Homeopathy Remedy Copaiva

Respiratory Organs

      Excoriating pain in larynx. Dryness and roughness of larynx. Tightness of larynx during menses, with hoarseness in morning and dry cough morning and evening. hoarseness, (<) morning, with excoriating pain in larynx on talking. Voice loses its compass, the higher notes cause excoriating pain, which finally makes their rendering impossible. bronchial mucous membrane excited. Cough from tickling in larynx, trachea and bronchi; dry C. morning and evening; rough C., with difficult expectoration of greenish mucus; C., with profuse whitish expectoration, sometimes saltish, sometimes flat and nauseous. Respiration slow.

Clinical Bronchial catarrh, with profuse purulent expectoration. Catarrh of larynx, dryness, painful, cough hoarseness in morning.


      Sticking in r. Pressure on sternum. burning., Fulness, obliging sighing. Distress when working in a stooping position, as when digging, with labored breathing.

Heart and Pulse

      Frequent and feeble pulsations of heart. Palpitation; during work. Pulse frequent slow.

Neck and Back

      Rheumatic pain in nape and l. side of neck. Stiffness of back, (>) walking. Burning pain in dorsal spine. Sticking in l. scapula; between scapulae, cutting short the respiration. Pulling in scapulae. Lumbar pains; spasmodic.


      Trembling; during rest. Sticking in l. axilla, extending into chest. Axillary glands sensitive to touch. Pain in l. shoulder at night, next evening in r. elbow; acute, in l. shoulder-joint; P. of dislocation in r. shoulder. numbness of arm on which he lies at night. Pullings in forearms. pain in l. wrist. Trembling of hands. Stiffness of fingers.

Lower Extremities

      Uneasiness. Cramplike pain in hips, (<) r. Bruised pain in r. hip when lying on it; in r. hip on walking and on touch. Rheumatic pains (as from fatigue) in l. hip and knee during menstruation, with spasms of uterus. Constrictive pain in hollow of femur before the griping. Cracking of knees on stretching legs. Pain in knees; l., when walking. Numbness of legs when sitting. PAin anteriorly in r. ankle; P. in ankle when walking; in l. when walking. Swelling of feet; of l. foot. Pain on dorsum of foot during the cold stage. Sprained pain in feet on beginning to walk, (>) walking.


      Irregular, itching, yellow spots on r. cheek in morning and evening. Haemorrhage and red spots on whole body, on face. Erythema (Vespa); rosy :pumiceous,” as if bitten by insects. Confluent scarlet elevations on hands and feet. Red blotches over whole body, (<) on face; large red blotches, with constipation and fever (Apis). Red itching spots on l. elbow; at sternal region and r. axilla. Red miliary eruption, sometimes confluent, preceded by headache, vertigo and loathing. Red miliary E., preceded by cardialgia, vertigo and nausea, the E. may be slow in developing and locate upon wrists, hands, knees, ankles and feet, at other times it develops rapidly and covers the whole skin and is accompanied by febrile phenomena, it is characterized by red spots, disappearing under pressure, the spots round or with uneven edges and separated by healthy skin, or they unite and form large red spots, with itching, if the medicine is continued the spots become papules, in rare cases the region becomes tumefied, painful and impeded in its movements. Eruption resembling roseola, but the spots are larger and more elevated, confluent on parts of chest and arms, and look like petechiae. Redness and swelling of face, with thirst, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and restlessness, then arms and legs, and finally whole body, red and swollen, face dusky yellowish-red, oedema, (<) about eyelids, which could not be opened, sticky discharge at margins of lids, elevation on face and neck, like measles, (<) next the hair and at lower parts of neck, over whole dark red smooth eruption studded with points of a deeper color, hands and feet somewhat resembling face, throat inflamed and dusky red, with oedema of uvula, no difficulty in swallowing, sleeplessness, tossing about al night, thick, yellowish-white fur on tongue, no stool for two days, heat, pulse rapid, small, thready, vertigo, sore throat, ineffectual retching after food. Elevations as from wasp-stings, confluent on ears and backs of hands becoming after a few days brownish-yellow like liver spots, with mealy desquamation on ears, even after four weeks burning spots could be seen. Furfuraceous tetter on l. concha, with burning pain on touch.

Nettle-rash; or like scarlet fever, first on face, (<) on forehead, then on backs of hands, finally in other parts, with burning of skin, also with sore throat (without swelling), then sweat, no fever or thirst, elevations like bug-bites, confluent on ears and backs of hands, then the spots become brown without desquamation, except on ears. Red itching pimples on upper part of forehead, on hairy scalp, above ears and on occiput. boils on pubis. Pustules like the itch between fingers and on forearms. Eruptive fever, with heat and headache, purple eruption like variola, in twelve hours it spreads, sinks down and each pustule becomes depressed, soon forms a petechial blotch, which becomes confluent with adjacent blotches. Modified pemphigus over whole body, beginning at flexure of joints, the bullae aborted where the skin was thin, the discharge excessive, offensive, viscid, then general desquamation. White miliary vesicles on a red base on l. wing and tip of nose, Itching of cheeks, here and there, in nostrils and on chin. (Compare skin symptoms with Apis and Vespa).

Clinical Urticaria, dry, hot, biting, with violent itching.


      Drowsiness in daytime (Apis). Restless sleep. Sleeplessness and restlessness all night after an embrace. Frequent waking. Early waking and inability to sleep again. Dreams frightful or lascivious.


      Shivering in morning; and in afternoon heat and thirst. Cold hands; feet from morning till noon; feet, knees and thighs at night; feet and knees during menses. Heat; in face in morning on waking; in flushes in face and head after eating, with sweat in hollow of hands, anxiety and indigestion. Sweat; in morning; sour at night; with the odor of Copaiba. Sensation as if sweat would break out, which afterwards took place in bed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.