White Hellebore. Melanthacea.
The European Hellebore grows in moist meadows in the Alps and Pyrenees, through Russia, Northern China and Japan.
The tincture is prepared from the powdered dry root.
Introduced by Hahnemann, and proved by himself, Becher, Franz, Fr. Hahnemann, Stapf, Teuthorn, etc., R. A. M. L., vol. 3 ; Lembke, N. Z. für H. K., vol. 7, p. 73 ; Schelling, A. H. Z., vol. 83, p. 19.
Toxicological reports are numerous, see Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 10, p. 73.
– Melancholia, Dulac, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 3, p. 56 ; Mania, Schreter, Woost, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 12 ; Knorre, A. H. Z., vol. 19 ; B. J. H., vol. 12, p. 482 ; Insanity, Jahr, B. J. H., vol. 12, p. 468 ; Jahr, B. J. H., vol. 12, p. 476 ; Foote, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 546 ; Frost, N. E. M. G., vol. 8, p. 273 ; Mental disorders, Radmacher, Knorre, Kretschmar, Schüler, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 52 ; Headache, Lobethal Black, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 211 ; Barrows, N. E. M. G., vol. 4, p. 97 ; Hoyne, Hom. Ob., vol. 12, p. 18 ; Meningitis, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 132 ; Affection of scalp, Searle, A. H. O., 1871, p. 33 ; Plica polonica, Boeck, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 319 ; Disease of fundus oculi, McGuire, Hah. Mo., vol. 16, p. 449 ; Neuralgia palpebralis, Hirsch, A. H. Z., vol. 95, p. 133 ; Epistaxis, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 415 ; Prosopalgia, Schleicher, Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 195 ; Toothache, Boenninghausen, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 482 ; H. World, vol. 6, p. 127 ; Affection of throat, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 252 ; Bulimia, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 553 ; Altschul, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 258 ; Vomiting, Schreiber, Schmid, Diez, Elwert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 560 ; Vomiting of food, Hale, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 2, p. 266 ; Gastric disorder, Wolf, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 594 ; Disordered stomach, Berridge, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 73 ; Indigestion, Bayes, B. J. H., vol. 30, p. 154 ; Gastralgia, Pope, B. J. H., vol. 12, p. 487 ; Gastrodynia, Bayes, Hom. Rev., vol. 15, p. 15 ; Gastritis, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 603 ; Hamatemesis, Kreussel, Hartm., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 576 ; Tympanitis, Stens, A. H. Z., vol. 91, p. 189 ; Empty feeling in abdomen, Berridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 553 ; Neuralgia of bowels, Kitchen, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 5, p. 20 ; Colic, Hahnemann, Gaspary, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 763 ; Lembke, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 371 ; Lembke, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 343 ; Stens, B. J. H., vol. 34 p. 725 ; Colicodynia, Hahnemann, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 1, p. 85 ; Intussusception of bowels, Ellinger, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 376 ; Diarrhoea, Hartlaub, Schmid, Kopp, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 851 ; Kafka, Hofrichter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 435 ; Bruckner, N. A. J. H., vol. 19, p. 417 ; Madden, B. J. H., vol. 28, p. 719 ; Blake, Hom. Rev., May, 1889 ; Jahr, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 1, p. 195 ; Martin, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 148 ; Lilienthal, H. M., Dec., 1873, p. 214 ; Berridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 47 ; Dysentery, Munroe, Mass., Trans., vol. 4, p. 375 ; Cholera infantum, Jones, Medorrhinum Adv., Jan., 1890, p. 23 ; Cholera morbus, Schreiber, Rummel, Schindler, Schreter, Weigel, Tietze, Nehrer, Maly, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 891 ; Schmid, B. J. H., vol. 5, p. 280 ; Miller, N. Y. S. Trans., 1875 ; Miller, Obs., Nov., 1875, p. 418 ; Holmes, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 602 ; Cholera Asiatica, Quin, Schreter, Seider, Veith, Rummel, Bernst., Schmid, Roth, Reubel, Lobeth., Vehs, Montagk, Henke, Tietzer, Adler, Schweick, Kurtz, Gerstl, Hofricht., Widman, Schüler, Ruoff, Mabit, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, pp. 965-975 ; Engelhard, Findeisen, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 486 ; (6 cases), Drysdale, B. J. H., vol. 8, p. 155 ; Curtis, N. A. J. H., vol. 8, p. 16 ; Constipation, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 819 ; Elwert, Broackes, Bernard and Strong, p. 109 ; Dysmenorrhoea and hemeralopia, Raue, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 1, p. 174 ; Menstrual disorder, Morgan, Hering’s Analyt. Therap., vol. 1, p. 181 ; Metritis, Times Ret., 1877, p. 111 ; Disorders of pregnancy, Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 387 ; Spasmus glottidis, Ohlhaut, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 161 ; Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 783 ; Laryngo-tracheitis, Mossa, H. Kl., 1870, p. 98 ; Asthma, Hrg., Hartm., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 200 ; Cough, Berridge, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 73 ; Cough during measles, Mossa, H. Kl., 1870, p. 98 ; Whooping cough, Schmid, Rummel, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 85 ; Boenninghausen, Meyer, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 730 ; Hirsch, B. J. H., vol. 25, p. 620 ; Distress over heart, etc., Cushing, N. E. M. G., vol. 14, p. 107 ; Org., vol. 2, p. 381 ; Myalgia, Everett, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 322 ; Coxalgia, Stens, B. J. H., vol. 15, p. 181 ; Pains in arms, C. M., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 59 ; Sciatica, Stens, Bruckner, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 909 ; Debility and toothache, Boenninghausen, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 373 ; Cramps, Barton, Mass. Trans., vol. 4, p. 602 ; Chorea, Cooper, B. J. H., vol. 29, No. 115 ; Ague, Bärtl, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 998 ; Watzke, Hom. Jour., vol. 1, p. 219 ; Gilchrist, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 7, p. 99 ; Pearson, U. S. M. and S. J., Apr., 1866 ; Typhoid fever, Kreuss, Schleicher, Wurmb, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 791 ; Wurmb and Caspar, B. J. H., vol. 12, p. 198 ; Nichols, Hah. Mo., vol. 16, p. 168 ; Yellow fever, Taft, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 667 ; Measles, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 103 ; Scarlatina, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 67 ; Antidote to opium poisoning, Todd, N. E. M. G., vol. 11, p. 49.
