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John.H.Clarke shared his experience about the efficacy of constitutional remedy over surgery in the cases of Haemorrhoides. He was so convinced that he wrote if medical men realised that haemorrhoids are based on a constitutional state that is remediable, they would not so readily condemn patients to the surgeon’s knife….


John.H.Clarke was so convinced that Piles are not by any means difficult to cure by constitutional means, and when cured thus the patient is cured, and no dangerous after-effects are to be feared. he presented many case of piles treated with Homeopathy….


Fissure of the anus is often found associated with piles It is generally found in patients of a sycotic temperament, who are liable to similar ulcerations near other orifices. J.H.Clarke presented many cases cured with Homeopathy in his book Haemorrhoides and Habitual constipation….


Fistula has often been cured by homoeopathic means, but it is much more easily dealt with if it can be taken in the abscess stage. The medicine that has the widest range in these cases is Silica. J.H.Clarke shred his cured cases in his book Haemorrhoides and habitual constipation….


Irritablity of the skin accompanied with piles and approach of homeopathy in such cases have been presented by J.H.Clarke in his book Haemorrhoids and habitual constipation….


J.H.Clarke clearly mentioned that Constipation is the habitual retention of the feces beyond the time proper to the individual; or, difficulty or pain in the passage of motions, whether unduly retained and one should not try to remedify the slight alteration in time of evacuation. …

Constipation cases

Constipation cases have been narrated for illustrating the power of homoeopathy to cure constipation as well as piles by j.H.Clarke in his book Haemorrhoides and habitual consitpation….


J.H.Clarke presented some difficult cases of Constipation in Children and suggested few homeopathic medicines in his book Haemorrhoids and habitual constipation….


Management like diet, exercise, massage, hydrotherapy etc that are needed along with homeopathic treatment….


Indications of Medicines specific for haemorrhoids and constipation had been narrated by J.H.Clarke….