Homeopathy Remedy Magnolia Grandiflora

Magnolia Grandiflora homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Magnolia Grandiflora…

      A tincture is made of the flowers of the Mexican Magnolia grandiflora, L. (the Yolotxochitl).

General Action

      Apparently it acts upon the heart and peripheral circulation similarly to its very near ally, cactus. Compare also amyl nit. and the whole “vascular” group.


      Contusive pains in all parts; rheumatic p. in different parts. (>) morning by rising. Prickling in whole body. Soreness (>) exercise. Heaviness as from want of sleep. Weakness; with loss of consciousness a to actions, defective hearing and sensation as if everything were at a great distance. Aversion to motion; to going out. Stiffness from slightest exposure to draught of damp air; S. (>) dry weather; causing sleeplessness, with pain in heart and apprehension. Amelioration of cardiac and rheumatic pains generally in morning, sometimes after rising; of pain in dry weather.

Clinical Pain of various kinds in different parts, (<) joints, constantly changing places. Muscular and articular rheumatism.


      Apprehensiveness; that she will die. Nervous, easily frightened, illusions and hallucinations and hallucinations of sight, with sharp pains in eyes. Repugnance to all occupation. Impatience. Ill humor, with burning in hands. Sadness. Despondency. Uneasiness. Confusion; and Dullness. Debility, with loss of appetite, also with burning in hands and feet. Memory weak; lost.


      Lancinations; (<) l. side; after eating; and in r. ear. Aching, with griping in abdomen; A., with flushes of heat; congestive, throbbing. Vertigo in evening, (>) going to bed, with goneness at stomach; V., with flushing of face; with dislike for physical labor; beginning with blurring of sight; as from seasickness; causing loss of appetite. Pain in temples on bending forward; P. in l. temple. Migraine. Pain in occiput and upper dorsal region; in O. as from a blow. Weight in occiput.


      Pain from sunlight; sharp P., with nervousness and with visions. Lids heavy; sensation in lids as after weeping. Vision weak; blurred.


      Lancinations in l. traveling to shoulder. Pain in r.; in r. in morning; sharp in l., sharp, traveling to throat.


      Lancinations in joints. Pain in r. side; in joints; in joints, (<) pressure, also impeding opening of mouth; sharp, going to ear.


      Pain (>) tepid water. Shooting in teeth. Soreness of teeth, impeding mastication.


      Fauces red. pain; on turning head; waking him frequently at night. Constriction; (<) r. side; (<) bending forward. Burning; and dryness; with pain in pit of stomach and often extending to abdomen; preventing sleep. Sensation of mucus, with fruitless attempts to remove it. Difficult swallowing; of saliva.


      Appetite lost after vertigo; lost, with lassitude. Sensation as from hunger, with acidity. Nausea in morning on rising, (>) breakfast; N. as from tobacco. Pain; with languor; with griping in intestines; extending to hypochondria; as from a blow; rapid, pulsating, and in l. side of abdomen; burning, extending to chest. Emptiness; with general lassitude, vertigo and nausea.


      Flatulence. Griping; with ineffectual desire for stool. Pain; from pressure; with diarrhoea; in hypochondria, with suffocation; alternately in spleen and heart; Contusive, in liver and spleen, extending to stomach; in hypogastrium; in l. groin. Lancinations in liver. Constriction of liver and spleen.

Sexual Organs

      Congestion of l. ovary, with pain extending to l. thigh. Thick white or yellow leucorrhoea, with straining when urinating, also with constipation. Bloody flow in interval between menses. Menses delayed; M. pale and scanty; of coagulated blood for two days, then intermission for eight days, then normal; painful; preceded by pain in small of back, hypogastrium and thighs, with headache, flushes of heat to face, nausea and chill.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarse. Dry cough during the day, (>) night by going, to bed. Suffocation; when walking fast; when lying on l. side; after a meal, with desire for pandiculations; with uneasiness; in paroxysms.


      Stitches in sides; r. side. Lancinations in r. side. Pain anteriorly; P., with emptiness of stomach and lassitude; with suffocation and headache; in r. side, with suffocation; rheumatic, in r. clavicle; rheumatic, in r. side, then in heart, causing fear of death, with general coldness; contusive, with headache; erratic, in sides. Constriction as from a band just beneath axilla. Tired feeling. Stiffness of sides; S. as from exposure to a draught, when overheated.

Clinical Rheumatic pains in clavicles.


      Stitches; waking him frequently. Pain mornings on rising; in morning on deep breathing; when lying on l. side; on deep breathing; with fear; with lassitude; with itching of feet; extending to back; acute; alternating with P. in l shoulder; rheumatic, and in l. shoulder. Soreness after disappearance of pain. Sensation as if it had stopped beating.

Clinical In cardiac affections, faintness in stomach, with mental and physical debility, vertigo, nausea as from tobacco, fear, frequent breathing, palpitation, suffocation, numbness of l. upper limb, restless sleep and frequent waking as if frightened. In valvular disease of the heart, with lassitude, difficult breathing from pain in heart, fear of death, pain in region of heart and cold sensation in whole body. In endocarditis, pain in cardiac region extending to l. shoulder and sometimes to back; in endocarditis, articular rheumatism and crampy pain in heart alternating with lancinations. Pain in heart, with suffocation, constriction of throat, pericarditis, general rheumatism. In cardiac hypertrophy, constriction of throat. In aortic aneurism, Crampy pain in heart; dry cough, nausea, with vertigo and angina pectoris.


      Weak and frequent.


      Weight, with tiredness of spine. Stiffness and contusive pain; S. and tiredness, and in back.


      Stitches in r. side. Pain, and in l. side of chest; in dorsal and sacral regions; burning; tingling burning, as from overexertion of arms; sharp, in sacrum; sharp, in lumbar region. Tiredness impeding motion.

Clinical Rheumatic pains in back, also when alternating with similar pains in different parts.


      Sharp, erratic or rheumatic pains. Lancinations anteriorly in elbow and popliteal spaces. Sprained pain in joints. Alternating pains in joints. Tired. Stiff. Pain in l. upper, with weakness; P. in l. shoulder extending to heart; from l. shoulder to l. ear. Stinging in arms. Arms weak. Rheumatic pains in wrists. Uneasiness in hands, compelling constant rubbing. Sharp pain in metacarpal joint of r. thump. Stiffness of lower. Rheumatic pains in lower; in thighs, with uneasiness in l. leg; in l. knee; in tibia; soles. Pain in hip; in thighs in morning on rising, (>) noon, with tiredness; in legs, with tiredness. Legs tired as after running.

Clinical Shooting in all limbs; shooting from thighs to feet. Muscular rheumatism o l. arm.


      Itching; of feet; general, sometimes with uneasiness of legs.


      Yawning during the day, with sleepiness. Sleepless early in morning. Extravagant dreams.


      Chill in afternoon, then fever lasting into night; erratic C. Heat; with burning in throat and headache; flushing, with sweat; of hands; hands and feet; upper limbs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.