Is conscious only as in a dream.
Stupid from excess in alcoholic drinks.
Fancies herself pregnant, or that she will be delivered soon ; that she is in throes of childbirth. θ Hysterical mania.
Erroneous and haughty notions.
Never speaks the truth ; does not know herself what she is saying.
She is inconsolable over a fancied misfortune, runs about room howling and screaming ; or sits brooding, wailing and weeping ; < in evening ; sleeps only till 2 A. M.
Alternation of laughing and moaning.
Attempts a great many things, but accomplishes nothing.
Rage, with great heat of body ; eats his own feces.
Suicidal tendency from religious despair.
Thinks himself distinguished ; squanders his money ; proud of his position.
For six days no sleep ; sees people about her constantly, speaks to them ; cries out ; sings ; knows nobody, takes no notice of anything ; laughs frequently ; does not answer when talked to ; wants nothing ; passes urine and feces unconsciously ; no heat of face ; pulse regular ; confined two weeks previously.
After a severe illness, aversion to husband and children ; desire to leave house ; hallucinations, room appeared full of people, crowding in where there was no longer room ; each apparition personating some one in particular, and keeping her company for hours ; she would both see and converse with forms sitting beside her, nor could she always distinguish semblance from reality.
Attacks of pain with delirium, driving to madness.
Delirium : religious or exalted ; heavy, soporous sleep ; restless, thirsty, cramps in legs, cold sweat, tingling ; irregular pulse ; in cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Slight delirium ; coldness over whole body, open eyes, with cheerful, sometimes laughing expression ; prattles about religious subjects and about vows to be performed, prays, believes that he is not in his own house.
A tendency to violent outbreaks, desire to strike those about him.
Attacks of rage with swearing ; inclination to run away.
A woman, at. 36, has lectrophilie, red burning face, anxiety, hopelessness, despair, continual moaning and screaming without a cause ; does not eat or drink, is sleepless ; brought on by sexual excitement.
Persistent raging, with great heat of body.
Mania : with desire to cut and tear everything, especially clothes ; with lewdness and lasciviou talk ; religious or amorous ; degrandeur.
Nymphomania, with violence and destructiveness ; had been disappointed in love ; melancholia ; at times loquacious ; great desire for sexual intercourse ; void of shame ; obscenity ; very troublesome, requiring close confinement ; had been confined a year in an asylum.
Puerperal mania and convulsions, with violent cerebral congestion ; bluish and bloated face ; protruded eyes ; wild shrieks, with disposition to bite and tear.
Disposed to silence, or to talk about faults of others ; if irritated scolding and calling names.
A desire to wander about house. θ Hysteria.
Chases his family out of house ; declares the sun travels around the earth ; fear of death, restlessness, despair ; foolish actions.
Loquacity, he talks rapidly.
Talks much on religious subjects ; praying ; is overconscientious.
Sleeplessness ; face distorted ; cries ; prays, says it is a secret and a misfortune ; refuses to talk, only motions with hands ; turns hands around in a circle, saying she must strengthen herself, and then motions become more violent ; complains of dust in throat ; imagines herself in heaven talking with God. θ Mania.
Constant talking, wild expression of eye, constant smiling, at times loud laughter ; distorts face and repulses any one approaching him ; will answer no question ; runs behind table and scolds ; refuses food.
Complete sleeplessness ; talks constantly ; on hearing any sound, as striking of clock, etc., becomes wild, dances about, must be held ; rapid speech.
He groans, is beside himself.
Cursing and howling all night.
Curses all night and complains of stupid feeling with headache and ptyalism.
Roaring and raving, five men could scarcely control her ; tears her clothes ; pale distorted features ; look threatening, wild ; hair dishevelled ; utters sounds more like a beast than a human being ; bites, strikes about her, spits ; body in constant swaying motion ; murmurs and groans ; takes no notice of questions ; eats nothing ; quite sleepless.
Kisses everybody ; before menses.
Impudent behavior in childbed.
Taciturn ; disinclined to talk, except in delirium.
Cannot bear to be left alone.
Depression and despondency.
Fear and anxiety ; fear takes breath away.
Fearfulness : starts ; with running about and shouting.
Anxious, restless, easily frightened, whining, weeping, apathetic, delirium, blue face. θ Typhoid.
Cold sweat on forehead, with anguish and fear of death.
Unable to rise for eight hours, obliged to either sit or lie ; if he stands he is tormented by fearful anxiety, wherewith forehead becomes covered with cold sweat and he becomes sick to vomiting.
Anxiety as from a bad conscience, as if he had committed a crime.
Anxiety as after committing an evil deed, < evening and after dinner.
A crippled girl fell down suddenly in convulsions, was brought to bed and had a shaking chill ; sat up in semiconscious state, refusing assistance, food or drink ; anxiety with groaning and sighing all night long ; chides her father for taking part in revolution ; thinks she hears drum which proclaims his execution ; this is followed by silent brooding and occasional starts ; menses checked, abdomen tense, face pale, arms cold, eyes fixed with contracted pupils ; pulse slow and almost imperceptible.
Melancholy, head hangs down, sits brooding in silence.
Religious melancholy or nymphomania, with desire to embrace everybody, even inanimate objects ; much thirst for very cold water ; constantly craving cool and refreshing things. θ Puerperal mania.
Despair ; hopelessness, loss of courage.
Despair about his position in society, feels very unlucky.
Despair of her salvation ; with suppressed catamenia.
Despair of his recovery ; attempts suicide. θ Mania.
After fright : fear, anxiety ; coldness ; fainting ; involuntary diarrhoea.
