Homeopathy Remedy Allium Cepa

Allium Cepa homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa…

      Natural order, Liliaceae. A tincture is prepared from the common red onion.

General Action

      The first and most marked effects are catarrhal, nose, eyes and larynx; less marked on intestinal tract. Neuralgic pains in various parts like a fine thread. General aggravation from warm air.

Allies.- Iodium, Bromium, Arsenicum, Squilla., Arum., Pulsatilla


      Shock, with eructations of wind. Indescribable revolution in whole body. Feeling as after taking cold, feverish, (<) evenings, with heat in face, tongue and mouth feel burnt and dry, without thirst, drinks only a small quantity, restlessness in limbs (Ars), next day tongue coated. Troubles as after taking cold, pains in all bones, with aching in throat, prostration, etc. Restlessness, with pain in abdomen. Deathly faintness after profuse micturition. Weakness (Arsenicum). Amelioration afternoon and evenings; after dinner; after supper; by diarrhoea.


      Confusion and absent-mindedness from such business in afternoon, after wine and coffee. Indefinable anxiety and apprehension with the abdominal pain (Arsenicum).


      Electric shocks through. Aching; morning, also especially in temples; evenings in room, with coryza (Iodium); (<) evening, with coryza; (>) open air, also with nasal discharge; deep within, extending forward and outward to ears; moving from deep within to ears like threads, remaining in spots; oppressive. Confusion. Dullness; with coryza and lachrymation. Fulness; with heaviness as if bound up and with flickering before eyes; F., with pressure in stomach. Heaviness. Sensation as if wrapped up in warm water during the headache.

Forehead.- Stitches externally over l., in evening, drawing into ear, upper jaw and teeth of same side. Aching in region of organ of “concentration;” over r. eye; over r. eye, extending to root of nose; neuralgic, over r. eye, extending into root of nose; deep-seated aching over l. brow; oppressive, over eyes, frequently going through head like an electric shock. Confusion. Dullness as after chloroform, and in whole head. Heaviness; over both eyes.

Aching in temples, (<) r., (<) winking, afterwards extending over forehead, (<) l. side. Tingling pain behind l. mastoid process. Aching in vertex; l. side of vertex. Swollen and heavy feeling on crown. Aching from both sides of head, downward and inward towards middle.

Occiput.- Aching; both sides, (>) in evening after beer, with dull confusion from crown backward and downward. A. on both sides of occiput, then in two round places in upper posterior part of head, then a general and humming sensation of the part being asleep. Pressure in upper part of O. in evening, becoming about 11 O’clock a sensation as if asleep in bone. confusion on both sides of and towards upper part, pressing down sideways, then behind ears around whole occiput.

Clinical The headache of Allium cepa is mostly in the forehead, extending to temples and downward to eyes and into the face, associated with coryza.


      Redness, (<) l. Stitches in l. in morning. Biting sensation as if there were smoke under upper lids, (<) night. Pain; as if they hung loose posteriorly on a string, could be bored into with the fingers and torn out. Lachrymation of l., with redness of ball; L. (<) l.; L. in morning; L. (<) in evening, in warm room; L., with coryza. Burning of lids; in outside of r. upper lid. Irritation of l. upper lid; after drinking coffee, (<) warm room, (>) open air. Dim vision by candle light. Dazzling vision in the distance and dim near by. Flickering and blindness. Sensitiveness to light, (<)


Clinical Eyes. The inflammation of the eyes and nose is characterized by the symptoms as emphasized. The lachrymation is generally very profuse, with burning and smarting, but, as a rule, does not excoriate the lids, while the discharge from the nose is watery and extremely acrid. With these symptoms there are generally associated the violent laryngeal symptoms noted further on. For acute fluent coryza of this character the drug stands unrivalled.


      Affection. Stitches through r., in morning. Pecking behind r. Humming on lying down. Ringing; distant, (<) r. Roaring in i. in afternoon.


      Pain like a thread in a nerve, extending outward and downward from nose in morning. Soreness; in morning. Dryness of nostrils. Irritation in r. nostril in morning. Crawling in right nostril as before sneezing. Sneezing; morning; frequent, also in evening on entering warm room. Catarrhal troubles (>) in cool room; (violent C. after rain and northeast wind); C. evenings in room, with headache; C., with headache, also (<) evening; C., with lachrymation; C., with heat, lachrymation, headache, and acrid burning discharge making lip red and sensitive. Discharge, (>) open air, with headache; copious watery D.; dropping, in evening, in the street, without sensation of coryza; watery; blowing thin- mucous from nose.


