Homeopathy Remedy Hyoscyamus


      Great appetite; at noon; A. diminished; lost. Aversion to food, with white coat on tongue, pasty taste and offensive breath. Will not eat nor drink. Thirst; from sticking dryness in throat; unquenchable. No desire or relish for water. Aversion to every beverage. Eructations; with nasty taste and nausea; empty; ineffectual efforts at. Frequent hiccough. Nausea; from external pressure on pit of stomach, (>) stooping; rising from abdomen at 5 A.M. Difficulty in retaining food without vomiting. Ineffectual retching. Vomiting; frequent; copious, after drinking coffee.

Inflammation. Gnawing. Pain in region of S. and umbilicus; flatulent P. in epigastrium, with distention of abdomen in evening after lying down. Pressure after drinking water; attacks of P. in pit, impeding respiration; paroxysmal pulsating P., returning and extending to r. side of chest. Distress in pit, riding suddenly towards sternum and up both sides of it. Heartburn; in afternoon. Burning; in pit; in epigastric region, rising towards chest. Constriction in pit. Weight. Oppression. Fulness in epigastric region in evening, with tension in abdomen. Sensitiveness of epigastric region to pressure; S. to touch in pit, with pain. Weakness.


      Distention; with necessity to breathe deeply, sour eructations and diminished stools. Hardness. Rumbling; (<) r. side, with gurgling. Discharge of flatus. Flatulence after a moderate supper, with frequent, but difficult emission of flatus. Spasmodic contractions of muscles as from something alive in them. Cutting; with soft stool. Pinching drawing, with emission of much flatus. Drawing pain. Pain; in muscles when sitting, as if he had fallen upon them; strained P. in muscles, in morning after waking; as if it would burst, causing screams, he thrusts his fists into his sides. Sensitiveness of walls. Warmth, with frequent yawning; W., then cutting, then rumbling and gurgling as before diarrhoea.

Sticking in l. side; S. in hepatic region. Burning spot in r. side in morning. Warmth in middle and upper A., (>) discharge of flatus. Sensation of incarcerated flatus in l. hypochondrium after dinner. Sticking in umbilical region during inspiration;. S. beneath umbilicus when walking. Griping in umbilical region; with movings; with cutting; as from flatus; as before diarrhoea, with cutting. Pressure in umbilical region; (>) pressure. Hypogastric region distended and sensitive. Cutting low down; attacks of C. beneath pubes. Flatulent colic in morning on rising, a griping pressing downward like a weight in hypogastrium, with nausea and bruised pain in back; pain in hypogastrium as from incarcerated flatus, with sensitiveness to pressure.


      (Haemorrhoidal flux). Heaviness as if it should be evacuated. Urging, with passage of only flatus; U. as to diarrhoea. Tenesmus and burning in anus. Frequent desire; constant. Desire and frequent stools alternate with delayed stools and absence of desire. Irritation of perineum.


      Liquid, frequent, with thirst, rapid, small pulse, prostration, heat, pain in occiput, obscuration of vision. Diarrhoea; day and night; after eating plums; with nausea. Soft, large; and easy; S. in small pieces; S., scanty, sluggish. Pasty, early. Mushy, copious, and scanty micturition. Hard, covered with mucus, with pain in anus during its passage; H. and insufficient; H. and delayed. Constipation; for four days, with frequent desire without tenesmus in rectum and anus; and impeded micturition, with urging to urinate. Scanty; but easy, next dry and sluggish. Involuntary, in bed (Phos-ac., Arnica). Frequent., Delayed, next day earlier than usual.

Urinary Organs

      Paralysis of bladder. Spasmodic contraction in region of bladder, with frequent urging. Bladder so affected as not to discharge its contents but by partial efforts. Desire, with loss of irritability of bladder, alternations of scanty and copious urine, so that there is much desire with scanty or profuse urine, also inactivity of bladder with scanty or profuse urine may at the same time be present, still much urging with scanty urine is the chief action. Urging; (Frequent, with scanty, urine, next days profuse). Micturition frequent and profuse; F., but amount not increased; F. at night. Dysuria. Urine profuse; and light- colored. Urine scanty; and dark. Urine yellow, turbid when passed, afterwards a whitish gray sediment. Urine retained (Nux- v.); suppressed, with dragging in bladder. (Stramonium)

Clinical Paralysis of neck of bladder, with involuntary discharge of urine.

Sexual Organs

      Excitement, erections without excited fancies. Constant erections after a meal. Impotence. Tearing drawing pain in testicles. Desire diminished; then increased; increased. Soreness at entrance of vagina, with burning. Labor-like pains in uterus before menstruation, with drawings in loins. Menses delayed; suppressed; recurred on fourteenth day.

