Homeopathy Remedy Aesculus Hippocastanum


      Black and soft; first part black and hard, last part almost as white as milk, then tearing in anus. Copious and soft, followed by burning and feeling of swelling and constriction in rectum. First half dark, rest light. Diarrhoea; of ingesta. Difficult; then soreness, aching and fulness in rectum; difficult and dry; and scanty; and large, hard then pain and feeling as if anus protruded. Frequent. Hard; with soreness of anus. Knotty. Light- colored. Liquid; preceded by griping. Mixed in character. Mushy, with pain in lumbar region. Omitted. Rope-like. Scanty. Small. Thin.


      Frequent. Urging to. Urine dark, scanty. Hot. Increased in amount. Retained.

Genital Organs

      Pain. Penis, dull and heavy shooting pain through or near belt. Testicles; drawing l.; soreness. Leucorrhoea.

Respiratory Organs

      Glottis and pharyngo-laryngeal mucous membrane dry and stiff. Larynx dry (Belladonna); and tickling; scraping, and in pharynx; tickling, causing cough, with mucous expectoration. Trachea, throbbing, darting pain, causing tickling. Cough; dry; dry hacking, from constriction of fauces, with irritation of epiglottis. Expectoration frequent; thick, then watery mucus; ropy mucus; sweetish mucus. Respiration labored.


      Constriction; in lower part. Burning distress. Heat in; with coldness rising up. Pain in r. lung on motion upward and downward when breathing; pain, alternating with pain in abdomen; pain as if stone lay on pit of stomach. Raw feeling. Shooting pain in sternum. Soreness in and over lungs, with rush of blood, on full inspiration. Stitches l.; then r.; in l. side; in lower lobe of l. lung, (>) passing urine. Pain in sternum as if a piece were torn out. Tightness. Twitching, to l. shoulder. Warmth.


      Burning in region. Pain in apex; acute pain in apex; burning in apex; darting in region, with fulness and palpitation; neuralgic, in apex; neuralgic, in region, arresting breath. Palpitation; periodical; periodical, with anxiety. Stitches in region. Twitching over region. Pulse accelerated; soft and weak.

Neck and Back

      Neck.-Glands enlarged and sore to touch. Lameness and weariness in nape. Pains; in nape; dull, heavy in nape. Soreness, with pricking. Back.-Aching; (<) moving; between shoulders; in small of back (Berberis, Phyto.), (<) motion (Phyto.); in sacrum and hips (Berberis), (<) walking and stooping; making it difficult to get up after sitting. Distress in dorsal region. Lameness and weariness in small of back; lameness and strained feeling in r. lumbar region, extending to gluteal muscle. Pain; between shoulders; lumbar region; small of back and hips when getting up, (>) motion; sacrum; in lumbosacral region, and on stooping; sacral and lower lumbar region, and on stooping; sacral and lower lumbar region, after difficult stool. Stiffness. Stitches. Tearing in small of back and hips when walking (Berberis). Weariness.

Clinical These pronounced symptoms of the back are usually associated with haemorrhoids, but the drug has also been used for lumbago not associated with any hepatic or haemorrhoidal disease; even dysmenorrhoea with the peculiar sacro-iliac pains has been relieved.


      Heaviness. Spasms. Nails blue. Stretching. Shoulders pain. Arms, aching; neuralgic pain; paralysis of r.; tearing and jerking of r. Forearms, numbness with prickling; darting pain in l. Cannot control muscles to write well. Hands, pricking after washing; stinging. Tottering. Limbs ache When weight of body rests on them: Knees ache. Legs ache; weak. Calves sore. Tendo-achillis sore. Feet swell; after walking. Corns sore.


      Formication in front of temple; on nose. Fulness, as from too much blood i body. Gooseskin. Itching all over, especially around waist; itching of testicles. Redness and flying heat of l. side of face, red spot on forehead from pressure of hat; large red spots on face on rubbing after washing.


      Yawning; constant. Sleepiness; stupefying. Frequent waking. Dreams distressing; dreams that he is fighting in a battle; that he saw a man in his room.


      Chilliness; from riding in cool air; of skin, when cold air strikes it, with chattering of teeth. Rigors. Heat; general; of head; integuments of occiput, extending to ears; burning of l. cheek; hands hot and dry; burning of palms and soles; skin hot and dry; in flashes over body; flying, before eructations. General sweat, with decline of abdominal distension.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.