Homeopathy Remedy Lilium Tigrinum


      Congestion in forenoon. Flushed; in afternoon, (<) forehead, with heat and with pricking in skin of forehead; l. cheek red in morning on waking, and externally hot. Pain in r. cheek (malar?) bone, with stoppage of r. nostril and feeling in head as before a cold; P. in l. cheek, extending into ear and temple; in r. jaw, with elongated feeling in teeth.


      Darting pain from l. teeth to ear. Neuralgia from l. upper teeth to ear. Grumbling in hollow teeth. Tongue coated yellowish-white in patches. Mouth and throat feel coated on waking in night. Saliva abundant. Bloody taste in afternoon; peculiar T.; foul, (>) eating.


      Enlargement of r. tonsil, with exudation. Soreness and dryness. Feeling of a lump, with pulsations when lying.


      Appetite great, especially for meat; great for dinner and supper; great, as if in back, extending to occiput and over vertex. Desire for sour or sweet dainties alternating with disgust for food. Appetite lost; for breakfast. Aversion to coffee; and bread. Thirst; then stupidity and despondency, then the severe symptoms. Eructations. Hiccough. Nausea; from the usual cigar, with waterbrash; with inability to vomit; with pain in back; with fulness in abdomen, (<) across hips and in region of uterus; with sensation of a lump in centre of chest moved down by empty swallowing, but ascending after the effort was over; constant, with frequent hawking of mucus; coming and going suddenly; sweetish, (<) eating, with fulness in abdomen. Vomiting of chyme, then of yellow mucus, the same as nasal discharge, at last bloody vomiting.

Distention, with eructations and emissions of flatus; flatulent D. of S. and abdomen in evening, with rumbling. Sensation of a hard body rolling around in it, (>) night. Fulness after eating, with pressure upward. Heaviness. Discomfort in S. and abdomen after 2 P.M. Empty feeling in S. and abdomen. Faintness at epigastrium, with tasteless eructations.


      Distention; in forenoon, and of chest. Distended feeling after morning stool and after eating; feels D., but is not. Flatulency; in morning, with bloated feeling in abdomen after stool. Flatulent movements. Rumbling; at night. Emissions of flatus; violent, at night. Cutting at 8 P.M., (>) Nux. Griping; after diarrhoea; at 3 P.M., (<) till evening, then free bilious stool, then acrid feeling and irritation in anus and rectum, next day symptoms (>) free stool, then acrid smarting in anus, and at 8 A.M. again griping, with heat and pain in and across forehead at 5 P.M., (<) evening and night, as before (>) 8 A.M. by a loose stool, then irritation as from a hot acrid spray in anus and rectum, then every morning after rising diarrhoea and the acrid feeling in rectum and anus. Pain all night, (<) r. side, with rumbling; P. (>) soft dark stool. Grumbling. Dragging downward, extending to organs of chest. Soreness; in morning on pressure; of muscles just before stool, (>) during stool. Burning in A. and ovaries in morning. At night sensation as before diarrhoea. Trembling sensation, with coldness; T., with weakness; T. and weakness of A. and anus. Discomfort; (<) r. side.

Bubbling in r. hypochondrium. Lancinations from l. hypochondrium to crest of ilium. Sharp pain between r. hip and false ribs in forenoon, (<) deep breathing, ceasing suddenly; in r. H., (<) motion. Rumbling in l. side. L. side sore to pressure. Heaviness in l. side.

Hypogastrium. Rumbling, (<) r. side. Bloated feeling around hips and in region of uterus. Stinging in l. groin or ovarian region, with fulness and voluptuous itching in vagina. Griping as before diarrhoea, with restless, weary feeling, then four loose stools, lasting three days, with languor. Cramplike, pain from os pubis through to rectum in morning on waking, (>) stool. Intermittent sharp pain near bladder. Pain and heat; P. in r. iliac region, (>) motion; burning P. from groin to groin. Drawing in l. groin; in r. groin after 2 P.M.; painful, about l. groin, extending to pubis. Feeling as if menses were coming on, two weeks too soon Trembling sensation in pelvis, extending down thighs.

