Homeopathy Remedy Ledum


      Swelling of a gland beneath chin, with pain on touch. Soreness, with sticking. Sticking when not swallowing, in forenoon, on sneezing there is only pressure in back part of throat. Scraping in evening. Sensation of a plug, obliging him to swallow, with feeling of a foreign body in throat, repeated on going to sleep in evening. Clogging sensation on waking.


      Appetite lost; and if she eats feels immediately as if she had eaten too much, it oppresses and nauseates her. Desire to smoke in one unaccustomed to it. Aversion to smoking. Thirst during the day and in evening before sleep chill; (obliged to drink at night); for cold drinks, especially water; lost. Eructations; with loss of appetite and warmth in stomach; of air; of air, with pressure in pit of stomach; (bitter after eating). Hiccough.

Nausea; in morning; when he expectorates; during rest, (<) sometimes after eating; on walking in open air, with general sweat, (<) forehead; with musty taste; with salivation, yawning, cold hands and frequent chills over back; with weakness, sweat, that afterwards became cool, with cold hands and feet and creeping chills over back. Retching in morning after rising, with eructations, puffiness and straining in pit of stomach. Pain; in epigastric region, (<) pressure; in pit, (<) pressure; in pit, (<) retracting abdomen. Drawing in pit when eating, with pressure.


      Distention from air, with tasteless eructations. Rumbling. Movings. Emission of flatus. Sticking in muscles, with pressure between pelvis and l. lowest ribs. Cutting every evening; wandering C., (<) retracting walls of abdomen. Colic (cutting?), with flow of blood from anus. Pain deep in A., (<) pressure; P. as if intestines were crushed and weakened, a feeling as after a violent purge; P. as in dysentery; drawing P.

After walking in open air, pressure and tension extending from side towards shoulder across chest, a grasping in sternum, vanishing of hearing and vision, necessity to lie down, pallor, anxiety, cold hands and diarrhoea. (Feeling in l. side as if from overloading stomach a pressive swelling had appeared there). Distention of upper, with pain. Tension in hypochondria on inspiring or holding the breath. Cutting in umbilical region, with retraction of walls of abdomen. Digging below umbilicus, with running of water from mouth like waterbrash. Pain in U. as before diarrhoea, extending to anus, with loss of appetite and cold feet.

Hypogastrium. Sticking above hip; S. deep between l. ribs and crest of ilium. Boring in l. tuber ischii; in crest of l. ilium, (<) towards forepart. (Clawing as if in bladder). Pain posteriorly in crest of l. ilium when walking. Pressure deep in pelvis, towards bladder, with urging to urinate; P. on upper margin of l. pelvis, as far as last ribs, (<) walking.

Rectum and Stool

      Stitches in rectum. Stool pasty; faecal diarrhoea, with mucus; hard, scanty, delayed; mixed with blood; retained. Constipation.

Urinary Organs

      Urging; constant; all day, not at night; frequent, with scanty discharge; frequent all day, but no increase of urine. Stitches in meatus; tickling, in meatus. Voluptuous tickling in meatus. (Burning in urethra after urinating). Micturition frequent; and much urine each time; infrequent and scanty. Urine is frequently retained, after passing it there is sticking. Urine reddish. (Urine yellow, with chalky sediment). Urine increased; and light yellow. Urine scanty; and no stool during the day.

Sexual Organs

      Swelling of penis and the urethra seems swollen, he must press in order to urinate and the stream is very thin. Tickling of glans. (Itching of glans). Excessive and constant erections. Emissions at night; without dreams; of bloody or watery semen. Menstruation too early; every fourteen days; increased.

Clinical Uterine haemorrhage, bright red, frothy.

Respiratory Organs

      Stitches in larynx; and tickling. Scraping in larynx, with tickling and short dry cough. Pressure on sides of larynx. Hoarse, raw scraping feeling in trachea. Crawling in trachea, with rapid, impeded respiration. Cough only at night or in morning, with purulent expectoration. Violent cough, with expectoration of bright red blood. Cough without expectoration. Tracheal asthma. Dyspnoea when sitting; D. on ascending steps; D., with rapid breathing as from constriction of chest, with pain in sternum. Breathing painful, impeded. Heavy breathing on waking. Inspiration spasmodic, double, with sobbing. Cannot get the breath all day. On coughing loss of breath as if she would suffocate.

Clinical Cough, with bright red, frothy haemorrhage from lungs. Haemorrhage from the lungs, alternating with attacks of rheumatism.


