Homeopathy Remedy Ambra

Ambra homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ambra…

      Ambergris seems to be a morbid product of whales; it floats on the sea and is tossed occasionally upon the shore. A trituration is prepared for use. (It dissolves in alcohol.)

General Action

      Nervous phenomena predominate, convulsive cough, eructations etc. It has been used for hysterical complaints for a long time.

Relations.– Mosch., Phosphorus, Zincum met., Camph., Agaricus, Chinas.


      Pulsation like the ticking of a watch. Uneasiness; by day; in blood when walking in open air, with rapid circulation and weakness. Inclination to stretch. Weakness; morning in bed, also especially in upper part of body, with confusion in head, sensation as if eyes had been tightly closed, nausea in pit of stomach and disinclination to rise; at midnight on waking, with nausea, pressure in pit of stomach and in abdomen, violent erections without voluptuous sensation, dryness in mouth and insensibility of surface of body; on waking, with dryness of mouth and pressure in upper abdomen, which is (>) lying on abdomen, then tearing in small of back, which is (>) by lying on back; (>) walking; sudden in morning, in a hot room, with cold sweat on hands and forehead; with giving way of knees; with pain in all limbs; with heaviness. Amelioration while walking in open air, but symptoms return while sitting.

Clinical Useful for persons who are debilitated either by age or overwork, who are anaemic, sleepless, have twitching of the muscles.


      Memory bad, with weakness of thought, so that he has to read everything three or four times and then does not seize the meaning. Stupid feeling; Distorted images, grimaces, diabolical faces crowd upon his fancy and he cannot get rid of them. Lewd fancies, even when dreaming, the mind and sexual organs, however, are but little excited by them. Excitement; and loquacity, with fatigue from talking, inability to sleep at night, headache as from a load, oppression necessity to sit up in bed, anguish and general sweat. Hurry in mental occupations. Uneasiness; with oppression of chest. Despair; Anguish in evening; A., with tremor. Anxiety; after eating; Sadness; with sinking about heart. Easily aroused to indignation. Impatience. Irritation from talking, with general trembling, especially in lower limbs, and necessity to be alone to rest. Whining, then peevish and quarrelsome. Indifference to joy or grief, but more depressed than composed. Dreamy condition. Constant alternation of depression of spirits with vehemence of temper.


      Lancinations on exertion and at every step, (>) lying, with cutting. Tearing through. Aching; at night on waking, (>) rising; when blowing nose; (>) walking in open air; especially over and on top of head, with tearing; with stitches; as if a cold would come on; external, and in neck and nape, as from a strain in lifting, with pain on touch. Aching confusion after eating, (<) during motion; compressing confusion. Drawings and tearings to and fro. Empty feeling every morning, as if she revelled all night. Stupefying tension. (Twitching in.) Congestion of blood; rush of blood caused by music. Vertigo; afternoon; forenoon and afternoon on walking in open air; in afternoon, with feeling of weakness in stomach. Weakness, with vertigo; W., with chilliness of head.

Forehead.–Tearing, as far as upper part of face. Aching; in l. eminence; over eyes, always after midnight till 7 or 8 O’clock, with nausea; A, with apprehension of becoming insane; paroxysmal, over nose, becoming a tearing and leaving behind confusion of occiput. Pressure downward, and in vertex, every other day, beginning in morning, (<) afternoon, with heat in head, burning in eyes and paleness of face. Feeling as when a cold is about to break out, and in eyes.

Temples.–Stitch over l. Tearing in l. as high as vertex, and in r. frontal eminence and behind l. ear. Compressing headache starting from T. Roaring around T.

Vertex. – Tearing and apparently in whole upper part of brain, with paleness of face and coldness of l. hand. Aching. painless pressure on, in evening, with heaviness of head.

Occiput. – Stitches ascending towards, in evening. Tearing, ascending to vertex and forehead; to forehead in evening in bed, after having fallen asleep; in l. towards nape and behind ear. Aching, and in nape; in a spot., Confusion. Uneasiness after midnight.

Scalp.- Hair falls out. Sore pain on r. side on touching hair.


      Distended veins in white. Tearing around l. after eating, then around r.; T. in short jerks in and around r. pain as if they had been too firmly closed, (<) morning. Pressure in, with difficult opening; P. upon as if they were deep in orbits, with tearing headache, extending downward from forehead or from ear through occiput. Burning pain in r. Biting; with pressure as from dust; B., with lachrymation. Burning in lids. Itching of lids as if a stye would from. Pressure on l. brow. Vision dim.


