Homeopathy Remedy Kali Bromatum


      Tenesmus. Liquid; and frequent. Diarrhoea; with pain in abdomen; staining violet. Stools soft; and frequent. Constipation. Hard and infrequent. Increased. Sluggish. Diminished in weight and usually delayed.

Clinical Polypus of the rectum, with persistent diarrhoea and evacuation of much blood.

Urinary Organs

      Distended feeling in bladder during partial slumber, with irresistible urging. Burning at neck of bladder, with sensation of a ball forced from behind, then discharge of half an ounce of liquid like white of an egg, with mucus like milk. Desire to urinate; frequent, urine diminished. Burning in urethra, (>) injection of cold water, with smarting. Smarting, burning pain on urinating, with sensation as if a shot were forced from bladder along urethra, constant copious micturition, and just at the last drop of urine spasmodic constriction of urethra about lacuna, with sharp pain along back in bladder like forcing a large instrument into a small place, then whitish-yellow gonorrhoea, relief only from bathing the parts in ice-water.

Frequent micturition; urine copious, also pale, watery, with distress; of thin, yellowish urine; M. every half hour of about half a pint, urine pale, sp. gr. high, loaded with phosphates, of which a cloud was passed with the urine, the crystals could be seen when held up to the light, on standing the sediment filled one-quarter the whole space, heat precipitated a white sediment, which nitric acid dissolved. Urine copious; and clear, yellowish; and thin, clear; either C., thin, pale or peculiarly offensive. Urine pale and thin. Urine scanty. Uric acid increased. Acidity and coloring matter of urine increased, the phosphoric acid varied, increased by small doses, chlorides increased, save when the bromide was acting as a poison, amount of potash increased.

Clinical Diabetes, with impaired memory, dryness of the mouth, etc.

Sexual Organs

      Pain in l. testicle and cord, with swelling and tenderness. Excitement during partial slumber, (<) in bed, usually with erections and emissions, which wake him, and of which he is conscious. Appetite diminished, then lost. Debility. Impotence.

Clinical Effects of sexual excesses, especially loss of memory, melancholia, also with impaired coordination, numbness and tingling in limbs. Ovarian tumor. Several cases of cystic tumors of the ovary or broad ligament. Pruritus of female genitals. Ovarian neuralgia, with great nervous uneasiness. It seems to control an exaggerated sexual appetite in women, especially when associated with pruritus. Reflex cough in pregnant women.

Respiratory Organs

      Laryngo-bronchial weakness, sometimes with cough, sometimes with changed or whispering voice, rarely with aphonia. Hoarse, Voice faint; whispering, sinks into aphonia. Hacking cough; dry, fatiguing C.; dry, paroxysmal C., resembling whooping cough, (<) night and when lying, with difficult respiration, then vomiting of mucus or food. Vascular “bruit de souffle.” Sighing. Respiration difficult; R. anxious; slow.

Clinical Spasmodic croup, recurring every night.


      Symptoms of pulmonary catarrh. Oppression. Tightness on breathing.

Heart and Pulse

      Heart’s action feeble; and slow; and intermitting; and its sounds distant and feeble; action slow and fluttering. Pulse rapid and irritable; R. and small; R., then at times slow. Pulse slow; except during the vomiting; and small; and small, intermittent; and weak. Pulse low after the fever. Small; and soft.


      Pain in region of kidneys. Throbbing in lumbar region, spreading to dorsal region and down to coccyx, then half way round body, into intestines and all through him, from head to feet, (<) abdominal organs, then neuralgia up and down spinal marrow, (>) port wine, which made him eat, though he vomited his dinner.


      Disordered action. Constant twitching of fingers. Hands and fingers in constant action. Trembling of hands; during voluntary motion. Handwriting shaky and indistinct. Inability to stand; to walk. Staggering; on beginning to walk; and his limbs shake and bend under him; with general appearance of intoxication; impaired locomotion, resembling the gait of locomotor ataxia. Weakness of lower; of knees; of extensors of legs and feet.