Consequences of injured pride or honor. θ Insanity. θ Hysteria.
Vertigo : with cold sweat on forehead ; with loss of vision ; sudden fainting ; from opium eating ; from abuse of tobacco or alcohol.
Heaviness of head, things seem to whirl in a circle. θ Typhoid.
Faints from least exertion, turning in bed, straining at stool, retching as if to vomit, etc. ; from slight wounds ; from violent pains ; after loss of fluids ; anxiety, nausea, convulsive twitchings.
Fainting preceded by great anguish or despondency, or attended by spasms, lockjaw, convulsive motion of eyes, eyelids, etc.
Burning in brain.
Paroxysmal pain here and there in brain, consisting of a bruised sensation and pressure.
Sensation of a lump of ice in vertex.
Neuralgia of head, with indigestion ; features sunken.
Head hot and covered with sweat ; children rub head, cannot bear to be left alone ; put hands to head. θ Typhoid.
Headache : with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pale face ; with vomiting of green mucus ; like a pressure on vertex ; stiff neck ; frequent and profuse micturition ; as if brain were torn to pieces ; chronic, coming on in afternoon, lasting through night ; drawing in both arms ; > toward morning ; violent pains drive to despair ; great prostration ; fainting, with cold sweat and great thirst ; with obstinate constipation ; nervous, at every menstrual period, in girls and hysterical women ; < by movement, especially stooping.
Pressing, throbbing, nervous headache affecting one side, with stiffness of neck and sensation as if head would burst ; vomiting.
Neuralgia of head, with dyspepsia ; sunken eyes and chest cold limbs.
Sick-headache in which diuresis forms a crisis.
Blood rushes violently to head on stooping.
Hyperemia of brain from whooping cough.
Sopor ; eyes half closed ; face pale, emaciated ; tosses head about and screams ; bores head into pillow ; transient flushes of face ; kicks coverings off ; when raised up head falls to left side ; eyes dull, pupils contracted ; cornea looks like ground glass, is covered with a thin layer of mucus, which has become dry at angles of eyes ; loud cries do not rouse him from stupor ; when raised up eructations and retching ; pulse weak, slow ; refuses to nurse ; head hot, rest of body cool. θ Meningitis.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis ; cold sweat all over body, vomiting, with cramps in stomach ; great thirst for icy-cold water or craves ice ; muscles of head too weak to support head ; pulse irregular, very weak and slow ; coldness predominates ; great debility persistent ; cramps in legs ; wants to escape from bed ; heavy comatose sleep.
Meningitis ; violent headache with delirium or unconsciousness ; copious vomiting, pale, cold and cadaverous face ; stiffness of neck, choking in throat, feeling as if head would burst ; rolling head violently from side to side, with short screams, bores head into pillow ; convulsive shocks and vomiting as soon as head is raised ; clonic and tonic spasms, with loss of sense and motion ; cramps in limbs ; tingling and coldness in limbs ; choleraic collapse, simultaneously with intense congestion.
Hydrocephaloid ; great inequality in division of heat ; skin cold and clammy ; vomiting and all symptoms < when raising himself up, and comparatively wellfeeling in horizontal position ; least motion produces nausea and vomiting ; loss of strength in extremities ; stiff neck, great tendency to convulsions ; great thirst for ice water or ice ; disfigured pale face or redness of one cheek ; great prostration after a stool.
Head burning hot ; limbs alternately hot and cold.
Scalp very sensitive with headache.
Sensation like a piece of ice on head ; or of warmth and coldness at same time, on scalp, hair being sensitive.
Sensation in hair on right side of head as if a bunch of hair were electrified, crawling and bristling of hair, with slight shivering of skin under hair.
Sensation of soreness of head, with nausea.
Plica polonica.
Cold sweat on forehead.
Compelled to rub forehead, with a kind of insensibility. θ Typhoid.
Neck too weak to hold head up. θ Whooping cough. θ Meningitis.
Black motes or specks before eyes, with diplopia ; photophobia ; < on rising from bed or chair.
Hemeralopia, with nightly diarrhoea.
Impaired vision ; dilated pupils.
Eyes : turned upward, showing only whites ; distorted, protruding ; fixed, watery, sunken, lustreless ; full of tears ; lids livid, blue edges ; surrounded by black rings ; have a weak look ; look yellow or blue.
Pupils : contracted ; dilated, with weak sight ; fails to recognize those near, or does so but slowly.
Tearing pains in eyes, depriving one of sleep ; < in cold, damp weather. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
Pressing in eyes.
Heat in eyes.
Extreme dryness of lids ; especially after sleeping ; painful, as if rubbed sore ; stiff and agglutinated.
Acute sensation of dryness in upper lid, as if salt were between it and ball.
Lids : heavy, can scarcely lift them ; trembling ; paralysis.
Profuse lachrymation and cutting pains, with feeling of dryness and heat.
Frequent lachrymation, with redness of eyes as in coryza.
Neuralgia palpebralis in upper lid, right side ; pain severe on slightest pressure or least touch, as if hundreds of fine needle-points were suddenly thrust into lid ; in morning on first waking could not open eyes, it seemed as if inner surface of lids were too dry, and that they stuck fast to ball.
Deaf, as if ears were stopped.
Smell before nose as from manure or smoke.
Nose : grows more pointed, seems longer ; icy-cold.
Epistaxis : right-sided, only at night in sleep ; face deathly pale, body cold ; pulse slow, intermittent.
Sensation as if nose internally were completely dry.
Boring in nose.
Frequent sneezing.
Restless, wild look ; pale, distorted face.
Blue or green circles around eyes.
Face : collapsed, pale, bluish ; nose pointed ; of leaden hue ; red in bed, becomes pale on rising ; alternately pale and red ; risus sardonicus ; sunken, with anxious expression ; pinched up, deathlike, hippocratic.
Cold sweat on face, particularly on forehead.
Neuralgia, drawing, tearing pains, with bluish, pale face, sunken eyes ; prostration.
