Homeopathy Remedy Oxytropis Lamberti

Oxytropis Lamberti homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Oxytropis Lamberti…

      A tincture is made of the entire plant. This is one of the family of “Loco” weeds of the western plains, which have proved so poisonous to horses; there seems no doubt that, like its ally, the Lathyrus (chick-pea), of Europe, it produces congestion of the spine and paralysis, possibly also convulsions. Allies. Physostig., Lathyrus.


      Pains come and go quickly, about muscles stay sore and stiff after the pain is gone; P in helix of l. ear for two or three minutes, then between eyes, went up over head and down to base of brain, heavy aching in lumbar region for a short time, pain across base of brain, gone in a minute, next down inside of l. leg from groin to knee; frequent fine P. all over body, (>) 3 P.M.

Sick, exhausted feeling at 10.30 A.M. Languid all the forenoon. No life. Feeling Fall when standing. Inability to move around on account of uncertain feeling of numbness, with prickling in l. arm and hand. Aggravation of any symptom from thinking of it; A on alternate days; from eating. Amelioration after sleep; after stool; from motion and going into cool, open air.


      Disinclination to talk, study, or study, or work, desire to be alone. Sadness; all day; on rising, with weariness. Weak, cannot

study with the usual vigor, forgetful. Forgetful of words and names. Less able to concentrate thoughts.


      Aching; from 2 till 4 P.M.; from 2 till 5 P.M. Pressure, (>) sleep; (<) moving legs, with strange sensation in it; with heavy pain and with pain in eyeball. Full, uncomfortable feeling; F., with heat of head, coldness of feet and instability when standing or sitting. Vertigo, with uncertainty of gait. Pain over r. eye. dullness in frontal region obliging me to lie down. Weight in forehead on waking, gradually increasing till 2 P.M., then gradually decreasing. Pain in vertex and occiput in forenoon, over eyeballs about 12 P.M. Sensitiveness of the side on which I lie. Pain as if a weight were attached to lower edge of occiput.


      Dull feeling. Pupils dilated. Vision blurred. When reading it seems as if a light were reflected from a bright copper plate seem at the felt side, as if the light were at end of the room.


      Pressure over bridge. Feels as if sunburnt, red and shiny, (<) alae. Dryness and scabs. Fluent coryza in evening, with sneezing; bloody, fluent C.

Ears and Face

      Roaring in ears. Pain in l. lower jaw.

Mouth and Throat

      Tenderness of molars. Gumboil on l. lower gum. Dryness of mouth, (<) morning. Salivation. Taste metallic. in morning on waking; T. greasy., Throat sore; and dry. Inflammation of pharynx, “husky” feeling.

Stomach and Abdomen

      Appetite increased; lost. Eructations as if I had taken soda- water; empty E. Nausea in forenoon on lying down, (>) rising, returning on lying down again; intermittent N. all day. Soreness of stomach. Epigastric region tender at 10 P.M. Lancinations through abdomen in evening. Sharp pain running across A from r. to l. Colic, with looseness of bowels (constipation was marked when I began). Griping in umbilical region working down, at 8 P.M. then discharge of flatus at 10 P.M.

Rectum and Stool

      Sore feeling rectum. Crawling in rectum. Urging,(>) emission of flatus. Stools slipping from anus like lumps of jelly; and mushy, of carrion smell; and sphincters seemed relaxed. Stool hard and unsatisfactory; hard at first, then diarrhoeic. Stool dark brown. S. frequent; omitted.

Urinary Organs

      Urging always on thinking of it urine profuse, light colored, of strong odor. Urine profuse; and clear like water; and dark. Urine scanty and looking like that of a child troubled with worms, light red, stain on bottom of vessel; scanty, with irritation, muscles of bladder seem to contract.

Sexual Organs

      Intermittent pain in glans. Bruised pain in testicles extending along spermatic cord and thigh; B. feeling after going to bed, beginning in r. testicle and extending to l, Desire diminished; lost, almost impotent.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

      Mucus in larynx, hard to cough up. Dry cough from any exercise. Breathing short and quick on account of full feeling in abdomen, after lying down. Pain in upper part of r. lung. Oppression of lungs at 9 P.M. Tightness across chest in morning, with hacking cough. Warm tingling under skin of l. side of chest.

Heart and Pulse

      Pain over heart like a wave Palpitation after lying down at night. Pulse 84, intermittent, at 2 P.M.

Neck and Back

      Pain in nape and stiffness in Muscles. Sore feeling in r. muscles of neck. Back weak. Pain in kidneys, (<) r., with tenderness; heavy P. in kidneys on waking.


      Stitches in r. leg and knee and r. wrist in forenoon, leaving tired feeling in joints, flesh on under side of these limbs felt sore all the afternoon. Cutting running from point of shoulder down front of chest to point hip-bone. Sharp pain in l. shoulder extending down arm, (<) around shoulder joint, lasting till after sleep; in l., extending down arm, with coldness. Rheumatic pain in shoulder and arm; intermittent, at lower end of l. radius. Pain streaking along ulnar nerve from tip of fourth finger. Flesh of arms and hands feet as if I had taken a heavy cold Gait uncertain. Weakness of knees; of l., with rheumatic pain. Pain in l. great of toe-joint.


      Twitching of all muscles just as I would go to sleep. Frequent waking. Did not sleep well, dreamed, woke at 4 A.M. feeling stupid and weary. Dream of spiders, bugs, etc.; D. pleasant; lascivious.


      Chilliness all day, with sweat of feet and axillae, sensitiveness to cold air; C. between shoulders going down to feet at 11.40 A.M., stomach feels cold, repetition of all pains, also peculiar crawling in bowels like a contraction of muscles, (<) around navel, as chill goes off smarting in throat and feeling as if lungs and bronchi would shut, breathing hard, C. passed of about 1 P.M. with sweat of palms and soles, changeable pain until 3 P.M., no thirst, at 1.30 grasping pain in l. ovary for an hour, pain in abdomen as before stool, stool thin, yellow, felt bad at the same time for three days, then for four weeks on every seventh day had a chill with all the symptoms recorded, after the first chill cold feeling in spine for eight weeks.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.

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