Bearing down pains in hypogastrium, (<) walking, with weight low down in vagina; bearing down (>) walking in open air and riding, with constant desire for stool, but with every effort at stool only urine was discharged, sensation as if a hard body pressed backward and downward against rectum and anus, the desire for stool (<) standing (see Podophyllum, Sulphur, Aloes); in pubes and genitals, (<) from 3 to 5 P.M., (>) before 8 P.M., with burning and with pressure on bladder, urine scanty and high-colored, she could urinate every quarter of an hour; in pelvis, (<) afternoon and till midnight; in pubes after supper. Pulling downward and backward from anterior superior spinous processes of ilia. Sensation in pelvis as if everything were coming through vagina; this dragging is felt as high as stomach and shoulders, (<) standing, not (>) lying, with disposition to press hypogastrium upward, next day (<) riding, third day when walking sensation as if everything were pressing down in pelvis, so that she inhales forcibly in order to draw up the chest and relieve the pelvis.

Rectum and Anus

      Pressure on r.; and on bladder; urging, then pressure downward in abdomen and anus when at stool, feeling as before diarrhoea, but with every effort only scanty urine could be discharged. Anus stiff and painful, with painful drawing through forehead and eyes. Pressure in perineum.


      Diarrhoea in morning, with acrid smarting, then weakness and trembling; every morning on rising, with griping in abdomen and rasping in anus and rectum; in morning on rising, with acrid smarting of whole alimentary canal; after eating, with flatus; dark brown, frequent, the first hurrying her; bilious, copious, sudden and peremptory, every day after dinner, with burning in rectum and anus, and tenesmus, then exhaustion. Several S. during the day, alternately solid and loose, with constant urging from a feeling as if something pushed against the anus anteriorly, next day constant tenesmus and every half hour a small lumpy, diarrhoeic stool, with wind and with burning in urethra. Constipation. Hard and dark, then heat in rectum and anus and pain in abdomen. Dark and offensive; and large; and powerful, in morning on rising, then acrid sore sensation extending into middle of bowels. Yellow, afterwards bloody. Two in one day. Difficult. (Compare symptoms of stool with Podophyllum, Aloes and Sulph).

Urinary Organs

      Constant desire, urine scanty, then smarting and tenesmus; constant D. at night. Frequent desire through the day, with scanty discharge and irritation and smarting in urethra after every discharge; she could urinate every quarter of an hour, in afternoon, urine high-colored and scanty (Staphysagria, Pallad.); frequent D. in latter part of night and early morning, each discharge scanty, then smarting burning in urethra, urine milky, on cooling a thick reddish sediment. Burning in urethra; after micturition with acrid feeling. Frequent micturition; during the day, with smarting in urethra during micturition; F. at night; F. at night, then acrid smarting about urethra.

Urine. Milky in morning; and thick, soiled in appearance, scanty, with frequent desire, after micturition soreness and heat in urethra. Clear and white. More like boiling oil than water. Of strong odor. Copious; and dark; and light-colored, with whitish sediment; with red sediment. Scanty and clear. None. Phosphates increased, and odor strong.

Sexual Organs

      Testes swollen and tender to touch; sore in morning, and heavy; intermittent neuralgia inferiorly and posteriorly in l. Desire increased; and prostration from coitus, but irritability from suppression of desires. Emission towards morning.

Female. Bearing down, with feeling as if all internal parts were pulled outward or downward from breasts and umbilical region through vagina, with irresistible desire to press hands against vulva. Tenderness, with feeling as if internal organs were swollen, with smarting and irritation of labia and heat as if parts were inflamed. Itching of labia, with smarting and with uneasiness of the part, sharp pain extending up vagina. Pressure in vagina, with pain at top of sacrum extending to hips. Thin acrid leucorrhoea, leaving a brown stain, (<) afternoon and till midnight, (>) morning, afterwards returned and produced rash and swelling.

Uterus. Low down, fundus tilted against bladder, the os pressing upon rectum. Anteversion, with neuralgia, (<) touch, motion or jar, or weight of clothes. Weight, with feeling as if all pelvic contents would press out through vagina; if not prevented by pressure with the hand or by sitting down; bearing down in region, with distress as from approaching menstruation. Pain in region. Irritation; when at a lecture, with desire to hit the lecturer, (>) evening, but then desire to swear, to think and speak of obscene things and to strike persons.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.