A tincture is made of the fresh bark of Cornus Circinata, L’Her.
General Action
not sufficiently known, but seems to exert a marked action on the liver and intestinal secretions.
Allies.– Cinchona, Alstonia, Chelidonium
Generalities and Mind
Weakness; in morning on waking; in morning on riding, with apathy. Indolence and loss of physical energy. Disinclination to read, think or work; Depression of spirits. Peevishness. Indifference. Inability from concentrate thoughts. Confusion of ideas; towards night, with increase of stupid, sleepy sensation. Forgetful of little things.
Clinical Chronic malarial troubles, with jaundice, tendency to diarrhoea or dysentery, enlarged spleen, etc. General debility with drowsiness and depression of spirits, unrefreshing sleep, etc.
Shooting through the whole brain. Aching; deep in brain, under centre of skull; on waking at 6 A.M., with distention and pain in abdomen, urging to stool, pains more acute during the stool, which was thin, dark green, offensive, with tenesmus and offensive flatus; tensive. Heavy pain; (<) walking, stooping or shaking head. Heaviness. Fulness; in brain in morning on rising; (>) copious, thin, bilious stool, after the stool tenesmus nd burning at anus. Confusion; in morning on rising. Lightness. Congestion of blood to H. and face. Giddiness; on shaking head or stooping.
Pain in forehead; and vertex; with rumbling in abdomen; over r. brow; over r. supraorbital ridge. Pulsations from front to back part of head. Pain in temples and vertex; in T. in afternoon and evening. Throbbing pain in temples; and sides of head; gradually passing off in afternoon and night; in vertex. Heavy confused feeling in vertex, with drowsiness. Pain in occiput; deep-seated, pulsatory, and insides of head; drawing, and in nape. Drawing sensation from occiput to nose. Scalp sore. Aggravation of an habitual scurfy eruption.
Sunken. Surrounded by dark circles. Dull and heavy, as after a debauch. Contracting feeling around them. heavy sensation around them. Conjunctiva yellow. Balls painful; B. sore; dull feeling over them. Lids heavy.
Clinical Scrofulous ophthalmia and herpes of the conjunctiva, with chronic diarrhoea.
Nose and Mouth
Prickling in nasal cavity. Symptoms of coryza in morning. Face swallow; yellow. Dull and sickly expression.
Smarting, and in throat. Dryness; and in throat. Tongue furred; white; yellowish. Taste bad; bitter; pungent; clammy; insipid.
Clinical Nursing sore mouth. Aphthous stomatitis of children.
Appetite impaired; small; lost. Aversion to fold; and to drink; to meat and bread. Desire for sour drinks. Eructations; empty; bitter. Nausea; at 10 A.M.; at 1 P.M. Flatulent distention of S. and abdomen. Pain in pit during dinner, with distention of abdomen, from wind, both (>) immediately after dinner by loose, windy, dark, bilious stool. Occasional drawing pains extending to hypogastrium. Gnawing, faint feeling. Fulness and oppression, and in abdomen. Burning; and in abdomen. Heavy pulsation. Empty feeling. Faint sensation, and in abdomen. Weakness.
Rumbling. Offensive flatus. Constant working, as if all the contents were in motion. Griping, with distention, G. at 2 P.M., with ineffectual urging to stool; with rumbling, the G. (<) in umbilical region; occasional. Pain. Uneasiness; with vague pains; with fulness. Pain in umbilical region. Rumbling in hypogastrium; at 11 A.M., with griping and offensive flatus. Weight in hypogastrium.
Clinical Chronic inflammation of liver, jaundice, face yellow, sunken.
Rectum and Stool
Urging to stool; at 5 A.M., with bearing-sown pain in abdomen; early in morning, not (>) discharge of a few slimy lumps, with pressing and smarting at anus; on rising; but discharge of only scanty, dark and slimy fluid and offensive flatus. Loose stool, copious, with pressing-down pain in rectum; L., large, dark, with griping and tenesmus; and dark, with tenesmus and burning in anus; and bilious, offensive, five hours later another less loose nd less offensive; and scanty, with burning pain in rectum; and scanty, with offensive flatus and burning at anus, also with tenesmus; and scanty with tenesmus, griping in umbilical region, rumbling and offensive flatus; and scanty, with pressing pain in rectum, smarting at anus after the discharge, dull feeling in head, drowsiness and lassitude. Scanty, bilious, slimy, with flatus and tenesmus, during and after the stool burning pain at anus and a short distance within rectum. Scanty, with burning at anus; S. and dark, with burning pain at anus; and hard, with pressing in rectum. Dark, copious, with pressing down in rectum.
Clinical Diarrhoea, dark, bilious, very offensive, with sallow complexion and sunken face. Dysentery, with burning in anus and rectum and great debility. It is to be compared with Chelidonium in its hepatic symptoms and diarrhoea.
Urinary and Genital Organs
Urine scanty and red; and passed often. Strong and persistent erections frequently during the night.
Stitches, and in back; in C. and under r. scapula; intermittent griping, from centre (apparently in muscles), down to hypogastrium. Bruised feeling in morning on rising and in back. Choking sensation in upper part. Dragging down each side.
Accelerated pulsation.
Back and Extremities
Pains in back; and knees; in small of back; in lower part of back and abdomen; sore, in lumbar region, (<) bending forward. Legs weak; on walking or ascending stairs; and trembling.
Scarlet rash on breast, with itching. prickling on arms and legs. Itching all over body; on different parts; on head and legs and nasal mucous membrane; legs, thighs, and around labia; scalp, legs and feet, (<) rubbing or scratching, burning after scratching; in paroxysms, on back, legs and feet, generally in evening.
Clinical Vesicular eruptions.
Sleepiness; by day; at 1 P.M.; (>) strong coffee, with headache; with stupid feeling; with disinclination to make any effort. Sound sleep, with frightful dreams; S. and prolonged; but unrefreshing. Restless sleep. Dreams unpleasant; frightful, waking him, with profuse perspiration.
Coldness, then flushes of heat; and sweat; C. and flushes of heat in alternation, followed by cold sweat. Cold hands and feet, but not head. flushes of heat; then sweat; to head and face. Heat of head and face; in morning on rising; on vertex; face and hands, also feet; face in morning on rising, without redness of cheeks. Sweat on slight exertion; clammy S., then chilliness.