Homeopathy Remedy Osmium

Dyspnoea; one day better, the other day worse; almost asphyxia, with dry skin and temperature 40.6 C. Respiration difficult, whistling.

Clinical Acute laryngitis, with cough, efforts to vomit and increased secretion of stringy mucus. Spasmodic cough, with great efforts to expectorate, but he has to swallow the mucus.


      Moist rales on breathing and in larynx. Wandering, pneumonia. Sticking near l. lower rib. Pain beneath sternum on coughing, extending to sides of chest, with burning soreness, after coughing long lumps of yellow, tenacious mucus were loosened. Rawness provoking hawking and hacking cough. Oppression; (>) deep inspiration, with difficult respiration as if lungs were collapsed and could not get air enough. Tightness, dread of breathing, sore pain when air enters. lungs. Dryness.




      Pain in lumbar region; in sacral region; peculiar, extending from scapula to sacral region, (<) motion and cough.


      Heaviness and weariness, (<) knees. Pulsation stinging on inner side of r. shoulder-joint. Pinching above l. elbow, inwardly and on inner posterior side. Pain in middle of l. humerus, then in l.

fingers; in bone of l. elbow; paralytic, deep in radius, (<) lifting anything or allowing hand to hang down. Pinching in bones of r. forearm. Burning pressure on outer side of r. forearm. Drawing on inside or r. forearm. Pain in bones of l. wrist in morning after stool; p. in r. index.(<) phalanx, stinging and twitching towards tip, in forenoon. Stabbing in tips of l. gingers and thumb; in attacks, in finger-tips, (<) l. Burning pain in l. ring finger.

Lower Extremities

      Sudden pain in hip-joint as if it would be dislocated, preventing walking. Ulcerative pain in l. leg and gluteal muscles. Fulness in legs and feet; in legs at 9 P.M., with restlessness in them so that he has to lie down. Legs almost insensible. Pinching in ankles. Pain in r. ankle. Flying cutting in bones and joints of r. foot. Pinching in bones of l. heel, then r.


      Fold remains attached to growing nail, (<) r. side and mostly middle finger. Red spots on back of hands. Face red, tender, covered with pimples with watery heads, then pimples on knuckles, gradually spreading over hands and arms, later hands and forearms covered with red, slightly raised circular or elliptical patches, covered with concentric scabs, resembling later stage of herpes iris, most of patches deeply fissured, patches irritable, (<) morning on rising and at night on undressing, papules on neck.

Redness of hands and arms, with swelling and itching pimples, gradually becoming vesicular, on face, neck and forearms patches of vesicles on an elevated base, the latter hard, brawny and pitting on pressure, towards the edges the patches consist of one or two vesicles on the summit of a large pimples, contents of vesicles watery, occasional cracking of affected skin and constant oozing, the itching makes him irritable.

Eruption on forearms, head and side of face. Exanthema on forearms, hands and cheeks. Eczematous rash on face and upper limbs. Prickly heat disappears on upper half of body and increases on lower, first on thigh, then on leg, then on ankle. Red-brown papules on forearm and hand, with desquamation. Itching, pointed vesicles, with red areola, on back of l. hand, between thumb and index (where six years before scabies had broken out) and on ulnar margin of l. hand, from metacarpal joint to phalanges of little finger, and on outer surface of wrist, on r. head itching, but no vesicles.

Burning stitches in many places, (<) r. upper lid and at inner border of nail of l. fourth finger. Itching on legs, and ankles; in spots near l. hip, 3 till 4 A.M., when erections return; above crest of l. ilium, with redness and pointed spots as if tetter would appear; as from crawling insects, on shoulders and back in evening on going to bed, it scarcely permits sleep.


      Sleepiness; overpowering. Sleepless. Restless sleep; with painful dreams. Sleep heavy, interrupted by nightmare. Dreams of fire, confused, but not frightful. Unremembered dreams of activity and of serious and important events.


      Shivering, (<) back. Fever, with difficult respiration; F., with hot and dry skin. Sweat in axilla, smelling of garlic, (<) evening and night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.