Symptoms and hints related to Teeth from the Hahnemann’s therapeutic hints by R.E. Dudgeon, originally published in 1894. …

Difficult of cutting (children)-CAL.


Looseness-AM-C., CB-V., NI-X., ZIN.

Toothache-AGA., COL.


-smarting, and in whole cheek, day and night-SIL.

-ulcerative pain on knocking teeth, n.-MAG.

-as if ulcerated, when chewing, m.-PHO.



-digging and sore-CAL.

–and shooting-SIL.

–tearing, with burning stitches-MT-N.

Toothache, gnawing-CB-V.

-dull, drawing, n,-CYC.


– – in sound teeth when walking in open air-CON.

– – boring in carious tooth, as if forced out of socket, shoots causing a shock through body, often with gumboil-NX-V.

– – shooting, day and night, renewed by cold and heat-CAL.

– rheumatic-ACO.

-shooting-CB-A. CON.


-shooting, n-PHO.

– – extending to ear-CHA.

– – after cold drink-GRP.

– burning stitches, from hot things-BAR.

– tearing -CHA.

– – out at ear when eating- SIL.

– – to temple-CUP.

– formicating, pecking-CHA.

– pecking after food-LYC.


-throbbing and shooting- MAG.


-jerks when he sucks tooth with tongue-SIL.

-pains in gum, gnawing, pricking in teeth, drawing, jerking (as if nerve was drawn and suddenly let loose), with chilly feeling, pale face, aggravated by warm room and heat of bed, relieved by cold air blowing on it, in mild quiet, lachrymose disposition, chiefly in e.-PUL.

Toothache, congestive-AUR.

-of carious teeth-ANT.

– in all carious teeth at once, gums swollen and tender, jerks through periosteum-MT-N.

-in no particular tooth-CHA.

– from cold drink-CAL.

– aggravated by cold drinks-CHA.

-from cold air, with, congestion of head, loose tooth, with formicating pain, as though it would fall out in chewing, and tearing pain in gums -HYO.

– in morning, can’t chew, aggravated by opening mouth in cold air, and by mental work-NX-V.

-incisors painful during inspiration-MT-N.

-from cold or hot things in mouth-CB-V.

-when chewing-ZIN.

-when eating-K-CA. NA-C.

-after eating or drinking-CHA.

– relieved by applying wet fingers-CHA.

– as if from looseness and detached gums-SUL.

teeth forced out of sockets-CAU.


– of pregnant women-MAG.

– of choleric persons rendered irritable by drinking too much wine or coffee and not being much in open air-NX-V.



Toothache in fits at night, with red cheek-CHA.

-with swelled cheek-CHA., LYC.


-Tenderness -CAL.

-Pain, drawing-CB-A.


Swelling-CAL., GRP., SEP.

-with throbbing pain- SUL.

Bleeding-ARS., CAL., CB-A., CB-V., NI-X., SEP., SIL.




Fistula, dental.-CAU., NA.M.

R.E. Dudgeon
Robert Ellis Dudgeon 1820 – 1904 Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in 1839, Robert Ellis Dudgeon studied in Paris and Vienna before graduating as a doctor. Robert Ellis Dudgeon then became the editor of the British Journal of Homeopathy and he held this post for forty years.
Robert Ellis Dudgeon practiced at the London Homeopathic Hospital and specialised in Optics.
Robert Ellis Dudgeon wrote Pathogenetic Cyclopaedia 1839, Cure of Pannus by Innoculation, London and Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science 1844, Hahnemann’s Organon, 1849, Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homeopathy, 1853, Homeopathic Treatment and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera 1847, Hahnemann’s Therapeutic Hints 1847, On Subaqueous Vision, Philosophical Magazine, 1871, The Influence of Homeopathy on General Medical Practice Since the Death of Hahnemann 1874, Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, 2 vols 1878-81, The Human Eye Its Optical Construction, 1878, Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura, 1880, The Sphygmograph, 1882, Materia Medica: Physiological and Applied 1884, Hahnemann the Founder of Scientific Therapeutics 1882, Hahnemann’s Organon 1893 5th Edition, Prolongation of Life 1900, Hahnemann’s Lesser Writing.