Tearing in cheeks, temples and eyes, with heat and redness, driving to madness ; < in damp weather ; right side or left to right ; especially in anemic persons.
Suddenly aroused from sleep by severe attack of prosopalgia ; left side of face and head affected ; constant crying ; pain continuous, not > by warmth ; face red, particularly affected side, which is hot and bluish-red ; left eye is injected ; pain in supra and infraorbital nerves and branches ; trembling of whole body ; twitching of limbs ; after attack general cold sweat and prostration.
Intermittent frontal neuralgia ; face very pale, eyes sunken, dull ; coldness of limbs ; nearly every fifteen minutes vomiting of greenish-yellow serum, ceasing as pain abates. θ Prosopalgia.
Neuralgia of trigeminus, with vomiting, pale, sunken face.
Acne rosacea.
Lips : bluish or hanging down ; rubbing mouth and nose ; dry, black, parched ; wrinkled, pale or black, and cracked.
Black around mouth and nostrils. θ Typhoid.
Twitching in cheeks, sparks before left eye, paleness of face and faintness, followed by vomiting of a quantity of white froth.
Spasms of muscles when masticating.
Risus sardonicus.
Stiffness of masseter muscles.
Froth from mouth.
Violent toothache, throbbing ; face swollen, cold sweat on forehead ; sickness at stomach, vomiting of bile, lassitude of extremities, great sinking of strength, even to fainting, external coldness, and internal heat, thirst for cold drinks scarcely to be satisfied.
Violent throbbing toothache driving to madness ; nervous, excitable persons.
Teeth feel heavy, as if filled with lead.
Toothache, with pain in head, and red, swollen face.
Grinding teeth.
Taste : bitter ; and coolness, as from peppermint ; flat or sweetish ; putrid ; diminished ; pasty ; sour.
Tongue : pale, cold, withered ; swollen, dry, cracked and too red ; white, with red tip and edges ; coated yellowish-brown ; back part black.
Speech lisping, stammering ; as if tongue were too heavy. θ Typhoid.
Froth at mouth ; spasms.
Mouth dry and sticky ; saliva lessened.
Dryness of mouth and palate, with thirst.
Burning in mouth and throat.
Cool sensation in mouth as from peppermint.
Constant flow of saliva like waterbrash.
Salivation, with nausea and sharp, salty taste.
Dryness in throat, cannot be removed by drinking.
Scraping or roughness in throat ; sensation of dust.
Sensation of coldness or burning in throat.
Sensation of constriction of throat ; spasmodic, with suffocation.
Spasmodic affections of oesophagus, resulting in paralysis of tube ; nearly all food and drink taken is thrown up, with suffocating sensation, redness and heat of face.
Chronic catarrh of oesophagus with asthma.
Feeling of distension in pharynx.
Swelling of sublingual or right submaxillary gland, also of cheek, external neck, throat and soft palate ; tensive stitching pains ; constant accumulation of saliva which he cannot swallow ; fear of suffocation ; cannot talk distinctly ; remitting fever, < every other day, evening exacerbation ; delirium at night ; anorexia ; precordial anxiety ; dry cough ; pain in back and hips ; dry stool ; reddish-brown urine ; swelling increases or grows less as fever rises or falls.
Appetite voracious. θ After typhoid.
Hunger : between paroxysms of vomiting ; with diarrhoea.
Attacks of bulimia, intense, but of short duration, even soon after a full meal, particularly after exercise in open air ; if craving is not at once satisfied, is seized with great weakness, nausea and vomiting, darkness before eyes and ringing in ears ; becomes dizzy, hands tremble, raves, and finally falls into a fit of deep unconsciousness ; attack prevented by eating a little food at onset ; attack preceded by feeling of warmth and prickling in fingers and toes, and twitching of muscles of face.
Appetite diminished, mouth as if lined with mucus ; flat or sweetish taste.
Thirst : drinks frequently but only a little at a time ; wants everything cold ; during perspiration ; for large quantities of very cold water and acid drinks.
Thirst for coldest drinks ; craves ice.
Craves fruit, juicy or cold food, saltish things, herring, sardines, etc.
Better from eating meat and drinking milk.
Aversion for warm things.
Bad effects : of opium eating ; tobacco chewing.
Hicough : after hot drinks ; by spasms of oesophagus with nausea.
Eructations violent, empty, sour, or bitter.
Nausea : with weakness, is obliged to lie down ; with sensation of fainting ; with violent thirst, followed by violent and frequent vomiting ; with profuse salivation ; with great appetite and thirst ; < from least motion ; qualmishness with frothing from mouth.
Vomiting : forcible, excessive ; violent with continued nausea, retching and great prostration ; of thin blackish or yellowish substances ; of bile and blood, black ; of food and drink, or drink only ; of food, or of acid, bitter, foamy, white or yellowish-green mucus ; whenever he moves or drinks ; with vertigo, pale face, clean tongue, good appetite ; with hiccough and fainting ; with painful retraction of abdomen ; with painful distortion of face ; with cold sweats ; with diarrhoea and pressure in pit of stomach.
Before vomiting, cold hands, becoming hot afterward.
Food causes pain when passing along oesophagus ; choking sensation when swallowing food or drink ; regurgitation of a portion of food eaten ; for nearly two years, nearly all food and beverage taken has been thrown up very soon after meals ; vomiting with a suffocating sensation, redness and heat in face ; very much emaciated and weak ; a strong longing for food, but dreaded to eat ; constipated, low spirited ; palpitation, weak pulse and cold extremities.
On rising in morning nausea, belching, ptyalism, vertigo, diarrhoea and vomiting ; appetite good, but must vomit immediately after eating ; vomiting day and night ; three to six thin, slimy, brownish stools ; vertigo ; emaciation ; lassitude.
Spasmodic retching and vomiting of watery tasteless fluid ; constipation ; tearing pains in limbs.
Vomiting of food and large masses of mucus.
Frothy vomiting, followed by yellow matter or bile ; intermittent pulse. θ Meningitis. θ Pneumonia.
