Homeopathy Remedy Arsenicum hydrogen

Arsenicum hydrogen homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum hydrogen…

      The gas may be passed into distilled water and kept in a cold dark place; it rapidly decomposes.

General Action

      Like Arsenic, but much more violent.

Compare Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Carb-ac., K-carb.


      Pale blood exuded from the mucous membrane and from the prepuce. Anaemia, with systolic bruit de souffle at apex, in consequence of retention of poison in the body, from lack of urinary secretion, as well as fatty degeneration of heart and paralysis of that organ, finally anguish, pain in region of liver, cold limbs and nettle-rash. Epilepsy, has become nearly imbecile. Twitching of muscles of forearms, then contractions of facial muscles, (>) warm bath. Malaise; indefinable. Difficulty of motion. Restlessness. Syncope. Weakness; on waking; sudden, indescribable W., with nausea. Hands as far as middle of forearm, feet as far as near knees, nose, eyebrows, became dead, pulse ceased, and every sign of life left these parts, though they could be moved. All hair on “deadened parts” became snowy white, and the white brows formed a strange contrast to the dark-brown face. Crawling in the deadened limbs (as they became restored), especially in nose.


      Delirium, with desire to escape from bed; slight D., but he answers all questions clearly after some hesitation. Anxiety; while vomiting, with belief that death is near and despair of being better. Disinclination to work. Sopor.


      Aching; (<) during chill; with Dullness of head; sudden, then pain epigastric region, with renewed vomiting, pale tongue, great thirst, features again altered, sclerotic yellow, prostration. Vertigo; on ascending stairs, so that he staggered against the sides of the stairs; with cephalalgia, nausea and vomiting; with pain in stomach, prostration, cerebral congestion, fever, dim sight, indigestion, nausea and griping, with weakness; sudden, with fainting and vomiting. Aching in forehead; after eating, (<) at night, with weakness.

Eyes, Nose and Face

      Eyes sunken, lustreless, conjunctiva bulbi red; E. yellow, sunken, with blue circles about them; sclerotic injected with blood of a yellow color; E. Watery. Violent sneezing, with coldness of nose. Nose and lips excoriated. Face yellowish; pale; bronzed; features drawn; expression as in cholera; hippocratic. Lips colorless.

Mouth and Throat

      Gums pale, discolored, bleeding easily. Fuligo on tongue and gums. Tongue yellow; red and foul; dry and coated; dry, whitish. Mouth dry and sticky. Blood oozed from mucous membrane of mouth and accumulated on anterior pillars of palate, exhaling a nauseous odor. Taste sweetish; bitter. Constriction of throat; with burning. Dysphagia.


      Appetite lost. Great thirst. Eructations; spasmodic, of much gas, without relief of the pain in the abdomen that causes moaning. Nausea and vomiting. Incessant retching and vomiting. Vomiting; of food; of everything taken into stomach; greenish; of bitter green mucus, with the colic. Pain; in epigastrium, also on pressure of hand; in epigastric region during chill. Cutting in epigastric region and below it. Heat. Distress about heart and stomach, then profuse vomiting. Irritation, with acrid burning from pharynx to lower end of alimentary canal, vomiting of food, then of bile, ultimately of coffee-grounds-looking matter, consisting of broken-down blood corpuscles and epithelium of stomach and lower part of oesophagus, constipation, three or four pints of bloody urine, fever, full, hard, frequent pulse, dry, hot skin, burning pain in alimentary canal, deep-seated pain in lumbar region, restlessness, anxiety, pale, anxious face and prostration.

Abdomen and Stool

      Spleen and liver at diminished in volume, later hypertrophied. Tympanitic. A. Distention during chill. Colic. Heat in A., with cold extremities. Intestinal haemorrhage. Desire for stool. Bloody stool; frequent blackish S.; bilious. Diarrhoea. Obstinate constipation.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Strangury. Ischuria and bloody urine. Dysuria and haematuria, with arsenic in urine, and disorganized cells of blood, abundant desquamation of albumen and haemoglobuline, uric acid during convalescence. Urine suppressed. Scanty and bloody; and black. Haematuria (Cantharis, Phosphorus, Ter., Senec.). Almost black (Ph., K. carb., Carb. ac); reddish black, forming a thick cold of blood. Copious, black urine, with sensitiveness of renal region to pressure, enlargement of liver and spleen, haemoglobinuria, jaundice, afterwards urine decreased from day to day and was lighter in color, at last total anuria. Foreskin and glans covered with pustules, leaving round superficial ulcers, sixty- five on outside of foreskin alone.

Clinical Sudden suppression of menses, with internal chills for three as, followed by tearing pains in hands and feet, confused head, ringing in ears, loss of appetite, thirst, with vomiting of everything, rumbling in bowels, sleeplessness, diarrhoea, of red mucus, tongue dry, red, cracked, expectoration of viscid dark mucus, cough at night caused retching and vomiting; Arsenicum failed, but Arsenicum hydrog. cured immediately.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

      Voice whispering. Respiration difficult; anxious, frequent moaning, rapid. Ronchi in lungs. Oppression of chest during chill; O., with weakness. Constriction at suprasternal notch; at base of lung with quick breathing.

Pulse, Neck and Back

      Pulse rapid; and small; R. and weak. Tearing in neck during chill. Pain in kidney region; with urging to urinate. Unpleasant pressive feeling in kidney region, which rapidly increased and spread up back to between shoulders. Pain in lumbar region.


      Trembling. Painful contractions. Pain. Weakness. Tearing in upper, during chill. A kind of stiffening of upper, which afterwards extending to lower and caused pricking. Pain in elbows and upper arms; in lower limbs (<) r. Rheumatic tearing in knees. Walked with difficulty.

Skin and Sleep

      Yellow skin and sclerotic (Phosphorus); skin deep-yellow, psuedoicteric, then grayish-yellow, then cadaver-like, with excessive itching; dark-brown skin (Ph., K. clc.). Violent eruption. Papules on abdomen, face and loins. Somnolence. Profound sleep. Sleeplessness.


      Chill; while walking; (<) 10 P.M. on undressing; from 3 to 5 P.M., when the headache was usually worse, C. beginning with yawning, discomfort, anxiety, oppression of chest, pain in neck, drawing in upper limbs, increased frontal headache, then heat till 8 P.M., with hot, dry mouth, only little thirst, then sweat and sleep, with at first frequent startings during the unrefreshing sleep, but after midnight he became quiet, next day slight paroxysm of fever, the following quiet, next day slight paroxysm of fever, the following day a severe paroxysm, then fever every day; with pain in head and in renal region and vomiting. Cold body; extremities; skin. Heat; in evening. Burning in head. Sweat; profuse.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.