Homeopathy Remedy Iris Versicolor

Iris Versicolor homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Iris Versicolor……

      A tincture is made of the fresh root of Iris versicolor, L.

General Action

      It produces nausea and vomiting, is an active cathartic and diuretic, and stimulates the liver, increasing the flow of bile.

Allies.- Aloe, Sulphur, Sanguinaria, Bryonia, Podophyllum, Phyto.


      Malaise with the neuralgia. Feeling as if he had taken cold, with lameness of trunk and lumbar region. Languor; in morning on rising; in afternoon, with feverishness.


      Irritable; in morning on waking. Displeased with everybody and everything, then lively and active. Depressed. Despondency, thinking that he is going to be very sick, alternating with disposition to laugh at his fears. Dullness of mind and special senses. Inability to fix mind. Memory weak.


      Aching; in morning after being in cold air and on quick motion, (<) forehead and vertex, as if top of head would come off, (<) cough; with pain in bowels; with depression of spirits and debility; nervous, gastric, in forenoon; stunning, with neuralgia; dull, stupid. Fulness. Heaviness, with Dullness of eyes and pain over l. superciliary ridge. Dullness (resembling vertigo). Feeling as if brain were partially narcotized, then cutting through temples. Intoxicated feeling at 7 A.M. Dizziness; with pressure in forehead; then lightness of head; sudden; sudden, when walking in-doors.

Forehead.- Pain; over eyes; at 6 P.M., and in posterior fontanelle; in evening, with occasional vertigo; intermittent; changing from side to side; dull, heavy (Sulphur). Tightness across. Sensation of a band across (Carbol. ac.), on attempting to laugh and preventing laughing.

Temples.- Shooting; through; from r. to l. part of occiput. Cutting through T., with dim vision. Sharp pains. Pain; in r., then it passed over vertex and behind l. ear; heavy.

Pain in vertex. Boring in r. parietal protuberance, causing him to bend head. Pain in r. parietal protuberance, becoming a hammering pain, (<) movement, (>) continued movement, returning during rest, Stitching in lower part of occiput,(<) r. side. Pain at posterior fontanelle. On vertex, twenty-six pustules tender to touch, on inflamed base, with red streaks running from one to another, and containing yellow matter. Constrictive feeling in scalp.

Clinical Neuralgic headaches are very frequently cured, by this drug; they are generally one-sided, are associated with gastric symptoms, are, as a rule, periodic, occurring every few days, are nearly always associated with blurring of vision and frequently with vomiting; the pain usually begins over one eye.

Eyes and Ears

      Eyes sunken. Conjunctiva red. Lachrymation; with burning pain in r. inner canthus. Pressure towards and out at ears. Throbbing pain in mastoid processes in afternoon, (>) warmth of hand, then tingling. Tender feeling in mastoid process on moving jaws, extending half way down jaw along edge of bone.


      Sharp, raw, excoriating feeling in both nares, with constant inclination to blow nose, free discharge of mucus, constant sneezing, bronchi similarly affected. Stuffed-up feeling in nasal sinuses and posterior nares with discharge of thin clear mucus, snuffing and sneezing. Sneezing.


      Flushed. Appearance of anguish. Neuralgia in r. side, waking, (<) infraorbital nerve, with stitches in two carious teeth, next day facial neuralgia involving supra and infraorbital and superior maxillary and inferior dental nerves began after breakfast, with stupid stunning headache, next day began after breakfast, with malaise and headache, next day soreness where the neuralgia had been (Bryonia). Lips dry and cracked.


      Toothache; in warm room. Teeth sore; and feel elongated. Elongated and sore feeling in molars, with heavy pain. Swelling of gums on inner side of l. lower molars. Tongue coated white. Tongue and gums feel greasy or slimy in morning. Feeling of a greasy coat on mouth and tongue in morning. Tongue feels thick at 7 A.M. Mouth and tongue feel scalded in morning; in mouth at 4 A.M., tongue rough and thick. Raw feeling on roof behind incisors, (<) cold or hot drinks, eating, touching with tongue, (<) onions or cheese, with feeling as if skin of that part hung loose, the rugae of mouth enlarged, pale, and two on r. side excoriated, afterwards the rawness and feeling of loose skin extended to throat, afterwards rawness behind incisors after eating cherries in morning. Soreness of hard palate; (<) touch of tongue or solid food, with roughness, with pain in a defective filled tooth, which felt too long and was tender when used. Feeling as if on fire, and in stomach; in back part of mouth and fauces in afternoon, with flow of saliva. Burning and smarting of palate and fauces. Profuse saliva (Mercurius); ropy S. (Phyto.) drops from mouth during conversation. Taste peppery; on forward half of tongue, and acid; acrid T.; flat; flat at 7 A.M.; bad; lost.