Clinical Nymphomania, sometimes of the most furious character. Metrorrhagia. Puerperal spasms. Muscular spasms during labor (threatening convulsions). Retention of urine after childbirth, seemingly no power to evacuate the bladder (Opium)

Respiratory Organs

      Mucus in larynx and air-passages, making voice rough. Sensation of something in air-passages which could not be discharged by coughing. Sticking in larynx, then dry cough, with sweetish taste of blood. Dryness of larynx, then sticking. Heat in larynx. Hoarseness. Cough at night; frequent; always waking him; almost incessant cough when lying, (<) sitting up (Pulsatilla); dry C. at night; dry, hacking C.; dry, tickling, hacking, seeming to come from trachea; C., with greenish expectoration; inclination to C. Dyspnoea. Respiration rattling and difficult. Stertorous respiration, as in apoplexy; S. and irregular; S. and unequal, generally with simultaneous twitching of limbs. Constant need to sigh. Short and difficult respiration.

Clinical Speechless from fright. Irritable cough, (<) lying down and at night, from elongation of the uvula or from irritable condition of the epiglottis. Irritable cough from eating, drinking, talking or singing. Whooping cough, (<) night on lying down.


      Sticking;. in r. Soreness beneath and somewhat to l. of l. nipple, alternating with sticking, pressure and pulling. Pressure; with sticking; upon chest, with internal sticking, (<) inspiration; on r. side near ensiform cartilage and last true rib, with anxiety and oppression of breath; in r. lower side and on ascending steps anxiety and dyspnoea; sudden, upon sternum, above pit of stomach after eating. Oppression, causing deep inspiration; O. like shortness of breath, with violent beating of heart. Tightness, as after too great exertion in speaking or running. Squeezing in upper part. (Burning pain in l. side in evening.)


      Sticking; causing deep respiration, alternating with yawning; tearing. Soreness and tightness in praecordial, region, causing sighs. Tightness in praecordial-region, causing deep inspiration, which relieved. Pain. Pressure and anxiety in praecordial region, causing deep inspiration. Oppression in praecordial region. Action violent; and irregular. Action tremulous, irregular; small, quick, waking him.


      Rapid; and full, strong; and full, soft; and weak; and threadlike; and small; and small, indistinct; and small, intermittent, also easily compressible. Strong. Full. Slow; and tense; and small; then rapid, small and irregular, then slight fluctuations, but constantly above the normal. Irregular; and small. Intermittent. Small, intermittent; and scarcely perceptible; S. and weak. Imperceptible at wrist.


      Turned obliquely in attacks. Tetanic contraction of anterior muscles so that it was impossible to lay head on pillow. Sudden sticking in region of upper insertion of r. sterno-cleido- mastoid, (>) pressure of thumb. Muscles stiff and tense on bending head forward. Stiff pain in nape.


      (Tearing.) Sticking in scapulae; l. Pain in loins; on stooping; on walking. Bruised pain in small of B. when sitting; in afternoon; B. pain when lying on back; when walking.


      Trembling. Twitching, with flexions and tensions of fingers; T. of hands and feet. Convulsions; now of upper, now of lower. Distortions like chorea, the child made ill-mannered faces, between spasms eyes closed and child passive. Necessity to stretch. Sticking in joints of arms and legs. Cutting tearing in almost all joints, (<) motion. Drawing and tearing. Drawing pain in joints and still more in muscles near joints. Pains. Knees, feet and joints of upper limbs feel bruised and weary. Burning, prickling in hands, feet, lets, afterwards on attempting to get out of bed found her legs powerless. Stiffness as in apoplexy; tetanic S. Paralyzed sensation, (<) lower. Asleep.

Upper Extremities

      Tension in pectoral and dorsal muscles, at shoulder-joint, (<) raising arm. (Arms tremble in evening after exercise); A. convulsed; twitch at night in bed; prickling; tearing on posterior surface of l.; aching in bones of l., (<) posterior end of humerus. Goutlike pain in l. elbow. Pressure in bend of elbow if he holds arm bent. Sticking on flexor surface of forearm; itching S. Pain in wrists and elbows, spreading, (>) motion. Drawing pain about wrists and knuckles. Hands swollen; H. trembles when writing; in constant motion, she carried one, then the other to the mouth as if she had something in them which she would bite and chew; numbness; painful stupor; crawling in l. as if asleep. Thumb closed into fist during convulsions. Pain in last phalanx of r. little finger, with swelling. Drawing on inner margins of fingers on motion. Sensitiveness of second joint of r. index, with swelling.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.