Homeopathy Remedy Paris Quadrifolia


      Mucus without inclination to expectorate it. Sticking in l.; in nipple during inspiration; frequent, through lungs; in r. extending into r. clavicle and in to a r. molar and lastly into r. calf. Cutting in r. side near ensiform cartilage, midway between back and sternum, alternation with sticking. Drawing cutting in l. side above diaphragm in evening when lying on l. side, extending into abdomen, then cutting through small intestines to entrance of true pelvis, where it disappeared, but at the same time appeared again in chest, gradually. lying on back, with difficult, superficial respiration. Biting gnawing on sternum. Pain in r. side; pulsating P. in a spot beneath l. nipple, with sticking on touch.

Clinical Neuralgia beginning in l. intercostal region and extending into l. arm, which becomes stiff, with clenching of the fingers and with in the nape.

Heat and Pulse

      Pinching in heart and lungs, and when stooping it seemed as if a stone as if a stone were upon the back. Palpitation in evening. Pulse slower then usual.


      Cramp in l. sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. Tearing in muscles of N. and nape. Paralytic pain in l. side of nape on turning head to that side. Stiff and swollen feeling if turned around. Weight upon nape. Tension in muscles of N. and nape, so that the head was almost involuntarily drawn forward.


      Stitches through and through both sides of B. and nape; extending into B. when sitting; close to spine, between four last r. ribs, (<) inspiration; beneath l. scapula; between scapula, as if in bones; pulselike, in coccyx. Tearing in coccyx when sitting.

Clinical Neuralgia of the spine, pain located about the sixth cervical vertebra, extending upward, and downward to the shoulders, with weight, numbness and heat, with soreness of the top of the head so that he cold not brush his, heaviness of eyelids etc. Neuralgia of the coccyx, a pulsating when sticking when sitting, with pain between the scapulae.


      Sticking, (<) evening. Cramplike twinging in joints. Tearing in r. elbow and malleolus. Sensation in joints on motion as if broken, and on stretching them out as if they had been pressed in, on turning about sensation as if swollen and sprained. Several tendons are sore to touch. Heaviness in evening, with internal coldness.

Upper Extremities

      Tearing in l. shoulder; in shoulders extending into fingers. Burning in l. shoulder as in bone. Heaviness of arms; of r. Drawing in upper arm. Tearing in r. forearm. Pain in forearm as if he had been writing a long time, (<) hanging arm down. Cramplike pain above l. wrist. Trembling of hands. Sticking in l. palm. Tearing in r. palm. Drawing in metacarpal bones. Sticking on back of index; bubbling S. in bone of index. Tearing in thumb; in l. index; in first joint of r. middle finger. Pain like suppuration or like congestion of blood in tip of middle finger. Drawing pain in thumb and index. Drawing deep in middle finger. Paralytic sensation in finger-joint in arm and in other joint. Fingers often feel asleep.

Lower Extremities

      Drawing; paralytic, in r. Sticking in l. nates; paroxysmal, in r. hip. Tearing in hip-joints; suddenly in r. hip when sitting; on outer side of r. thigh extending to heel, when sitting. Gnawing in posterior surface of thigh. Pain in r. hip-joint when walking, and if when walking he puts the l. foot to the ground while the r. is extending backward to its farthest point, just before bringing it forward there is drawing in r. hip-joint as if the foot were pulled backward. drawing on inner side of l. thigh.

Tearing in l. knee. Cramplike pain about r. patella, not (>) motion. Pain along tendons of r. popliteus when standing. Painful tension in r. knee only when resting part of his weight upon it while bent. Tearing in calves. Drawing in lower end of tibia in bed. Sticking in l. inner malleolus when sitting; rhythmical S. in ankles. Tearing in r. external malleolus. Paralytic pain in l. ankle as if ligaments were relaxed. Numb pain in inner malleolus. Drawing in external malleolus.

Sticking on back of r. foot; in sole transversely across balls of toes. Tearing in sole; in r. heel and thence along outer margin of foot to little toe. Pinching on back of foot. Paralytic pain in l. sole on stepping upon it. Drawing in os calcis. Weariness of feet when walking, with trembling. Jerking in r. great toe in evening when sitting. Sticking in forepart of r. great toe. Tearing in r. great toe when sitting. Drawing burning beneath toes, (<) evening.


      Red curved stripe above navel. along anterior line of ribs, with pain, (<) middle. Red, itching tetter like millet-seeds, on cheek and on ramus of jaw, painful on rubbing and scratching. Itching pimples, painful after scratching, on r. side of chin; on metacarpal bones of r. index and middle fingers; dry pimples above l. brow, with itching biting, the biting (<) scratching, and then sticking; pimples on forehead. painful on touch. Pustules with red areola, outside of red of upper lip; beneath nose.

Soreness on touch. Crawling in places; C. on heel; on inner surface of hand, almost as if asleep. Itching biting on l. side of lower jaw and beneath its l. margin in evening before sleep, with burning, and in morning bloody pimples like millet-seeds, that had been scratched open. Itching here and there; I. on coccyx.


      Yawning; in afternoon, with sleepiness; with sleepiness. Sleepiness during the day; in evening; after dinner, and sleep with restless dreams. restless sleep. Short, broken sleep. At night on waking he thought to find himself in a strange and solitary place. Sleep full of dreams. Anxious dreams all night. Voluptuous dreams in afternoon, with profuse emission and hard erection.


      Coldness in evening on lying down; in evening and forenoon, as if he trembled internally; as if all internal parts were drawn together by the cold and they trembled back and forth. Creeping shivering. Shivering in chest, abdomen and lower limbs, with gooseflesh, yawning and cold feet; S. in lower limbs, with contracted sensation in skin while abdomen, upper limbs and feet are warm. Cold skin in spots. Coldness of whole r. half of body; of feet, (<) night; of fingers as if dead at one time, with color as if dead, at another time heat of them.

Heat; with sweat; with anxiety; flushing, after a light dinner with sweat on back and forehead, then shivering in back, with redness of face and dry burning; of upper part of body, with sweat of it and with increased full pulse; in face; H. and sweat on head after breakfast, with nausea; intermittent, in nape extending down back in evening. Sweat; on walking about 3 A.M.; biting itching in morning on walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.