Homeopathy Remedy Hypericum

Sticking in r. hypochondrium. Dragging pain in liver at point of false ribs at 6 P.M.; weight and dragging in liver at 11.30 P.M., from walking. Tension in hypochondria. Cutting in umbilical region in afternoon, as if something were cooking therein. Pressure in r. iliac fossa, towards ring; in l. groin towards ring; on l. inguinal ring in morning.


      Cutting warm pain all around, internal to sphincter in forenoon. Dryness in morning. Inclination to stool. Tenesmus with stool. Urging in morning in bed, then normal stool; U., with passage of small faecal masses; U., with discharge of hard masses; ineffectual U. at night.


      Painless diarrhoea, then constipation. Soft; and free, bilious; and yellow, bilious, at 4 P.M., had had a firm one after breakfast, as usual. Hard; and knotty; and large; and scanty. Free. Profuse, morning and evening. Delayed. Difficult, with tenesmus so that it caused nausea.

Urinary Organs

      Warm biting in urethra in afternoon. Biting stinging in orifice of urethra. Urging; at 2 A.M., with vertigo, almost a faintness. Frequent micturition of very yellow urine. Urine clear, wine- yellow. Urine high-colored, in morning, frothy, of peculiar sweetish odor. U. profuse, at night, clear yellow, with burning. Strong-smelling U. at night. Turbid.

Sexual Organs

      Tearing at night, with desire to urinate and micturition twice. Erratic ideas; in afternoon when walking, with erection. Tension in uterine region at night, as from a short band. Leucorrhoea. Menses increased, with less trouble than usual; increased, too early, preceded by pinching in abdomen, diarrhoea, cold feet, wrenching pain over eyes, (>) motion, and backache, during menses sickening pain in abdomen, headache and sensitive hearing; M. fourteen days too late.

Respiratory Organs

      Bronchial catarrh from night fogs. Scraping and roughness in larynx, upper part of pharynx and nares, at night, in fog. Frequent dry, hacking cough. Expectoration of gelatinous mucus. E. of much granular white mucus. Dyspnoea in forenoon. Short breath in evening.

Clinical Asthmatic breathing, apparently resulting from concussion of the brain, always (<) before a storm. Spasmodic asthma, with sensitiveness of the spine.


      Sticking in l., among tendons of serratus magnus; S. in l. pectoral muscles; in l. in evening; in l. breast in evening; here and there beneath r. breast in evening; through chest at 5 P.M., so that she must hold the breath; here and there below r. chest at 8 P.M.; alternately in both sides; outward through sternum and l. chest, (<) motion; in r. pectoral muscles, extending to back around ribs; in middle (like heart-burn); (in ribs and shoulder as after taking cold). Sticking cutting in r. upper half on moving about, and in afternoon on r. side and once in l. lower part. Stinging burning pain on edge of l. pectoral muscle at noon. Tightness; in evening. Oppression in evening. Pressure; at 5 P.M., with burning; on r. side from seventh rib down, after breakfast; on outer third of l. clavicle after breakfast; on nipples, with warm formication. Anxiety in morning, like shortness of breath.

Heart and Pulse

      Heart feels in evening as if it would fall down. Palpitation. Pulse rapid; after breakfast; at 6 P.M.; after dinner; and hard.


      Swollen. Aching in nape and upper part of shoulders trapezius); A. in r. trapezius in morning, (>) washing. Tension in nape, with pressure and sticking in middle of chest; T. in nape, motion of head is painful. Stiffness.


      Stinging in scapulae; near edge of r. scapula and near spine, in morning. Cutting under l. scapula after dinner, with pressure in stomach; C. between S., on r. side of vertebrae. Pain in l. scapula after dinner; P. on top of r. in afternoon. Sticking in loins at noon; S. in loins, with burning pain in them and coldness in back, shoulders and arms. Aching in loins; in renal region at 4 P.M. when walking; paralytic, in loins. Squeezing in l. kidney.

Clinical Spinal tenderness, with paroxysms of terrible pain, screaming if approached (Arnica); in other cases, great sensitiveness of cervical vertebrae to touch, with dyspnoea, short hacking cough, etc.


