Case of a Black Cow with Bleeding and Purging

Homeopathy Treatment for Case of a Black Cow with Bleeding and Purging. Find the best homeopathic medicines to treat Case of a Black Cow with Bleeding and Purging naturally. …

SIR, I send you a few cases of animals successfully treated by medicines homoeopathically employed. The first case is a black cow given up by the farrier, after bleeding, blistering, and purging for ten days. He then told the farmer he could do no more, and it was not possible that the cow could live twenty-four hours longer, therefore he had better sell the cow. Having been told of the case, I sent the farmer word, if he had no objection to allow me “to try my hand.” I had not much doubt but that I could save his cow. He said he had no objection, but he thought it was of no avail, as he himself thought she was past cure. When I went to see her, he was bargaining with a butcher to sell her; the butcher offered ten shillings; the farmer wanted fifteen shillings. I said, let me try to cure your cow, and if she dies I will give you the fifteen shillings for her. With this understanding I was allowed to proceed.


1. Horns cold, 2 Ears cold. 3. Feet cold. 4 Pulse very high. 5. Breath short and very hot. 6. Nostrils dilated and quite dry. 7. Tongue dry. 8. Grunted like a pig, could hear her a hundred yards off. 9. Her milk nearly gone, only giving a few drops. 10, No appetite.

I gave two drops of Aconite, third dilution, in a quart of water, a wine glass full every half-hour for two hours, and then every hour. Saw the cow in twenty-four hours after.

Pulse much lower, horns warmer, feet warmer, breath not so hot, nostrils, not dilated and moistened; tongue moist.

Continue Aconite twenty-four hours longer.

The above symptoms all decidedly better: grunting very little better, milk no better, with a rolling noise in her belly.

Ordered Bryonia two drops, third dilution, in a quart of water, a wine glass full every two hours.

Saw her in twenty-four hours after, the whole of the symptoms better; no rumbling noise, the grunting gone, and she gave two quarts of milk; was chewing the cud very comfortable, and, as the farmer said, was quite a new cow; she was now ravenously hungry.

Ordered them to be cautious in feeding her. In seven days she was quite well, giving her accustomed quantity of milk.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."