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Rheumatism in Horses

Homeopathy Treatment for Rheumatism in Horses. Find the best homeopathic medicines to treat Rheumatism in Horses naturally….

General [General]

Is characterised by the following symptoms: An animal that has hitherto been quite well is observed to be taken suddenly lame of one or more legs, sometimes the lameness shifts from one leg to another in some cases the animal appears

to suffer most pain in a state of rest, at other times motion augments the lameness and pain.

REMEDIES: Bryonia, Rhus toxicodendron, Aconite and Nux vomica.

Bryonia [Bry]

Bryonia, when the disease is worse from motion, the animal appears reluctant to move and stands with the legs drawn together.

Dose. Six drops or globules twice a day.

Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus-t]

Rhus toxicodendron, when the animal appears worse in a state of rest, stiffness which goes off by motion, swelling of the joints, tenderness of the tendons and muscles.

Dose. Ten drops or twelve globules night and morning.

Aconite [Acon]

Aconite, if the attack of rheumatism is ushered in by general febrile symptoms, and there is hot dry skin, much thirst.

Dose. Four drops every two hours until the fever is subdued.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

Nux vomica, if there is stiffness of the loins, and the animal walks with a straddling motion.

Dose. Six or ten drops night and morning.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."