      Sticking in r. middle finger as if a knife were thrust from joint along metacarpal bone to wrist, then a similar pain in great toes. Lancing pain in l. wrist and ankle at night, and along inner border of l. foot. Sawing pain in l. hand and l. inner ankle. Flying pain in r. shoulder and l. calf. Bruised feeling in all joints. Drawing in l. buttock, under tuber ischii, and in r. wrist in morning in bed, with sticking jerking on centre of back of foot. Heaviness, felt fatigue when walking before dinner. Feeling of weakness and trembling. Paralyzed feeling in r. foot and l. arm alternating with tearing.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in l. shoulder at 2 P.M. with every inspiration. Tearing in r. shoulder and forearm. Pain in shoulder-joints in forenoon, (<) l.; rheumatic drawing, in point of l. shoulder in morning. Trembling of l. arm and fingers, with cramp. Sticking in arms. Tearing in arms; in l. in morning; in evening; in l. in evening, (<) from elbow to fingers; at night. Tension in arms. Weakness of arms; of r. behind elbow, with pain. Numbness of l. arm at night, waking her,(>) friction. Pressure on r. humerus at insertion of deltoid. (Neuralgic, paralytic pain in l. upper arm).

Tearing in elbows. Pain in r. elbow; rheumatic; P. in l. elbow, then in r. forearm. Return of weakness and strained feeling in r. elbow, (<) lifting. Lancing pain about head of r. radius. Pain down ulnar side of l. forearm. Starting above r. wrist on going to sleep. Jerking in tendons of l. wrist on going to sleep. Sprained pain in l. wrist on motion; S. pain between l. index and thumb at 1 P.M. Lancing pain on back of l. middle metacarpal bone in morning. Pain as if suppurating on outer margin of ball of l. hand when it lies on the table. Tension in hands. Lancing pain in joints of l. fingers; in phalanges of r. middle and little fingers. Tearing in r. thumb in evening. Cutting in fleshy ends of fingers. Rheumatic pain in last joint of l. little F., with swelling and tension.

Lower Extremities

      Reeling as from vertigo. Cramp in lower part of r. gluteal muscle at 5 P.M., then flashing pain on back of l. toes. Shooting down great sciatic nerve, on back of pelvis, at night in bed. Pain running down l. median nerve in evening, then P. in front of thigh; P. on centre of front of l. thigh in afternoon; in inner condyle of r. thigh in morning in bed; intermittent, in front of l. thigh at noon. Strained feeling in r. ham at night after a walk. Bruised pain in l. thigh on walking in afternoon, muscles supplied by anterior crual nerve stiff and sore, coming and going for days. L. thigh sore and lame.

Knee.-Cramp. Sticking in l. Tearing in r.; on outside, then pressure on upper part of r. scapula. Pain in r. in morning; P. in outer and upper part, in an outward and upward direction, as from straining a tendon, in morning on walking. Tingling in knees and legs as from weariness.

Leg.-Starting of l. on going to sleep. Cramp in l. on going to sleep; (frequent C. in calves at night, r. then l.). Sudden shooting over front of l., in periosteum; sticking in inside of r. calf at 4 P.M. when walking. Tearing in r. leg and knee; T. from r. calf through foot at 6.30 P.M. Deductive pains down nerves of r. in afternoon. Drawing in r. calf; in r. tendo- achillis at breakfast; painful in r. tibialis. Flashes of weakening drawing pain all over front of l. in afternoon when walking and sitting. Pressure on l. calf as with a blunt point. Biting on l. shin; in front in evening. Tendency to tingling, (<) l. Heaviness. Numbness; of l.; of l. in evening.

L. ankle liable to wrench. Cramp in l. foot; at night on going to sleep. Tension in soles like a cramp. Sticking in bone in inner side of r. foot on ascending steps, as if sprained; sprained or dislocated feeling in l. foot on rising from stool at 3 P.M. Twinges of pain along outer border of l. foot after dinner. Drawing on inner border of l. foot in forenoon; cramplike D. as if feet would become dead when lying. Tingling in feet; disposition to T., in bed. Feet feel numb and sticking.

Toes.-Jerking of l. at night on falling asleep. Swelling and biting in toes and heels. Sticking in ball of great; in fold of skin internal to nail of r. great; in fourth in evening; frequent biting S. in r. Stinging biting in attacks in back of r. in morning. Biting on a r. Gnawing in r., then pressure and aching in middle of l. thigh, about where sartorius crosses.


      Pimple on r. side of back; on r. hip, sore under friction of clothing; on middle of r. sternomastoid muscle, such as had appeared before on chest. Biting eruption like nettle-rash, on hands. Cluster of itching, psora-like vesicles on root of l. thumb in forenoon, gone at night. (Ulcerating pain in a vesicle on thigh). Biting in l. fingers in evening; on back of hand in evening; on hands, nettle-rash on backs of hands and between fingers. Fuzzy feeling in feet, with sticking in them. Crawling in hands and feet, with fuzzy feeling in morning; C. in r. breast up to median line. Itching in evening on undressing, (<) sacral region, the skin was rough and seemed full of pimples; (I. on forehead, vertex and hip); (I. on cheeks, (<) beard).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.