      Tearing in r.; T. in lobule and behind it. Itching and tickling in. Crawling in. Crepitation and creaking in l. as when winding a watch. Roaring and whistling in afternoon. Deafness in one. Hearing decreases every day.


      Spasm of r. wing, towards malar bone, Tingling as if one would sneeze. Dryness;with irritation as if one would sneeze. Obstruction, with internal sore feeling. Sneezing; with dry nose. Coryza, with cough and expectoration of white mucus; dry C. Bleeding, (<) in morning; dried blood in nose.


      Pale. Red spot on cheek. Jaundice-colored. Trembling of muscles. Twitchings in evening in bed. Painful swelling of cheek on upper jaw, with throbbing in gums. Tearing in upper part, especially near r. wing of nose. Tension in cheek as from swelling. Stitches in jaws. Pain as if jaws were screwed together or asunder. Spasm of lower lip, with sensation as if pressed against gums and torn away; Pain in corners of lips as if cracked.


      Teeth. Aching in hollow t. in evening; more lancinating than tearing, in a hollow T. after dinner; in a hollow T. as if a nerve were touched, (<) in open air; drawing, sometimes in r. sometimes in l.; drawing, in one or another, (<) warmth, (>) cold and after eating, with swelling of inner side of gums; burrowing, under l. lower molars, in evening in bed. Drawing in an incisor as if air rushed in, causing a stitch; pinching, in r. upper molars. Gums bleed; r. lower; G. painful and swollen.

Tongue.– Coated gray-yellow. Lumps under T. which feel excoriated. Rheumatic pain posteriorly when not swallowing, and in pharynx. Numb and dry feeling in morning on walking, and in mouth and lips.

Vesicles in mouth, paining as if burnt. Tearing in palate as far as into l. ear. Scraping on palate. Smarting in mouth, with excoriated feeling and pain which prevented swallowing anything solid. Dry mouth in morning on waking, without thirst. contracted feeling in salivary glands when eating, especially the first mouthfuls. Salivation. Fetor; early after walking; Sourish taste after milk. (Bitter taste early when waking.)


      Pain in a submaxillary gland, which seemed swollen. Secretion of mucus, with roughness and scraping; grayish M. which is difficult to hawk up, with scraping; hawking up mucus in morning. Tearing; upper back part; in back part during dinner, and on l. side of palate. (Soreness after a draft, stitches shooting from neck in to r. ear, pain (<) moving tongue); (S. not when swallowing food but during empty swallowing and on external pressure, with tension of cervical glands as if swollen); in a spot when coughing; as if something impeded swallowing. Sensation as if something lodged; as if food lodged in pit, after eating. Raw sensation in region of velum pendulum palati, Scraping; after cough; S. as in a cold. Biting in back part; between acts of swallowing. Tickling causing cough. Itching when coughing, and in thyroid gland. Dryness in morning.


      Eructation at night, frequent E. with violent convulsive cough; empty; sour; bitter; insipid, in afternoon; violent, after dinner. Hiccough from smoking tobacco. Nausea; always after midnight till 7 or 8 O’clock, with pain over eyes; (after breakfast); (clawing). Retching and vomiting can hardly be avoided when hawking up phlegm. Spasm. Spoiled sensation every evening and eructations of acrid substances as high as larynx, like heartburn. Stitches in region, with pressure. Pressure in epigastrium; (>) walking in open air; returning when sitting; in epigastrium, with cold hands and feet; in region of stomach, with tension. Burning; when walking in open air, with suppressed eructations; in region and higher up. ( Weakness about pit after every evacuation.)


      Distention; after midnight; after eating or drinking with tension. Fermentation at night; F., with rumbling. Flatus emitted at night. Spasms. Twitchings of muscles evening. Cutting mornings, with soft stools; C. in evening; in bed after midnight, with sweat; with soft stool. Pinching, then cutting in epigastrium, (>) eructations. Pain; then emission of flatus; changing to pinching; from incarcerated flatus, (<) l. side. Compressed feeling; morning. Excitement as if menses would come on. Cold internally (Camph., Phosphorus). (Burning.) Tenesmus after stool.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.