Periodical Ophthalmia in the Horse

Homeopathy Treatment for Periodical Ophthalmia in the Horse. Find the best homeopathic medicines to treat Periodical Ophthalmia in the Horse naturally. …

General [General]

Is a much more serious disease than the former. If not thoroughly eradicated it almost always ends in cataract. Young horses from 3 to 6 years old are more subject to it than others. Generally speaking, it attacks but one eye at a time, and if nothing is done to it, it will most likely in a week or two recover its healthy appearance, and the other eye will become affected. The appearance of eyes affected with this disease is not always alike, sometimes it comes on with swelling of the eyelids, abundant lachrymation, and the ball of the eye appears to be covered with a thick leaden-coloured film; at other times it is first noticed by the eye looking a little dim, in a short time the upper and middle part of the eye becomes of a dull blue colour, sometimes streaked with red while the lower part looks green, or a mixture of green and yellow; after two or three attacks of this disease the eye appears to lose its round or globe-like form, and get smaller and pointed. Euphrasia is an excellent remedy for this disease, a dose of six drops which must be given every day for 8 to 10 days.

REMEDIES: Calcarea carbonica, Cannabis, Causticum, Hepar sulphur, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulphur.

Calcarea carbonica [Calc]

Calcarea carbonica, if the pupils are dilated, great sensibility to light, the eye beginning to water when exposed to the light, sight very imperfect although the eye looks clear and bright.

Dose. Six drops or six globules night and morning.

Cannabis [Cann-s]

Cannabis for dimness of the cornea, white specks, contraction of the pupils, red streaks on the surface of the eye.

Dose. The same as directed for Calcarea carbonica.

Causticum [Caust]

Causticum, where there is heat and swelling of the eyelids, slight dimness of the eye, contraction of the pupils.

Dose. Four or six drops three times a day.

Hepar sulphur [Hep]

Hepar sulphur, if the eyelids adhere together during the night, sunken appearance of the eye, or spots upon the cornea.

Dose. Six drops or six globules twice a day until better.

Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]

Natrum muriaticum, if there is inability to raise the eyelids, and there is a discharge of matter from the eyes.

Dose. The same as prescribed for Hepar sulphur.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Pulsatilla, is useful if the pupils are dilated and contracted alternately, and the edges of the lids are red, and a thick yellow matter escapes from the corners of the eyes.

Dose. Six drops or six globules three times a day until better.

Silicea [Sil]

Silicea, if the eyes are spasmodically drawn together, or ulcers on the inside corner of the eye, redness of the white part.

Dose. Six drops in a little water twice a day.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Sulphur, will be useful in any stage of the disease.

Dose. Six drops every night as an intercurrent remedy.

Causticum [Caust]

Causticum may be used internally and externally externally in the form of a lotion, 10 drops of the 3rd dilution to an ounce of water, to be applied twice a day with a small brush.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."