Child, at 6 months, lay quiet and stupid ; face pale ; forehead cold and damp on vomiting.
In pit of stomach ; anguish ; painful distension ; pressure ; acute pain ; great sensitiveness ; burning.
Pain in stomach as from ravenous hunger.
Sensation of weakness in stomach, with internal sensation of coldness.
Hysterical cramps in stomach.
Pain coming gradually, first in epigastrium, thence radiating upward and to both sides, reaching to back between lowest point of scapula ; becomes agonizing, then gradually subsides ; shakes with cold. θ Gastrodynia.
Great distress over heart and epigastrium, deathlike look, could only speak a few words, cold, pulse weak and fluttering, and just perceptible, nausea and attempt to vomit, > from rubbing spine between shoulders ; followed application of strong liniment for neuralgia of shoulders, back and arms.
Ten minutes after eating, food began to return in mouthfuls, and continued doing so at intervals for two hours ; cramplike pain in epigastrium ; < for a week after menses, vomiting with violent pain in loins ; menses regular, but too profuse ; constipation ; extremely weak ; throbbing pain in right temple. θ Gastralgia.
Intense burning sensation extending into oesophagus ; vomiting of greenish masses ; great anxiety ; coldness of limbs ; slow, intermittent pulse. θ Gastritis.
Hematemesis, with slow pulse, coldness, fainting fits, cold sweat.
Pains under scapula ; loss of sight ; vertigo ; urine thick when passed and very dark, sometimes almost black ; cold sweats at times ; food has no taste ; smoking makes throat dry and he does not enjoy it ; craving for food ; nausea when eating, cannot get food down without retching ; tongue white.
Thick brownish-white coating on tongue ; aversion to food ; attempting to eat causes nausea and vomiting ; pappy, flat, but especially sweetish taste in mouth ; dulness of mind ; want of animal heat ; chilliness, seeks warmth. θ Gastric disturbance.
Pain half an hour after food or after walking or other fatigue. θ Indigestion.
Dyspepsia ; severe pain an hour after eating ; waterbrash ; relaxed motions, three or four during night ; urine loaded with lithates ; great debility.
Chronic weakness of stomach ; from dampness of climate and want of fresh air ; from abuse of quinine.
All fruits cause painful distension of stomach.
Gastric catarrh, great weakness, cold, sudden sinking.
Softening of stomach ; nausea before fainting ; vomit greenish, acid ; copious, watery, without smell ; colic, collapse, convulsions.
Softening of stomach in children, in course of hydrocephaloid.
Hematemesis, with slow pulse, coldness, fainting fits, cold sweat ; nausea when moving or rising.
Hyperemia of liver, gastric catarrh, putrid taste, disgust for warm food, great pressure in hepatic region, alternating with vomiting and diarrhoea.
Hyperemia of liver, with cholera-like symptoms, or with asthma and bronchial catarrh.
Spleen swollen. θ Intermittent fever.
Spasms of diaphragm during prevailing south winds, in persons with cold hands, great oppression and anxiety in chest.
Diaphragmitis, with peritonitis, vomiting and coldness.
Great sinking and empty feeling.
Empty feeling in abdomen after stool as if she needed food ; headache on vertex about 5 P. M.
Cold feeling in abdomen.
Burning in abdomen as from hot coals.
Cutting in abdomen as with knives.
Griping in abdomen, at times above, at times below navel, in afternoon soon after eating.
Intermittent neuralgia of bowels ; about 4 P. M. commences throwing up quantities of wind, about 5 P. M. ; intense, agonizing neuralgia, like knives cutting her bowels, chiefly affecting left side, coming on at intervals of a few minutes, so intense that it took three or four men to hold her ; attacks lasted from 3 o’clock to 9 P. M., then terminated by two deep sighs or gapes.
Violent attacks of neuralgia ; a certain movement felt about navel, then suddenly, always at same place, a pinching as by pincers, with most intolerable pain lasting half or a whole minute ; each time it went away with borborygmus, extending to cecal region ; sensation of constriction above and below, preventing flatus from passing ; attacks of anxiety and pain increase from half to a whole hour, abdomen swelled and became painful to touch ; inclination to vomit, chest constricted, breathing shorter, more and more difficult, cold sweat, stupefaction and total exhaustion ; could not swallow a drop of liquid, much less any solid food ; lay many hours stupefied, unconscious, with a swollen face and protruding eyes, without sleep ; > after wind passes up or down.
Colic ; face pale ; abdomen sunken, bloated during paroxysm ; pain, particularly in epigastrium ; burning pain under left ribs ; sensitiveness to pressure ; pain over whole abdomen extending to back and thighs ; here and there hard spots in abdomen ; finally belching of wind with relief ; constipation ; loss of appetite ; tongue coated ; at times vomiting, chilliness ; lassitude ; sleeplessness.
Colic : with burning ; as if intestines were twisted into a knot ; after a cold ; turning, twisting, pressure, constriction, cutting, tension ; after abuse of quinine ; from fruits and vegetables ; abdomen swollen, sensitive ; no flatus either way ; cold sweat ; with burning pain, twisting, cutting, nausea and vomiting, < from food ; > after wind passes ; with morning diarrhoea.
For several years distension of abdomen, sometimes in stomach and sometimes in bowels, with violent eructations, coming on about 4 A. M. and lasting for two hours, somewhat > drinking warm fluids.
Abdomen distended, very sensitive.
Painful retraction of abdomen during vomiting.
Intussusception of bowels ; great anguish ; rushes about bent double, pressing abdomen.
Sudden severe pains in left hypochondrium, with attacks of vomiting ; sleeplessness ; severe pains in descending colon ; obstinate constipation ; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen on pressure. θ Intussusception.
Peritonitis, with vomiting and diarrhoea, skin cold ; features sunken ; pulse small, weak ; restless, anxious.
Incarcerated hernia, not inflamed ; anti-peristaltic action ; cold sweat, nausea.
Protrusion of inguinal hernia during cough.