      Stitches in walls and in arms; in last r. true rib; in morning; in r. in morning on inspiration; in places in r. wall in afternoon; in l. wall in evening; in walls, (<) l., in evening, not impeding respiration; between l. lower ribs on inspiration; in r. pectoral muscles on deep inspiration; in lower and anterior part of r. when walking, preventing deep inspiration; in l. lung, not (<) inspiration; intermittent, in walls, extending to sides of sternum, in morning; tearing in side above pit of stomach on motion of arm and when sitting.

Spasmodic cramplike pain beneath short ribs and above hips towards evening, taking away his breath and preventing his rising from his chair alone. Paroxysmal pain in sternum like digging, rubbing and scraping. Pain on breathing as if something alive there caused uneasiness. Pain externally as if some one pressed upon a sore spot, (<) touch. Pain; in sternum; behind sternum; in l. clavicle; in places in l. wall; in places in r. wall; in places in wall, on sides of sternum; in upper part of l. side; in l. wall in afternoon; in pectoral muscles, (<) inspiration; deep internally at r. margin of sternum, between fourth and sixth costal cartilages on waking, (<) inspiration and hard pressure; in r. pectoral muscles, extending into upper arm; in upper part, impeding respiration. Drawing and pressive pains in muscles of sides and in lumbar muscles.

Constriction in afternoon, with cutting, as if middle of chest were constricted by a string, which takes away the breath; C. from eating rapidly; asthmatic C., (<) moving and walking. Pressure in and behind sternum; upon C. when walking; on sternum in bed, (<) moving about; on chest when sitting, with pressure behind seventh and eighth l. costal cartilages; at l. margin of sternum, between third and fifth ribs, extending into chest; P. outward a hand’s breadth beneath r. nipple in morning in bed, (<) expiration. Drawing externally when walking and on inspiration, with stitches; D. insides, (<) inspiration, with stitches.


      Pain deep in region. Palpitation.


      Pressure in lower vertebrae, (<) bending head far forward; frequent P. in l. muscles, momentarily (>) moving head. Drawing extending to r. shoulder. Stiffness of l. side; of r. muscles; of l. muscles, (>) moving head.


      (Tearing). Painful stiffness, and in scapulae; in B. and loins after sitting. Stitches in muscles near first dorsal vertebrae, near dorsal vertebrae, (<) inspiration, with pressure. Tearing in l. scapula. Pressure in dorsal muscles; in lower angle of l. scapula; in r. scapula; in muscles to right of dorsal vertebrae; between l. scapula and spine. Drawing pain in dorsal muscles. Drawing and pressive pain in muscles on sides of dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. Bruised pain beneath l. scapula.

Lumbar Region. Stitches; in l. tuber ischii; intermittent, in muscles. Tearing in sacrum, extending into occiput, l. half of brain and l. jaw, (<) evening, with hot, red, bloated cheeks and inflamed eyes. Boring in sacrum. Pain; in vertebrae; to left of vertebrae; deep internally, to left of vertebrae; deep internally in sides of vertebrae; after sitting; in sacrum on rising from a seat. Drawing pain in sacrum when standing, (>) pressure. Drawing in sacrum, with stiffness of back.


      Painful nodes and lumps on joints. Trembling of knees (and hands) when sitting and walking. (Tearing jerking in joints). Stitches in ball of l. foot, above l. knee, above r. wrist, on dorsal surface. Tearing in r. elbow, lower part of l. calf and in r. knee; in l. ankle and in l. fifth metacarpal bone; in l. tibia, r. wrist, on outer side of l. thigh; sticking T. in joints. Boring below l. elbow and in r. ankle, when sitting.

Pain in various joints; in r. wrist, then in first joint of r. great toe; ankle and r. wrist; flesh of l. upper arm and above l. ankle knees, wrist, above ankle, in muscles on inner sides of upper arms; external muscles of l. thigh and in muscles of r. upper arm; knees, great toe, joint of r. thumb, in fingers, after rising in morning; knees and wrists in evening when sitting; knees, tibiae, ankles and shoulders, in evening during rest, afterwards in knees when walking; r. thumb-joint in cool air, then m r. great toe; (<) motion; in joints, (<) motion; in joints, (>) motion; l. shoulder, (>) moving arm, but immediately occurring in r. ankle and wrist, changing to heaviness of whole arm, (<) rest; first joint of l. thumb, and sticking drawing in r. metatarsal bones.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.