Homeopathy Remedy Laurocerasus

Clinical It has been praised as a valuable remedy for chronic indurations and inflammations of the liver, especially for threatening abscess, and for dysmenorrhoea, with coldness of vertex, cold tongue, rumbling in abdomen, etc.


      Periodic rumbling and gurgling. Sticking after urging to stool; S. downward during stool, then pasty faeces. Tearings. Constricted feeling. Crawling in evening in bed; in morning, with itching. Urging when walking, with emission of only flatus; U. after dinner, with soft stool; ineffectual U.


      Cramp extending into rectum. Burning in morning; B. after stool; after diarrhoea.


      Thin. Diarrhoea; twice in morning, with tenesmus; in afternoon, with tenesmus; frequent, of thin greenish mucus, with contraction in groin; in evening. Soft; after dinner, with twinging in upper abdomen, then burning in anus; with pressure; then tenesmus; and frequent. Pasty at 5 A.M., with pain as from a cold. Constipation. Hard; and delayed; and difficult; with urging; with pressure, then burning in anus; at first, then soft, with colic as from taking cold and tenesmus as if more stool would follow. Involuntary S. and micturition. At 6 A.M., with pressure. Frequent; then tenesmus. Delayed. Omitted. Every two or three days, then fulness in abdomen, with feeling as if no stool had occurred and peevish mood.

Clinical Diarrhoea of green mucus, with suffocative spells about the heart.

Urinary Organs

      Itching in forepart of urethra. Burning in urethra when urinating; B. and urging after urinating. Painful urging, then necessity to wait for urine to pass; after dinner. Obliged to rise early to urinate, but only a little passes. Frequent micturition; of scanty urine; M. slow and indolent; M. rare, with scanty urine each time; M. impossible.

Urine. Pale, deposits a cloud. Acrid. After standing an hour looks like clayey water. Frothy. Clear when passed, but deposits a red sediment with white, gelatinous flakes. Golden and a cloud soon forms in the middle. Clear, with a pellicle like a spider’s web, large flakes float in the middle and there is a reddish sediment. Increased; in morning; in afternoon, and becomes turbid over night; when walking; and pale. Scanty; and yellow; and yellow, watery; a few drops during stool. None. Deposits a cloud; thin; thickish red sediment.

Sexual Organs

      Voluptuous itching beneath prepuce, with sexual desire. Erections at 7 and 9 P.M., without fantasies; E. in evening and at night. Menstruation too early; and during the first four nights tearing in vertex, the discharge lasted eight days, was profuse, painful and thin; M. profuse and long-lasting; M. profuse, on the second day toothache, on the third day cutting colic from 2 to 4 P.M., (>) application of warm clothes to abdomen, lasting one day longer than usual.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx, sticking from without, taking away the breath; scraping, with hoarseness, then increased mucus in larynx and frequent provocation to cough; tickling; itching beneath larynx, causing hacking cough. Hoarseness; and feeling as if breath were impeded in trachea; and ineffectual provocation to cough. Squeaking, afterwards thick voice. Bass voice. Trachea, tenacious mucus, (<) upper part; pain in forenoon on coughing; rawness; R. and tickling; R. and scraping; R., with painful drawing and hacking cough; R. as from mucus which he could not loosen, with dryness and constant necessity to hawk; sensitiveness low down, (<) swallowing, with drawing; tickling provoking cough. Crawling in upper part of bronchi as if tickled with a feather.

Cough from tickling in throat; C., with whistling sound and with dry feeling in throat; C. in paroxysms; frequent, short C.; coughing up blood; dry C., with feeling as if mucus were hanging in throat and could not be loosened, an hour afterwards the mucus loosened easily. Hacking cough at 2 P.M.; H. cough from rawness in trachea; as from tickling in larynx.

Respiration. Sobbing. Frequent, deep. Short on account of sticking in r. shoulder and liver. Slow and scarcely perceptible. Slow, moaning, rattling. Inspiration impeded in epigastric region.

Clinical It is a valuable remedy for the dry harassing cough of phthisis. Spasmodic cough, especially the later stages of whooping cough, when the patient is very much prostrated and has many symptoms of nervous spasm. Cough associated with valvular disease of the heart, the patient coughs almost incessantly, especially on lying down (Hyoscyamus, Sanguinaria, etc.). Feeling of fluttering in region of heart, and gasping for breath, with cough.


