Homeopathy Remedy Kalmia

Rectum and Stool

      Inclination to stool in forenoon. Burning in anus after stool. Stools soft and frequent; soft, twice in forenoon, with evacuation of wind. Pappy stool, easily discharged, as if smoothed over, then pressing in rectum. Hard, large, difficult, then burning in rectum. Too large and hard to pass in morning, passed with difficulty at 10 A.M. Constipation. Omitted, next day scanty, third day loose at noon after the morning stool.

Urinary Organs

      Burning during micturition. Urging; frequent desire. Frequent micturition of yellow copious urine; frequent M. of small quantities of urine which feel hot. Urine increased.

Clinical Subacute Bright’s disease, with the peculiar pains in the back, with predominating palpitation, pains about the heart, etc. Very valuable in albuminuria of pregnancy.

Sexual Organs

      Sticking in glans. Frequent erections without desire. Pain in r. testicle in morning, in l. in afternoon. Yellowish leucorrhoea in morning, eight days after appearance of menses (during the leucorrhoea several old symptoms). Menses eight days too early, next time fourteen days too late; M. scanty and delayed, with pain in loins, back and anterior part of thighs; painful M.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in trachea. Cough day and night; in evening, with mucous expectoration; C., with expectoration of gray, smooth, unctuous matter, of a putrid, salt taste, which on being spread out separates into small pieces. Peculiar noise when breathing, as from spasmodic affection of glottis. Oppressed breathing; with palpitation and anxiety; and short.


      Sticking in lower part; S. in r. lung, under third and fourth ribs, causing dyspnoea; below breast. Tearing in whole l. side. Pressure in r. side. Sensation as if strained by lifting. Oppression.

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation; with faint feeling. Fluttering of heart; on slowly ascending stairs. Pulse irregular; (<) mental effort and leaning over to write. Pulse rapid. Pulse slow; and feeble; S., weak and creeping, the artery slowly contracted and dilated, like the action of an earthworm. P. imperceptible.

Clinical Angina pectoris. Cardiac diseases of an organic nature, rheumatic endocarditis, valvular insufficiency, hypertrophy and degeneration, slow pulse, paroxysms of extreme anguish about the heart and dyspnoea, wandering pains about the heart; extending down l. arm.


      Shooting externally down sides; S. from nape into head. Sticking on l. side at night, with itching. Tearing in nape. Darting pain in upper vertebrae. Pain on both sides; in r. side; in sterno- cleido-mastoid muscle; extending down back, afterwards increased to stiffness, (<) seventh cervical vertebra. Shock from nape towards occiput, with heat. Drawing in l. side in afternoon and evening, with sticking. Stiffness in morning.


      Pain; at night in bed; during menses; down back; in spine, sometimes (<) lumbar region, with heat; extending through shoulders. Sensation as if spine would break, with anterior convexity. Sticking in lower part of l. scapula at night. Pain in scapulae; between S.; between S., extending over head into temples. Sharp pain in three upper dorsal vertebrae, extending through shoulders. Sticking in loins; (<) motion; drawings, S. in sacral region and hip. Sharp pain in loins. Pain in loins; across loins, (<) evening; paralytic, in loins at 10 P.M. in bed, with Dullness and pain in head. Lameness of loins in evening in bed.


      Sticking; in all joints; in r. index in evening, then pain in hollow or r. knee and in calf; rapidly changing their position. Pain in all joints; P. in arms, hands, and legs down to feet; r. shoulder and l. arm, especially in elbow, and in lower limbs, especially knees; above l. elbow, then between elbow and hand, then alternating between the two places, then P. below knees extending to feet; l. hand and fingers and posteriorly in l. leg towards heel, with jerking of heel; bend of l. knee, then in l. index, then in r. foot; in l. shin, muscles of l. arm and in r. foot; in l. shin, shoulder and l. arm, then in r. shoulder and arm; in l. elbow, arm and knee in morning, (>) lying, and in both legs; in r. arm when at rest, (>) rising, with tearing in l. leg, it extends less severe through the whole l. side and arm; frequent, here and there; frequent, in muscles; alternate pains in shoulder, hip and knee. Sprained pain at times in feet and hands. Feeling as if they had been beaten. Weariness; as after long walking. Numbness as if asleep.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Shooting in r.; in joint of r. Tearing in r.; from r. down arm; in joint. Pain in l.; r.; beneath l.; in l. at 10 A.M.; below l. in evening; in morning on waking, they feel as if they had been bare all night; alternatively in r. S. and r. elbow, locating itself in elbow; rheumatic, in S. and scapula. Rheumatism so that the arm could not be raised.

