Homeopathy Remedy Crocus


      Hawking on account of tough mucus, which makes the voice rough and scrapy. Feeling on empty swallowing as if a husk were sticking in it, (<) morning after rising, with frequent necessity to hawk. Sensation during inspiration as of sulphur fumes. Scraping before and after coughing; S. and roughness; S. as after fat food; in back part, which compels hawking. Feeling as if uvula had fallen down. Sensation as if a stopper were forced into it after eating, more on empty swallowing than on swallowing food, with elongated sensation in uvula and pressive sensation when not swallowing. Sudden drawing internally and externally in l. side, extending into ear.


      Canine hunger in afternoon and evening. Thirst for cold drinks in afternoon. Eructations; empty, in morning fasting. Nausea; (>) open air, with weakness in pit of stomach; in chest and throat; and discomfort, extending from pit of stomach into abdomen, where they moved about as if griping would appear. Frequent vomiting in one gush, from tickling in beginning of trachea during respiration. Distention, and of abdomen. Rumbling in pit, with fermentation. Sticking in pit. Sinking pain in pit. Contractive pain in pit and beneath sternum. Drawing back and forth and up and down in pit. Sensitiveness as after taking cold. Fulness after a little food, with loss of appetite. Burning. Heartburn rising into throat, (<) a meal, which was eaten with relish.


      Rumbling in morning in bed; R. on yawning. Moving in whole when standing, with griping and intermittent urging to stool. Sensation internally in sides as if something living were jumping about (compare Thuja), with nausea and shivering. Shocks in l. side at night when fully awake, like the movements of a child at the end of pregnancy. Griping jerking after an ordinary drink of water. Sticking in side, arresting breathing. Aching, in a child, he bends forward. Pain as from taking cold; drawing P. as if menses would appear; P. as from pressure on a sore spot, now l. now r. side. Fulness and pressure in A. and chest as if she had eaten too much and too rapidly, though not after eating. Distended sensation in forenoon, with empty stomach. Emptiness, with loss of appetite. Tickling rising upward through A.

Rumbling in upper, with discomfort. Painless shock in upper as if something jumped upward. Painless pinching as from a broad, hard body in r. hypochondrium, on every inspiration. Drawing in upper, then in region of uterus. Griping in a spot to l. of navel; G. above navel in morning. Sensation as if something living were moving about deep in lower (Thuja) towards evening. Bubbling in lower. Pressure in public region as in menstruation. Heaviness in public region.


      Sticking extending through sacral region and into l. inguinal region, where it remains as an aching, (<) inspiration; S. on r. side above A.; intermittent S. near l. side of A. Cringing. Crawling as of thread worms (Ignatia). Itching in evening.

Stool and Urine

      Blood with the stool. Stool tinged with the drug. Stool earlier than usual, but difficult. Desire to urinate, waking at night, with bruised pain and numbness in l. humerus, upon which he was lying, sweat on lower part of body, and on rising vertigo, staggering, sensation as of a cold wind upon the sweaty parts and feeling as if cold sweat trickled down feet.

Sexual Organs

      Sudden intermittent sticking extending up into r. hypochondrium, piercing farther each time. Itching on r. side of scrotum in evening. Desire. Sensation as if menses would appear, with colic and pressure towards genitals. Metrorrhagia on slightest movement. Fatal haemorrhage from uterus, especially after parturition.

Clinical It is not only useful in uterine haemorrhages of thick dark blood, but it has removed the disposition to miscarriage associated with in unnatural sensation of worms in the abdomen, or of something dead and heavy.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarseness in morning with cough. Sticking in trachea, (<) posteriorly, Cough; attack of exhausting dry, (>) laying hand on pit of stomach; paroxysm of dry C. as from irritation in trachea; C., with easy expectoration of large masses of mucus. Rattling inspiration, then mucus in throat and hoarseness, the mucus (>) hawking. Dyspnoea. Choking during inspiration from tickling in upper part of trachea.