Stools : frequent ; watery, greenish, mixed with flakes ; gushing, profuse ; rice-water discharges, with tonic cramps, commencing in hands and feet, spreading all over ; sunken, even hippocratic face ; watery, inodorous ; watery, gushing, flaky ; thin, papescent, mucous ; green, gushing, exhausting after fright ; brownish, watery ; blackish, watery ; bloody ; bilious ; mucous ; corrosive ; sometimes painless ; involuntary (while passing flatus) ; from least movement of body ; thin and painless, with rumbling of bowels.
Before stool : chilliness, anxiousness, nausea, vomiting ; severe pinching colic ; rumbling in abdomen ; weakness in hypogastrium like faintness.
During stool : chills and shivering ; anxiety, nausea, vomiting ; faintness ; paleness ; cold sweat on forehead ; pinching colic ; burning in anus and cold perspiration on forehead ; weakness.
After stool : improvement of cervical pains ; squalmishness in epigastrium ; nausea, vomiting ; colic ; great sinking and empty feeling in abdomen ; weakness ; faintness ; great exhaustion.
Diarrhoea : with vomiting of turbid water, and cold sweat on forehead ; as Autumn comes on, when vomiting is superadded to purging, and intestinal evacuations are expelled in a forcible gush, with little or no griping, colic, with hiccough and suffocation ; stools involuntary, watery ; hippocratic countenance, and cold extremities ; stools frequent, violent, profuse and painful ; much exhaustion after every passage, with cold sweat upon forehead and skin in general ; in frequent attacks, face sunken, greyish ; after wet feet ; of phthisical patients.
Diarrhoea after drinking much cold water on a hot day ; bilious vomiting, with watery, painful stools ; great precordial anxiety ; long-lasting faintlike nausea ; skin pale ; limbs cold.
Several diarrheic stools during day, particularly directly after eating ; pressure in stomach after eating, < at night, with nausea, becoming a cutting pain on motion ; sensation of trembling in stomach ; thirst.
For some years, morning diarrhoea, with despair of salvation.
Sharp pains in hypogastric region for two weeks ; by day very profuse light-brown, watery diarrhoea, almost involuntary, preceded by sharp pain in same region, > after stool ; very weak ; profuse warm sweat ; red face and lips ; urine diminished.
Diarrhoea for three weeks ; three or four stools, sometimes more, every day ; stools dark, clay-colored, rather slimy, very offensive ; before stool, cold in face, with cold sweat on face and forehead ; diarrhoea < from time of rising till 10 A. M., then > till 3 P. M., when it gets < again ; < directly after food ; came on with hot weather.
For ten months lassitude, coated tongue, malaise, nausea and diarrhoea ; vomiting first of food, then of yellow, bitter bile, without pain ; stools liquid, always occur with vomiting as well as at other times ; pain in lower abdomen before diarrhoea, except when she vomits, then diarrhoea is painless ; exhausted after vomiting ; after much straining there was froth in vomit.
Simultaneous purging and vomiting. θ Cholera.
Sudden attack of diarrhoea coming on during dinner ; while eating suddenly seized with colic in transverse colon, followed speedily by urgent desire for stool, which gushed out suddenly, and consisted of dark-brown, frothy feces.
Severe diarrhoea from fright ; stools liquid, gushing out with force ; feels exhausted ; cold sweat all over body with every stool, but especially on forehead.
Diarrhoea, discharges white, prostrating urging to stool ; great prostration, with attacks of fainting.
Unconscious discharge of thin feces while passing flatus.
Diarrhoea of six months’ duration ; stools brown, painless, one to four daily, < from manual labor and after potatoes ; loss of appetite ; great thirst ; sensation as if something alive were rising from stomach into throat.
Extreme collapse ; coldness of surface ; clammy sweat ; pale face ; sunken eyes ; great thirst ; vomiting and purging of almost colorless fluid very freely ; pain not excessive, but feeling of weakness intense. θ Dysentery.
Intestinal catarrh, diarrhoea coming on suddenly at night, in Summer ; vomiting and purging.
Cholera infantum : attack sudden ; violent watery vomiting and purging, cold surface, prostration, vomiting excited by least amount of liquid taken ; great thirst for large quantities of water, excessive weakness ; stools watery and inodorous ; tongue and breath cold ; difficulty in breathing ; desire to sit up ; blueness around eyes ; skin seems drawn tightly over bones of face ; wrinkling of skin of hands and fingers ; sensitiveness over abdomen.
Face ashy pale, of a waxy hue ; cold, eyes sunken, with dark rings around them ; nose pinched, lips and nose blue ; extremities cold as ice ; pulse imperceptible ; temperature in axilla 104.2°F. ; abdomen warm, soft, though distended ; eyes look wild, rolls them up showing only sclerotic ; head rolling from side to side, constant moaning (meningeal irritation) ; tongue coated at base, clean at lips, dry ; mouth and lips parched ; thirst constant ; very restless ; > by being carried ; vomiting and retching ; had not kept anything on his stomach for three days ; from twelve to fifteen stools in twenty-four hours, green, watery, gushing, changing to a blue-slate color on standing ; pain in abdomen before stool, which appeared to be to of a griping nature, > after passing stool ; much weakness and exhaustion after a motion, child lying perfectly limp ; skin dry ; emaciation especially marked about face and neck ; sleeplessness, had not slept for three days and nights ; < at night, > toward morning ; next morning constant twitching and jerking of arms and legs ; head rolling from side to side. θ Cholera infantum.
Cholera morbus : < at night ; cold sweat on forehead ; vomiting and purging at same time ; after fruits ; with profuse brownish discharges, thirst, cramps in calves, feet and fingers ; prostration ; cold sweat ; great weakness after stool.
Bathed in a cold perspiration, very weak and badly frightened ; had been vomiting and purging for about two hours ; severe cramping pains through bowels and lower extremities ; stools thin, green and watery ; constant thirst and drinking large quantities of cold water. θ Cholera morbus.