      Swelling of cheeks, with toothache. Drawing pains in l. cheek, extending into l. eye; (<) cold air. Pain like a thread in a nerve r. upper jaw, downward from the medium line to the side, deep within the bone, in evening.


      Teeth. Smutty-yellow. Pressure in r. back on entering warm room. Aching in back, at breakfast, from bread; from warm cocoa, (>) cold water; in back, in sleep, with feeling as if too long, (>) rising; in r. back, after traveling against northwest wind, with desire to bore into and suck them, which relieves, also (<) warm soup, (>) cold water; aching in l. eye-both, in root, disturbing sleep, with swollen feeling and heat in cheeks; A. root of l. eye- tooth, with inflammation of gum, the pain ceasing suddenly and beginning in a r. back tooth, in the eye-tooth it is pressure growling, the toothache (>) cold water and cold generally; A., with swelling of cheeks; A. raging, in broken tooth. Drawing in first upper, from root to crown, r. then l. Pecking in two last back.

Coated tongue; morning; back part, (<) morning; slimy. Dryness on r. side of root of T. Pain under T., with a half-circle of sore elevations at lower insertion of fraenum. Burnt and dry feeling in mouth and tongue, without thirst. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Scalded feeling in mouth and tongue. Offensive breath. Burning taste, more on gums and upper part. Nauseous taste; on waking. Sweet taste; sickly-sweet.


      Redness of back part of r. side of palate. Constrictive pain in region of as hyoides, then low down posteriorly on r. side. Drawing pain l. side, (>) cold air. Pain; extending to ear. Pain as from a sore lump, morning on swallowing and elevating tongue. Pain below larynx as after swallowing too large a mouthful, or as if swollen, in afternoon, extending every little while into r. ear. Feeling in pharynx as if food stuck behind the breast-bone.

Raw feeling in morning, with tickling in region of epiglottis, r., then l. side, with sensation of weakness in stomach, hiccough, uprising of frothy salivary mucous fluid, eructations of wind and passage of offensive flatus, constant inclination to hacking to relieve the tickling in larynx. Dryness; of soft palate after breakfast. D. in morning, with tickling and hacking cough. Heat low down, extending into stomach. In throat and orifice of Eustachian tube, chilling or burning twitching and gnawing, not painful; chilling or burning twitching in region of r. Eustachian tube, then above it a kind of gnawing, neither painful. Numbness in back part. Mucus; behind choanae towards evening; in posterior fauces, choanae, and on posterior surface of soft palate, bland mucus constantly in evening, which must be swallowed or hawked up.


      Appetite, which disappears as soon as he begins to eat, food is disgusting. Thirst; in evening, after beer and herring; evenings, with heat; evening after flushed of heat; T. after chilliness. Eructations; in morning; of air in morning and in evening. Hiccough; morning. Nausea; (>) eructations; deathly, after eating, (>) eructations; in posterior part of throat, forced up as with a thrust. Vomiting; frothy slimy fluid. Rumbling in epigastrium after breakfast. Pain; with fulness in head, (<) after coffee; in region of pylorus; on l. side; deep within epigastrium, as if at orifice, and posteriorly. at 10 P.M. Heat extending into S. Empty feeling and drawing back and forth, with pain. Weak feeling; in morning.


      Rumbling in morning; after breakfast. Flatulency. Emission of flatus in morning; E. during ineffectual urging to stool; difficult, also in evening; frequent, also at night; loud; offensive; also in morning; offensive and moist, also in morning (Sulphur). Gurgling and rumbling; (<) l. side. Distention; before dinner; with pain, (>) emission of flatus. Swollen feeling before and after diarrhoea, with sharp pain and oppression of breathing. Pain; morning; (<) after eating. (<) sitting, (>) emission of flatus, while moving about; (>) emission of flatus; more pressing than burning, especially in l. inguinal region, (<) afternoon after coffee, with heat in A. Heat, with nausea; H. afternoon after coffee, with pain. Nausea, extending into throat, then confusion of head. Feeling of diarrhoea, and soft stool without diarrhoea.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.