Colic or Gripes in the Horse

Homeopathy Treatment for Colic or Gripes in the Horse. Find the best homeopathic medicines to treat Colic or Gripes in the Horse naturally. …


General [General]

This is a disease of rather common occurrence in the horse. It generally comes on suddenly, the horse begins to whisk his tail, strikes the ground with his feet, looks at his flanks, throws himself on the ground, rolls about, gets up again, turns round, strikes at his body with his hind feet, throws himself down again, stretches himself out and lies quiet for some minutes, but the pain soon returns, he breaks out with profuse perspiration, the breathing becomes hurried, and if relies is not soon obtained the animal dies, perhaps in a few hours. Sometimes in colic from cold, the symptoms continue several days, the animal gets better for several hours at a time, he then lies down and continues quiet for some time, occasionally striking at his body with his feet. Cases of this sort are seldom dangerous, and generally terminate with Diarrhoea.

REMEDIES: Aconite, Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Opium, Chamomilla, Colchicum, Cantharis, Hyoscyamus and Colocynth.

Aconite [Acon]

Aconite, in the commencement if there is dryness of the mouth, the ears are either hot or cold, breath hot, pulse accelerated.

Dose. Four drops or six globules every fifteen or thirty minutes, according to the urgency of the case, if no relief is obtained after the third dose, proceed then with the next remedy.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Arsenicum, if the disease depends on indigestion, food of bad quality, drinking cold water when heated, or if it is caused by a constipated state of the bowels, in which case it is considered to be specific.

Dose. Six drops every half, one or two hours.

I have succeeded in curing a great number of cases with these two medicines; I generally after giving two or three doses of Aconite, give Arsenicum and Aconite alternately.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

Nux vomica, is useful for colic from constipation, when the animal walks slowly round, and then lies or falls down suddenly, bloated appearance of one or both flanks.

Dose. The same as directed for Arsenicum.

Opium [Op]

Opium, if Nux vomica fails to remove the constipation, or if the excrements are very dry, hard and dark coloured, nearly black, and the animal lies stretched out as if dead.

Dose. Four drops or six globules every one, two or three hours according to the urgency of the case.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Chamomilla, if the bowels are relaxed, the animal is very restless, frequently lying down and getting up; an attack of pain soon followed by an evacuation, swelling of the abdomen, extremities cold, especially the ears.

Dose. Six drops every one or two hours according to the severity of the case until better.

Colchicum [Colch]

Colchicum, if the disease is caused by green food, and there is flatulent distention of the abdomen, protrusion of the rectum, the animal strikes at its belly with the hinder feet.

Dose. The same as directed for Chamomilla.

Cantharis [Canth]

Cantharis, if there is a troublesome retention, of urine, and the animal often places himself in position to pass urine, but only succeeds in passing a few drops; if this remedy does not relieve give Hyoscyamus.

Dose. The same as directed for Chamomilla.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."