      Sticking in l.; r.; beneath heat, (<) inspiration; in sides, rather externally, afterwards extending farther forward and becoming burning, not affecting respiration or motion. Aching in the whole; sudden, in lower part and in pit of stomach, with nausea. Jumping as of something living in r. lower part, beneath ribs. Shocks beneath r. short ribs, near pit of stomach, and on inspiration soreness as if the pain were caused by breathing; jerklike S. in l. side, as if they would take away the breath. Jerking pain internally in l. side, as if drawn at intervals towards the back by a thread. Oppression; impending yawning. Heaviness frequently obliging deep breathing.


      Drawing in praecordial region, extending to stomach, like colic. Emptiness in praecordial region. Warmth about heart, (>) frequent yawning, with anxiety and oppression of breath and inclination to breathe deeply. Palpitation; with anxiety at heart, with weakness extending through whole body to soles, as if the body were sinking down.

Neck and Back

      External swelling of neck. Painful stiffness of neck. Tearing in small of back, (<) breathing. Pain in small of back on motion in

bed, in morning and at night.


      Cracking in joints, with pain on motion. Weakness, with bruised sensation on motion, (<) hip-joint. Falling asleep of an arm, hand and foot.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Twitching on top in morning in bed. Shocks in a spot on back of. Cracking in joint on sudden motion, with pain as if arm would be dislocated. Pain on motion as if humerus were lying loosely in joint and would be easily dislocated; feeling in l. joint as if humerus were lying loosely in it and would be easily dislocated. Bruised sensation. Tensive aching in joint, with cracking in it on moving arm outward.

Arm.-Pain in l. with sensation of paralysis. Bruised sensation on motion. Heaviness and bruised sensation, (<) forearms. Falling asleep; at night in sleep, and of hands, the crawling pain wakens her; with immobility, and of hands. Sudden tearing in r. elbow. Pain in r. forearm, extending obliquely to thumb; P. in forearm, in a spot near l. elbow, whereby the elbow is spasmodically thrown upward. Intermittent drawing in forearm, so that every intermission causes burrowing in a spot, (<) resting forearm on anything, whereby benumbing warmth spreads over hand.

Hand. Pain in r. Tensive drawing in l. metacarpal joints. Sticking in l. index. Sudden burning crawling motion in finger- tips, as if asleep, on entering house after a walk in raw air, with sensation as if bound so that the blood could not circulate freely, the sensation (>) bending fingers into a fist.

Lower Extremities

      Sudden shuddering in nates when sitting, as after a violent fall. Cracking in r. hip-joint on stretching thigh and on moving it forward. Aching on lower surface of thigh after long sitting. Weariness of thighs, (<) sitting; of femora in evening, (>) during motion, (<) after motion, (>) by rest, with painful tingling extending from above downward.

Knee. Cracking, even when standing. Noise on stooping, with pain. Tearing extending to malleoli, where it continues aching and drawing back and forth, so that she must often move the feet at night. Painful tension on sitting down, on rising it becomes a pain as if dry and as if they would creak on motion. Intermittent painful drawing in the bent knee. Weariness, even to sinking.

Leg. Intermittent pain in a spot above malleolus, as if in periosteum. Bruised sensation; in calves, as if he would stumble over his own legs. Smarting in calves, then tearing. Sensation of paralysis on walking and standing, (<) knees and ankles.

Tensive drawing in l. ankle. Smarting of l. sole when sitting. Aching of soles after standing; A. of soles as after a long walk, with necessity to move them. Burning and crawling in feet, (<) soles, as after walking in tight shoes. Weakness of feet; (<) standing and walking; even when sitting, with heaviness as after a long walk; of feet and calves as if she had walked too far, (<) walking. Sticking in ball of l. great toe.


      Scarlet redness of whole body. Suppuration of an old indurated bruise on finger, with pain and soreness. Crawling here and there, (>) scratching; C. in r. index. Itching on several parts; intermittent painful, on l. frontal eminence.


      Yawning, with chilliness, burning of lids and thirst for cold drinks, without drinking much, after upper; frequent Y.; excessive Y., with sleepiness. Sleepiness; after dinner, with creeping chills. Waking early and thinking that it is late; waking early and then more wide awake than usual. Frequent waking; with uneasy sleep and vivid dreams. Singing in sleep. Laughing in a dream. Confused and frightful dreams of what had been spoken or done during the day, of fires and the like. Dream that she hurries for a distant place, but cannot reach it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.