of weakness of heart.

Clinical A peculiar fancy that another person is sick in the same bed has been verified in many cases of low fever, for instance, in puerperal fever there was a delusion that there were two sick babies and she cold not take care of both (compare Bap).

Forgetful; and disinclined to think. Impairment of powers. Loss of power of thought; of will power. Cannot easily free himself from the subject on which he is talking. Stupidity caused by a little wine at dinner. Unconscious; partly, all day. Comatose.


      Sticking jerking on stooping and walking, obliging her to stand still every few minutes, Sticking; and heat. Tearing in evening. Pinching. Boring Aching; every morning; every morning on rising; in morning, (>) breakfast; from morning till evening, with drawing towards forehead, together with chill till noon; in evening after walking in open air; at night, (<) above eyes; on stooping; from talking cold, with lachrymation, inflammation of throat, cough and coryza; with pain in teeth and tantrums of upper jaw; with nausea. Distress as if everything were alive and twisting about, with dread of work. Screwing-together sensation. Compression of brain. Constriction; on coughing, with sticking in chest. Tension; of dura mater, with pulling; of dura mater, with Dullness.

Dullness as if enveloped in a fog. Confusion after eating a little, with vertigo; C. from the customary smoking; C., with general discomfort. Heaviness in morning, (<) stooping and sewing, with fulness and heat. Beating. Trembling, waving and roaring in H. and ears, as from rush of blood. Rush of blood after dinner; feeling of rush of blood on rapid motion, that causes a stitch through brain. Vertigo; in evening, with roaring in ears; in evening in bed, (<) lying with head low, with nausea; on stooping and on rising from a seat; on stooping, with nausea; after dinner; on rising from lying down, while lying heat in face; often when walking; obliging him to stoop forward, (<) standing, (>) lying with pallor, nausea, slow pulse, eructations, yawning, loss of appetite and pressure in abdomen.

Forehead. Sticking in morning on walking, soon extending over occiput; throbbing S. above one eye. Pain, with sticking over eyes; P. the last part of the day and night; worse during nausea nausea, (>) nosebleed; drawing, with sticking above eyes. Pulsating waving (<) forehead, as head would burst, (>) motion.

Cramplike pain in l. temple. Drawing in r. temple, even during a nap; cramplike, in temples, also in l., with pressure; pinching, extending up to l. temple. Jerking stitches on vertex extending into head, in evening, then persistent pressure in it. Bruised pain as if vertex were soft. Pressure on vertex, with vertigo. Suppurative pain in l. side; in side on touch. Headache on r. side, inability to open eyes or hold head upright, necessity to lie down.

Sticking in l. side of occiput in afternoon. Pinching in occiput. Pressure in occiput; in morning, with sticking Leaden heaviness in O. (Chelidonium). Throbbing in O. all day; when lying upon it. Vertigo in O. as if she would fall forward, (<) raising eyes. Falling of hair. Soft swellings, painful on touch. papules. Bruised pain in scalp. Scalp numb, like wood. Itching; and after scratching sore pain.

Clinical Neuralgic headache beginning in occiput and extending forward. Occipital headache extending to vertex, with vertigo, stiffness of neck, swelling of muscles; rapid motion of the hands seems to relieve the pain. Vertigo in the occiput, with general feeling numbness, stiffness and nausea. Occipital headache, with nausea, especially in seasickness.


      Dim. Sunken. Glistening. Staring and glassy; S. wildly about. Rolled up occasionally. Twitching. Stitches; and itching; with lachrymation, itching S. and burning. Cutting on exerting them by reading. Pressure, (<) evening by the light; P. as from sand; throbbing P. in r. Painful drawing i r. extending into ear, with loss of hearing in r. ear. Biting; as from smoke. Burning; and pressure, and on exerting them dimness. Feeling as if they would be distorted. Weakness. Lachrymation; in open, not cold air. Much water presses out of both canthi.

Pupils contracted; and insensible to light; dilated, with l. eye he cannot distinguish letters at a shot distance, at a great distance they are distinct, but small. Conjunctivitis and blepharadenitis. Inflamed swelling in inner canthus, like an incipient lachrymal fistula, with dryness of r. side of nose. Papules on lids. Trembling and twitching on lids; twitching of r. Blinking and winking. Sticking from outer canthus towards inner. Biting in lids. Itching of lids; of lower, with dryness. Lids cannot be opened in morning, vision misty. Burning in inner canthus, with pressure. Sticking in brows, with beating. Far- sighted. Photophobia. Vision disturbed; V. weak an misty; double; of sparks; of blacks spots that prevent reading; flickering; twitching before eyes in evening; floating and twitching of objects, (>) fixing eyes upon then; of flickering and back figures.

Clinical Inflammation of the margins of the lids. Inflammation of the Lachrymal canal. Lachrymal fistula.


      Thin, yellowish discharge, more copious from l. Swelling of meatus; inflamed and painful. Sticking; and ticking, then stiffness in articulation of jaw as if l. would crack. Tearing in r. Cutting in l. Pain, with heat; P externally; cramplike, in r.; jerking, in l.; painful drawing and jerking in r. Cramplike drawing i r. Bubbling. Itching within l., with bloody discharge. Something seemed to come before it on eructating, so that he could not hear. Diminished hearing; with roaring as of wind. Ringing. Cracking at times. Singing; during means, with roaring. Roaring and pain; R. in l. evenings, like the rushing of water, with at times cracking in it. Noises, at one time as of a clock, at another as of a waterfall.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.