      Discolorations and of mucous membrane. Dead-white, (<) face. Affections, (<) sebaceous follicles and glands and in sudoriferous glands, causing inflammation, with increase of cellular elements. Erythema and swelling of nose. Hard, red patches on legs, with pains in and around them, the redness disappears momentarily on pressure, painful on pressure, movement of legs painful. Eruption beginning on limbs, extending over whole body, except face, like erythema nodosum, itching (<) night and getting warm, in irregular patches, cherry-red at their circumference, onion-peel color in centre, turning white on pressure or exertion of limb. On limbs and trunk, in winter, elevated, smooth patches of different shapes, of onion-peel color in centre, cherry at circumference, bases firm but elastic, as in erythema nodosum, redness momentarily (>) pressure, they itch at night in bed and when warm, they partially reappear when rubbed, they are preceded by itching and pain in limbs, with stiffness, they leave subcutaneous indurations, which are painful on pressure, in one case oedematous swelling of lower halves of lower limbs, in one case fever, with dry skin and rapid pulse, then sweat, in two-cases only coated tongue and loss of appetite, in one case yellowish discoloration on former seat of one patch.

Patches on forearms, with pimples. Papules on forehead and scalp. Red, painful pimples and tumors on calves, with smooth, raised, shining edges, a central depression covered, with a scab and having a red periphery and hard and sensitive base. Moist eczema on legs. On each leg two places covered with thick, dirty- looking, offensively-smelling scabs, these when removed by poulticing leave an uneven surface formed by vegetation and looking like the stomach of an ox, the patches red and paining like a cut.

Acne; on forehead; on forehead and cheeks. Acne pimples, with yellow tips. Acuminated itching, burning spots, similar to acne, (<) shoulder and region of neck. On each leg, above a dirty yellow scab of older date, is a red patch of acne-like pustules, some of which exude a creamy fluid like that from boils, between the pustules yellowish-white elevations of the size of millet-seeds, where there is no discharge the surface is cherry-red and feels doughy, the skin around the eruption light red, on r. cheek a similar eruption, but not so far advanced, vesicles and yellowish-white pustules in a circle around a cherry-red place where the skin is raised and flabby, this patch surrounded by a deep erythematous flush, the base of the patch indurated and painful.

On lower limbs, (<) calves, red patches, but spotted yellow, as from subcutaneous purulent infiltration, with mamillated edges, sometimes the centre also mamillated, the projections being acne- like pustules so close as to amount to a swelling, their bases indurated, the projections partially coalesce, their tips discharge a sero-purulent fluid, the centre of each pustule then presents an umbilicated depression, exuding a creamy moisture, which dries with thick yellow scabs, these make walking impossible, but the centres insensible, they have a reddish areola, with swelling, sometimes successive appearance of fresh clusters of pustules, with mamillations, in two cases the swelling on legs changed into atonic ulcers like rupia, with foul-smelling, red bases, covered with vegetation, pressure caused pain like that in cuts on fingers, they became covered with thick, dirty yellow, offensively-smelling scabs, after the eruption yellow spots covered with scabs, at first nuclei can be felt in the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and in the vicinity of these itching, even pain and cramp, the eruption more frequent in winter.

Pustules, (<) face, scalp and back, in successive but irregular crops, generally with heat and itching, usually disappearing without suppuration, the P. leave red points. Pustules, partly whitish, partly reddish, on forehead and limbs, which on being opened exude pus mixed with smegma, one on l. leg was covered with a tense mottled epidermis, with a red infiltrated margin. on cheeks were black crusts, which being removed showed a pale red papillary swelling, which bled easily on touch and seemed formed by stoppage of sebaceous follicles. Itching, (<) chest, face, shoulders, forehead and nose, then small bluish-red pustules, with red areola, becoming yellowish-white at tips, their bases hard, then suppurating, then firm nuclei and deep flush, with swelling, the eruption greatest where the skin is thick or oily, lymphatic and sanguine constitutions are especially liable to it, it is more abundant in youth and adult age.

Painful eruption like varicella on face and legs, became confluent, with many points of suppuration, a band of eruption up each side of face and across forehead, of elevated, flattened, light brown crusts, with slightly red areola, bleeding when removed, while the front and outer side of legs were covered with the eruption, the skin around the spots red, tender, hot, with burning, tingling pain, movement of legs causes pain, the smallest spots, which were the most recent, consisted of elevated conical vesicles filled with a milky semi-fluid matter, the largest spots irregularly oval, elevated, flattened, covered with flaccid moist cuticle or light brown crusts, under which were yellowish red prominences, the eruption began by a minute red, hot and tender pimple, on the summit of which quickly formed a small yellowish-white, tense, conical vesicle pierced by a hair, if the vesicle were ruptured and pressed sebaceous matter, with the root of the hair, was discharged, if let alone the vesicle enlarged and contained pus, the crusts of the older spots were partially dissolved by ether, which, on drying, left a greasy stain, while the rest of the crust consisted of epithelium and damaged blood-cells and pus-corpuscles.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.