Homeopathy Remedy Camphor

Clinical Tongue cold mouth cold, breath cold.


      Stitches at back of pharynx and towards l. side. Hysterical choking, sensation. Scraping. Soreness at night, (<) swallowing, with feeling as if gullet were sore and excoriated and sensation in throat as if she had eaten rancid substances. Heat; in pharynx and in stomach; in oesophagus and stomach, extending over whole body.


      Hunger. Loss of appetite. Aversion to the accustomed tobacco- smoking, without its tasting badly, the aversion amounting to vomiting. Thirst; at night. Pleasure in drinks, without thirst. Loss of thirst. Eructations; after eating; of contents of stomach. Nausea; from drinking; (<) mornings, with vomiting; (>) eructations; with salivation; without inclination to vomit. Retching. Vomiting; from drinking coffee; yellow, liquid; black- streaked; bilious, colored with blood.

Stitches. Pain: in pit or anterior part of liver; in epigastrium, radiating over belly and into limbs, with uterine tenesmus; gradually increasing pain in epigastrium, loins and abdomen, with strangury and vomiting. Oppression of pit, with warmth in it. Sensation in pits as if distended and bruised, with fulness in abdomen; sensation in pit as if abdomen were distended at this point and the diaphragm thereby pressed upwards, with oppression of breathing. Coldness, in pit. Heat; peculiar, in region of pit; warmth in epigastric region, extending forward over whole body, with exalted condition of brain, rush of blood to head and warmth of face, especially of cheeks. Heartburn.


      Retraction. Distention by gas. Flatulence. Rumbling. Movements and in afternoon frequent emission of offensive flatus, and next night, from 1 till 2 O’ clock, pain in coeliac ganglia, with anxiety and sweat. Emission of flatus; when walking. Cutting at night. Pain; drawing bruised, more internally, (<) inspiration, extending into region of liver and into chest. Feeling as before diarrhoea. Pressure in morning as of distention from flatus. Burning; and distention.

Heat in upper and lower (Arsenicum, Cuprum). Coldness in upper and lower (Secale c.). Constrictive pain below short ribs; extending into lumbar vertebrae. Pressure beneath diaphragm extending upward and downward, with tension, changing to pain in region of coeliac ganglia. Pain in hypochondria; region of coeliac ganglia, causing in evening anxious sweat, it seemed as inflammation would attack organs of abdomen, this irritability extended to lungs and caused cough, with pain on inner surface of spine, extending upward from diaphragm.

Scraping acrid sensation now on r., now on l. side, sometimes posteriorly, sometimes anteriorly, approaching a burning and changing to a grumbling pain in region of coeliac ganglia. Cutting in umbilical region, then emission of flatus, inclination to stool and urging to urinate. Pressure above umbilicus, with burning. Sensation of hardness above umbilicus, with heaviness.

Hypogastrium. Burning-sticking below anterior crest of ilium, extending to groin. Pinching in lower abdomen, especially in umbilical region. Sticking drawing heaviness in r. side on pressure. Pain. Pressure in l. side. Pressure outward in groins at root of penis, as if a hernia would protrude. Drawing in l. side, with a tensive bruised sensation. Heat.

Clinical Colic, insatiable thirst. Vomiting, with cold sweat, great exhaustion. Internal burning in abdomen, with external coldness.


      Smarting. Contracted sensation on passing flatus, with swollen feeling and pain. Urging to stool; with scanty stool, then violent U. and a more scanty discharge; and in abdominal cavity, in urinary and genital organs, the U. to urinate beginning in kidneys, extending along ureters to bladder, with dragging along spermatic cords to testicles and general feeling of turgescence in this part of the body.


      Thin, dark brown, scanty. Hard and retarded. Constipation. Sour. Increased, afterwards difficult emission of flatus, usually before the stool. Difficult, as if peristaltic motion were diminished and as if rectum were contracted. Sluggish and incomplete. Two the first day, preceded by griping, next day none, the third day a hard difficult one.

Clinical In chorea infantum, vomiting and diarrhoea suddenly pains, with coldness of body, etc. In Asiatic cholera, in the early stage, when stools are loose and contain fecal matter, in a later stage with coldness, but, as a rule, with dryness of the surface of the body, with sudden suppression of the discharges and collapse (the remedy should be stopped when the patient perspires).