Sporadic cholera ; blueness of hands, face and feet ; cramps in calves ; contraction of abdominal muscles ; great prostration ; hippocratic countenance ; vomiting ; green flocculent discharges ; surface of body cold as marble (3 cases).
Cold sweat on forehead ; dilated pupils ; lachrymation ; froth at mouth ; shuddering after eating ; vomiting of food and of green mucus, soon followed by acrid, watery stools ; great prostration ; craving sour things ; abdomen distended ; outcries ; flexing of legs on abdomen ; grasping at abdomen ; somnolency.
Ten to twenty greenish evacuations in twenty-four hours, preceded by severe pains in umbilical region, causing her to cry out ; sweat over body ; abdomen painful to touch, but not bloated ; epigastrium and right hypochondrium tense, sensitive to pressure ; bitter vomiting of fluids which have been taken ; mouth dry, yellow coating on tongue, moist ; hoarseness ; ringing in ears ; vertigo ; cramps in calves of legs ; skin cool ; after cold and fright.
Distorted hippocratic face, constant hiccough, anxious, restless tossing about ; cramping of hands and feet ; pains in abdomen ; speechless ; severe retching with vomiting of yellowish fluids, < after drinking ; stools watery, pass unconsciously ; surface of body cold ; face bathed in cold sweat. θ Sporadic cholera.
Cholera Asiatica : great torpor of vegetative system, without any great mental or sensory disturbance ; little depression of spirits ; fear of death or indifference ; vertigo ; violent evacuation upward and downward ; icy coldness of body ; great debility ; cramps in calves ; vomiting, with constant desire for cold drinks ; copious, watery, inodorous stools, mixed, with white flocks ;
face pale, without any color, or bluish ; blue margins around eyes ; deathly anguish in features ; cold tongue and breath ; hoarse, feeble voice ; great oppression anguish in chest, giving patient a desire to escape from bed ; violent colic, especially around umbilicus, as if abdomen would be torn open ; abdomen sensitive to contact, with drawing and cramps in fingers ; wrinkled skin in palms of hands ; retention of urine.
Profuse rice-water dejections every fifteen to twenty minutes, with slight burning in anus ; frequent watery vomiting, especially after drinking ; excessive thirst for cold drink ; nose and ears icy-cold, body and limbs tolerably warm ; chilliness on motion ; tongue moist, slightly furred ; soft, accelerated pulse ; dry skin ; violent tonic cramps in calves, thighs and masseter muscles, occurring after vomiting or purging. θ Cholera.
Vomiting and purging ; stools watery, flocculent ; severe burning in epigastrium ; great desire for cold water ; severe cramps in calves of legs ; great precordial anxiety ; face pale, anxious ; pulse small, frequent ; white-coated tongue. θ Cholera.
Sudden vomiting and purging ; anxious, disturbed look of face ; eyes sunken, surrounded by dark circles ; temperature of skin of body slightly elevated, limbs cold ; skin dry ; pulse weak, 130 ; great thirst but vomits immediately fluids taken into stomach ; watery stools every half hour ; paroxysmal cramps in calves of legs, with tossing about and crying. θ Cholera.
Vomiting and purging ; very cold surface ; constant nausea ; watery vomiting on moving or drinking ; watery purging ; great thirst ; pulse small ; tongue white ; skin warm ; no cramps. θ Cholera.
Rice water purging ; vomiting ; eyes sunken, surrounded by dark circles ; tongue white ; face pale ; pulse quick, feeble. θ Cholera.
Weakness bordering on syncope ; cold sweat ; very quick, empty, weak pulse ; stools loose, quite white, like a solution of starch, passed with fatiguing straining, and followed by excessive prostration and failure of senses ; no nausea or vomiting.
Unsuccessful urging to stool.
Constipation on account of hardness and large size of stools. θ Paralysis.
Constipation : chronic, stools large and hard, or first part hard, latter part smaller ; stools in round black balls ; chronic, with children ; as from inactivity of rectum ; in cold weather ; of nursing infants ; in hypochondriacs and maniacs.
Obstinate constipation ; bitter, sour eructations, fulness of stomach and bowels after eating ; pain in hepatic region ; eruption over body.
Constipation of infants after Nux vomica or Lycopodium.
Before constipated stool : no desire ; desire for stool felt in epigastrium ; pressure toward anus, with blind hemorrhoids ; tenesmus.
During constipated stool : great straining ; cold sweat on forehead ; heat in anus ; painless discharge of masses of blood in clots, with sinking feeling.
After constipated stool : weakness or prostration.
Fecal mass flattened and thin like a ribbon.
Hemorrhoids with diseases of lungs or pleura ; painless discharge of masses of blood in clots, with sinking feeling ; bruised feeling in sacral region.
Attacks of vomiting and purging, with cold sweat on forehead, and symptoms of worms.
Continuous urging to urinate.
Frequent micturition, with violent thirst and hunger.
Urine : scanty, red-brown or suppressed ; greenish.
Involuntary urination ; during cough, also during typhoid.
Urine thick when passed and very dark, sometimes almost black ; cold sweats at times ; food has no taste ; smoking makes throat dry and he does not enjoy it ; craving for food ; nausea when eating, cannot get food down without retching ; tongue white.
Nymphomania : before menses ; from unsatisfied passion or mental causes ; puerperal mania ; violent and destructive, loquacious ; from disappointed love ; during confinement.
Metritis, with fits of vomiting, delirium, anxiety, and diarrhoea ; body hot, limbs cold.
Aborted four months after marriage, flooding and violent uterine pains, following great weakness ; pale face ; eyes sunken with a dull expression, revealing great suffering ; extremities cool ; violent uterine pains, stitching, particularly in posterior wall of uterus ; palpitation shows volume of womb increased, hard and sensitive to touch ; inspection reveals congestion of neck of uterus, which is hard and appears a little flattened in its antero-posterior diameter ; slightest touch causes patient to scream ; cannot rise on account of pain produced by doing so ; entire loss of appetite ; slimy diarrheic stools ; constantly cold, particularly in extremities. θ Metritis.