      Stitches in l.; through l.; in l. female breast; beneath l. mamma; beneath l. arm; in r. near sternum; in middle of sternum; in r. ribs towards back; in last ribs at 10 A.M.; beneath l. mamma at 2 P.M.; in r. side when standing at 6 P.M.; in lower part of sternum, somewhat to r. side at 6 P.M., and on inspiration S. through chest into back; in l. breast on inspiration; in l. female breast on laughing, not on inspiration; in l. female breast, with burning; in sternum, then burning; from both sides to about a hand’s breadth from sternum; beneath l. breast, extending to scapula; intermittent, in l. ribs, near ensiform cartilage; creeping or moving in female breast, with sensitiveness to touch. Pain like knife-thrusts in flesh and bones of l. in evening in bed.

Pinching in outer surface of l. intercostal muscles. Pulling pain in r. pectoral muscles. Bruised pain in ribs when lying on side. Pain; in a spot below l. ribs; in all parts on motion; with oppression; concealed P. in l. Pressure in middle; in middle of sternum; in lower part of sternum; above ensiform cartilage; in upper part of sternum at 2 P.M., not affected by breathing; at 2.30 P.M.; on inspiration; in the room; (<) sitting; upon sternum, (<) inspiration; superficial, when walking in open air; with tension and fretful mood; on middle, causing pain on deep inspiration; impeding breathing and causing cutting; P. inward in a spot on sternum at 2 P.M., not (<) inspiration. Heaviness on sternum on stooping, (>) rising. Sticking tension in l. side in morning, extending into neck, and there causing tensive sticking on bending towards l. side. Oppression; cramplike, during rest. Tightness; during and after breathing; on stooping, not (>) becoming erect; on both sides. Anxiety. Burning beneath l. mamma; on r. clavicle, by shoulder; above ensiform cartilage at 2 P.M.; on breathing. Paralysis of lungs.

Heart and Pulse

      Intermittent sticking in region of heart, (<) inspiration. Pulse 80; rapid and small during headache. Pulse slow; and weak; and small; and small, contracted. P. small.


      Sticking in r. side; in nape towards l. shoulder at 2 O’clock. Tearing in nape after dinner, then in l. shoulder. Cramplike pain in l. side of vertebrae on turning head towards l. Pain in l. side as from stiffness. Pressure in nape in open air; in nape compelling her to hold head forward at 6.30 P.M., on raising it a painful tension. Tension in r. side on moving head. Spasmodic contractive sensation in anterior muscles when drinking. When running, beating in r. side as with a hammer. Stiffness.


      Sticking; through chest into sternum at 2 O’clock. Painlike stiffness in B. and small of back when writing, (>) becoming erect. Tension, and between shoulders, extending into neck. Sticking between scapulae; on taking off corsets; in r. S., towards axilla, when standing at 3.30 P.M.; in tip of l. on inspiration; in lower part of r.; in r. towards axilla; in middle of r.; in middle of r., with burning. Tearing on upper part of l. scapula. Burrowing between S., (<) rest, with boring. Pain beneath point of r. S. Pressure inward between S. Stitches in r. loin. Pain in small of B. as from weariness, on becoming erect.


      Small and remain wherever placed. Feeling as if loosely articulated. Paralytic pain in articular extremities of joints. Paralysis; and insensibility; and coldness, without insensibility; of hands and feet; of hands and feet, without insensibility. Insensibility; with weakness and prickling.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulders. Sticking; in r. at 2 P.M.; beneath l. towards forepart; in front of r., with S. in axilla; in forepart of l., with tearing; on anterior surface of l. joint on stretching shoulder forward, with tension as if tendons were too short. Piercing pain in r. joint woke him in evening, momentarily (>) laying arm above head. Tearing; in l. from 6 to 8.30 P.M.; in l., (>) rubbing. Pain in bones; in r. joint woke him every half hour, and he tossed about; rheumatic, in r. joint, (<) bending arm backward; bruised, on top of r.; paralytic, in r. Painful pressure in ligaments of l., with tension. The suspender over r. became very annoying. Weariness.

Stitch in r. axilla at 2.30 P.M.; beneath r. axilla, afterwards extending forward into chest. Arms feel as if drawn inward. Upper arm, stitch in r., then bruised pain extending into shoulder; burning S. by r. elbow; tearing in muscles of r.; T. on inner surface; T. in middle of humeri; pinching on anterior surface of r.; gnawing in r., (>) pressure, afterwards sensitiveness to pressure; pain in tendon of deltoid; pain in head of r. humerus as if swollen and as if it had not room enough in the capsule; tension on inner surface by elbow as if skin were raised by a needle, at 2.30 P.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.