Urinary Organs

      Diminished power of bladder, slow micturition. Strangury. Micturition painful; M. in a thin stream; dribbling; frequent and difficult; frequent, with profuse, colorless urine; almost involuntary, then pain in urethra as from a contraction from before backward; retention of urine; with full bladder (Opium). Urging to urinate, then involuntary micturition; frequent U., also with pain in course of spermatic vessels; ineffectual U. Burning in urethra; sticking B. urethra on urinating. Biting in posterior part of urethra when urinating, then pressure in region of bladder. Urine scanty; U. red; dark yellow, very saturated; brown; yellowish green, turbid, of musty odor; turbid, whitish-green; pale, odorless, containing sugar and mucus, but without sediment; burning; saturated, of pungent odor. Sediment red or white.

Clinical Excessive strangury, retention of urine (in Asiatic cholera, sometimes in poisoning by Cantharis).

Sexual Organs

      Excitement. Weakness, with want of desire. Impotence. Painful priapism, (>) by urinating (Cantharis, Terebintha, Phosphorus). Pressure in l. side of root of penis, in groin, when standing. Sticking-itching on inner surface of prepuce. Laxity of scrotum, want of erection and want of desire, then violent erections. (Contractive sensation in testicles.) Incomplete erection, with weak desire. Desire increased; with delusions respecting the object of embrace. Nightly emissions. Slight discharge of blood from vagina. Os uteri enlarged and hot. Abortion. Menses ceased; M. too profuse. Desire increased.

Clinical Chordee, effects of sudden suppression of gonorrhoeal discharge, coldness, strangury, etc. Sexual excitement in women. Puerperal mania, with suppressed discharges, dryness of the surface, etc.

Respiratory Organs

      Contractive sensation in larynx, as from sulphur fumes. Mucus in windpipe, making the voice husky and not removed by hacking or clearing throat. Pain in trachea and bronchi, (<) coughing, hacking and clearing throat. Suffocative dyspnoea, as if from pressure in pit of stomach. Choking. Hurried respiration and labored. Short and snoring. (Inspiration in sleep shorter than expiration.) Oppressed, anxious, painting. Slow and shallow. Deep and slow. Heavy, slow and difficult. Almost arrested. Impeded and feeble, apparently due to spasmodic contraction of circular fibres of trachea, whole body livid, cold, and skin feeling tensive to touch. External, laborious without assistance of abdominal muscles. Short cough from scraping in throat. Dry, hacking cough; (<) forenoon.

Clinical Asthmatic attacks, with great suffocation. Violent dry cough, especially in measles, with suppressed eruption, with congestion of lungs, etc. In pleuro-pneumonia, emphysema of lungs.


      Stitches; in l. when walking; in nipples; (<) l., often extending to spine; with hacking cough as if caused by a cutting cold sensation deep in trachea. Tearing near r. nipple, extending towards pelvis. Pressure on sternum when standing; internally under sternum, with difficult inspiration and a cold sensation which rises from chest into mouth; in upper part of sternum as from a load. Oppression. Contraction. Internal trembling of l. side when lying upon that side, and of l. arm.


      Anxiety. Cramplike stitches when lying on l. side, with oppression of chest. Indefinable distress coldness, with sleepiness. Palpitation; as if heart turned forward and over, with stoppage of breath and gasping. Impulse hard; heard and felt after eating. Trembling. Slow and intermittent beats.


      Rapid; and full; and small, irregular; and small, weak; and undulatory, weak; and scarcely perceptible. Slow; small and hard. Weak (Arsenicum); and thready. Irritable in evening. Hard and full.


      Swelling of cervical glands. Stitches near r. shoulder on motion. Tearing in nape on bending head forward. Pressure in nape when walking. Tensive pain in nape, (<) every motion and on turning neck, and in posterior cervical muscles. Drawing on l. side of nape towards shoulder; painful D. and stiff sensation in side of neck and down nape when walking in open air; painless, in cervical vertebrae on motion. Stiffness of nape.


      Drawing stitches through and between scapulae on moving arm, extending into chest. Tearing on anterior margin of scapula, (<) motion of arm; along medulla spinalis. Pain; in spine; on stooping; in small of back, (<) motion of head, (>) pressure of hand, especially in region of fifth, sixth and seventh dorsal vertebrae. Pressure in small of back. Movements in region of kidneys. Tired feeling in small of B. when walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.