      Tonsils, uvula and soft palate bright red and larger vessels engorged. Rawness. Soreness, and of chest; S., (<) around epiglottis, with raw feeling, hoarseness, stuffed up, smarting in posterior nares, as from a recent cold, increased secretion in nose. Roughness, with running of saliva. Burning; in fauces; in fauces during expiration; in fauces, palate, tonsils and back of tongue, (<) expiration, (>) inspiration; in fauces on inspiration, extending to tip of tongue, (<) expiration. Heat in fauces, soft palate and tonsils, changing to smarting and burning. Smarting of soft palate, with burning and scratching, increasing to fiery heat, spreading over fauces, upward towards nares and far into oesophagus, the throat felt three times as large as usual and like a fiery cavern, the B. temporarily (>) drinking water, enlarged bright red vessels on uvula, palate and posterior wall of fauces. Swallowing difficult when eating, food sticks in pharynx. Spasms of oesophagus, with inability to swallow, food sticks in throat, with choking and gagging. Burning in oesophagus; with nausea.


      Appetite increased; lost; lost at dinner. Frequent empty eructations; empty, with pain in stomach; empty, sour; of sour food. Nausea; in evening, obliging him to lie down; at 6 P.M., with empty eructations. Retching, resulting in little more than forcible eructation. Vomiting; of sour fluid. Rumbling, with uneasiness, lumpy, brown, offensive diarrhoea, with little pain. Pinching in pit. Pain before breakfast; P. after drinking cold water; twisting P. Heartburn, a hot cramplike sensation rising from pit. Burning distress in epigastric region (Sanguinaria), cold water does not reach it; in region of pancreas in afternoon and evening. Distress; in epigastric region; in epigastric region, with restlessness and fright, with copious watery stool, then (>) nearly two quarts of water tinged with bile running out in a continuous stream. Fulness, (>) empty eructations. Uneasiness in pit, with rumbling in lower abdomen, increased till lower part of sternum seemed to protrude.

Clinical Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, with tenderness over the stomach and profuse ropy saliva (see Ip.). Nausea, with profuse salivation during headache. Dyspepsia, with severe burning distress in the stomach, vomiting of food, headache, etc. (comp. Sanguinaria).


      Rumbling. Fetid flatus; in afternoon. Flatulence. Neuralgic pains. Griping at 6 P.M.; with soreness of surface; with several light, acrid stools; with profuse light-colored, prostrating diarrhoea. Pain; in afternoon, (>) night; (>) discharge of flatus; in evening and night, (>) bending forward, with loss of appetite and restlessness at night; with heat, soreness, as after cold, and premonitions of diarrhoea. Nausea like beginning of seasickness. Faintness as if intestines revolved in wrong direction.

Pain in r. hypochondrium when walking. Rumbling in umbilical region in afternoon; R. in U. and hypogastric regions, with desire for stool, soft, painless stool; R. in U. and hypogastric regions, waking at 4 A.M., with distress and desire for stool, copious watery stool, which could not be retained a moment without pain, at 8 A.M., another watery stool, with rumbling. Intermittent pain in U. region at 5 P.M. Uterine pain in shocks from U. to epigastric region, then nausea, straining, belching of wind, with commotion and rumbling above seat of pain. Pain above crests of ilia; along posterior part of r. crest; P. in r., then l. flank in afternoon, with urging to stool.

Clinical Flatulent colic, with constipation, especially in children. Derangements of the liver, with yellow eyes and skin, numbness of r. arm, nausea, headache, etc. Bilious colic, almost incessant vomiting of extremely acrid substances, with soreness over the liver. Soreness over the region of the liver, with cutting pains and vomiting of bile, which is very acrid and burns the oesophagus.

Rectum and Anus

      Burning in anus after stool (Aloe, Sul.). Anus sore in morning, as if points were sticking in it (Ignatia, Aesculus). Distress in anus as if prolapsed. Disposition to stool, with burning in anus. Urged to a second stool by sensation as if wind distended rectum, (>) discharge of a little greenish dark water, with burning in anus (see Aloe and Sulph.).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.