Arm.- Sticking; under l. Tearing in l. Pain; and in hands; in r.; drawing, on inner side of l. at night. Pressure in l. Tired, do not feel like writing. Lancinations in middle of humerus. Pressure in upper.

Elbow.- Frequent cracking in afternoon. Sticking. Tearing; extending to index; from l. to index, which is flexed in a jerking manner. Pain in l.; extending to wrist; P. extending to wrist and causing sensation as if forearm were in a vise. Neuralgic pain in r., which alternately drew to shoulder and wrist but finally located itself in elbow. Cramplike pain to middle of forearm.

Sticking and weakness in wrist, almost preventing writings. Pain in l. wrist, so that hand seems palsied. Sticking in hands. Pains in hands; in l., (<) palm close to wrist; sprained. Gnawing in palms at metacarpo-phalangeal joints at 4 P.M. Paralyzed sensation in r. hand. Sticking in fingers; in index; in l. little, shooting along ulna. Tearing from knuckle of r. little finger to elbow. Pain in all l. fingers; in l. little, forcibly flexing it; in l. little, extending to wrist and along ulna to elbow; in ball of r. thumb. Drawing pain in little finger, extending along ulna.

Lower Extremities

      Tearing in l. Pain. Sticking in hip-bones in evening, extending from r. side; S. in thigh, extending to knee. Tearing in hip- bones, extending to feet; in hips and lower extremities, in bones down to feet. Pain in r. nates; in r. gluteus muscle; in r. thigh. Rheumatic pain from hip down leg. Soreness of hip. Sensation when descending stairs as if tendon of quardriceps extensor would give way and I would fall down stairs.

Knee.- Stitches on lower part, on outside, in evening. Pain; ion l; in r. under patella; in patella; in r. near patella at night in bed and in l. ankle.

Leg.- Tearing in flesh down whole l. Pain; in l. tibia; in l. shin at 8 A.M.; down to feet; through r. to toes; in l. down to heel; below knees, extending to feet; peculiar, down outside of l., frequently. Neuralgic pain below r. knee; N. pain between ankle and knee; along tibia. Rheumatic pain in r. in morning, extending to toes. Rheumatism in r. Weakness below knees on standing, with feeling as if I would fall. Shins numb in afternoon.

Neuralgic pain in ankle. Aching in r. tarsal bones. Jerking in heels. Stitches in feet; in soles. Pain in feet; sprained. Pressure on l. foot. Sticking in toes; in l. great. Pain in ball of l. great toe in evening.


      Erysipelatous eruption; and itching, similar to Rhus, on hand, then spreading with dangerous respiratory troubles, afterwards every year at the same time roughness of cheeks. Red itching spot on l., then on r. knee; on outside of l. leg below knee, then burning pain, then a second spot on outside of leg close to knee, next morning on r. knee. Red, inflamed spots in different parts like beginning of blood-boils, painful. Prickling; ( such as he often felt in the spring), to be compared with nothing but the effect on mouth from peppermint, which is a coolness with pricking by minute points (compare Aconite), (<) scalp, with increased tendency to sweat. Itching; in bend of r. knee in afternoon; on face at night; all over body, with burning, as if bitten by mosquitoes.


      Sleepiness; at 3 P.M.; preventing study. Sleeplessness for two hours, with tossing about and feeling as if I had worked too hard; S., with restlessness, woke at 4, could sleep only a few minutes at a time, would wake out of annoying dreams. Restless sleep, unpleasant dream, woke at 4.30 A.M. with dull headache, then could sleep only a few minutes at a time, waking from frightful dreams. Talking in sleep. Getting up and walking in sleep. Dreams fantastic; and busy. Unpleasant dreams; and wild, all night.


      Chill. Rapid alternations of chill and heat (Aconite). Shivering, with coldness. Shivering, without coldness; at 10 P.M. in bed, passing from vertex to neck, under scalp, with cracking noise and alarm, a sensation as if the body were surcharged with electricity, repeated four times in half an hour, and the whole ended with sound of a horn before ears. Cold limbs. Creeping over back; with weariness of limbs. Heat; with pain in loins; with flushed face. hot heat and flushed face; H. head in morning. Heat in l. shoulder, extending to forearm and then to finger-tips. Sweat; cold,. Dry skin; and cracked lips.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.