Chronic womb disease, < at night, then cold sweat ; in morning, vomiting of frothy mucus.
Menses : too early, too profuse ; suppressed, with despair of salvation or with blood-spitting ; very exhausting.
Before menses : headache, vertigo, bleeding of nose, night sweats.
During menses : morning headache, nausea, ringing in ears, thirst, and pain in all limbs.
At end of menses : grinding of teeth and bluish face.
Menorrhagia, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cold sweat on forehead, and weak pulse.
Dysmenorrhoea : with prolapsus ; nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, exhaustion ; cold sweat ; coldness of body ; with chilliness ; with pain in kidneys and uterus before and during menses.
Since three months, on awaking, nausea, vomituritio and constricting sensation in throat ; dulness in head, sometimes sensation as of a piece of ice lying on vertex ; frequent chilliness, can scarcely get warm, feet, hands and nose icy-cold ; catamenia irregular, generally every three weeks ; early on day on which menses appear diarrhoea, nausea, chilliness, four to six watery evacuations with burning pain in rectum ; irritability ; sensitive, gets angry at trifles or weeps about little things.
A girl, at. 19, ailing for several years ; almost constant headache ; scanty and delayed menses ; several months ago suddenly attacked with hemeralopia some six or eight days before her menstrual period, every afternoon toward sundown, increased as night came on ; then could not see anything, consequently could not walk out of doors, was unable to discern things only when quite near candlelight ; also in morning for half an hour after waking, sight was deficient ; dizziness in head, as if all blood were mounting into head ; menses delayed as usual some two or three weeks, when they finally came, was seized as often before, with vomiting and purging, lasting until flow was fully established ; at other times constipated, passage only every three days of round, hard, black lumps ; monthly discharges always scanty, partly fluid, partly clotted ; never lasting over two days ; during period headache much more severe ; felt so weak she had to lie down.
Amenorrhoea, with nervous headache, leaden face, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Strangulated prolapsed vagina, with cold sweat, exhausting vomit and diarrhoea.
Threatened abortion ; pains, with cold sweat, nausea and vomiting.
During pregnancy : wants to wander about house ; taciturn ; haughty ; thirsty ; vomiting ; wants everything cold ; craving for acids and salt food ; canine hunger ; feels very weak and faint ; cramp in extremities, with cold perspiration ; hardness of feces and inactive rectum.
Vomiting during pregnancy of four months’ duration ; constantly feels cold ; feet cold as ice ; occasionally flushes of heat with thirst ; on eating, pressure in stomach ; hiccough, retching, waterbrash, bitter taste in mouth ; cutting pains in abdomen ; tearing pains in legs ; lassitude and prostration.
Craves fruit and juicy articles.
Labor pains exhaust her ; fainting on least motion ; cold sweat.
Lochia suppressed, with nymphomania.
In childbed : impudent behavior ; nymphomania ; exhaustion
Mania puerperalis, wants to kiss everybody ; religious ; despairs of her salvation.
Eclampsia parturientium ; pallor, collapse, anemia or violent cerebral congestion, with bloated face, wild shrieks, tearing clothing.
Painfulness of mamma.
Suppression of milk.
Voice weak, hollow, hoarse, husky. θ Cholera.
Spasmus glottidis.
Paroxysms of constriction of larynx ; suffocating fits, with protruding eyes.
Spasmodic contraction of glottis with contracted pupils.
Suddenly awakes from sleep with a long, harsh, crowing inspiration, lasting four to six seconds, no expiration follows, there being a cessation of respiration from forty to sixty seconds, face becomes blue and covered with cold sweat ; eyes protruded, staring ; mouth widely opened, thorax distended, pulsations of heart normal ; finally child begins to toss about arms and legs, which are bathed in cold sweat, and there occurs a long, loud expiration sounding like a sigh, and respiration becomes re-established ; diarrhoea ; abdomen bloated ; emaciation ; frequently cries during sleep. θ Spasmus glottidis.
Suddenly awakes from sleep with a whistling cry, suffocation seems imminent, face becomes cyanotic, only regains his breath after a few minutes have elapsed ; attacks also excited by crying. θ Spasmus glottidis.
Tickling very low down in trachea, provoking cough, without expectoration.
Laryngo-tracheitis, cough excessively straining and shaking, giving no rest day or night, with pain in head, chest and abdomen from concussion.
Debility great, catarrhal symptoms slight. θ Influenza during cholera season.
Capillary bronchitis ; blue face ; oedema of lungs, and great fear of suffocation.
Bronchitis, especially of old people ; constant rattling of mucus without being able to expectorate ; prostration, frequent, irregular pulse, and sticky perspiration about head.
Respiration weak, interrupted.
Shortness of breath on slight movement, even in house ; > if he sits still.
Extremely difficult and distressing respiration ; seems in danger of suffocation.
Excessive anguish arresting breathing, with desire to sit up or jump out of bed.
Oppression on chest when coughing.
Contractive spasm of chest.
Asthma : in damp, cold weather ; in early morning ; > throwing head back ; inclination for motion ; cold sweat of upper part of body ; chronic cases.
Cold breath. θ Cholera.
Cough : dry, tickling after walking in sharp, cold air ; dry, spasmodic, rattling, but nothing loosens ; deep, hollow, ringing, whooping, excited by tickling in lowest branches of bronchi, expectoration of yellow, tough, tenacious mucus of bitter, saltish, sour or putrid taste ; spasmodic, cyanosis, cold sweat ; with blood-spitting ; after great exertion ; loud barking, in hysteria ; hollow, in shocks, with cutting pain in abdomen ; with blueness of face, with involuntary micturition ; < morning, and late evening until 12 P. M. ; on going into warm room ; on getting warm in bed ; < in change of weather ; from eating and drinking cold things, especially water, with crying and vexation.
Spasmodic cough, with great burning and dryness in mouth and fauces ; long-continued sleeplessness ; anxiety in precordial region ; irritability of senses. θ Measles.
Babe, skin very hot ; cold sweat on forehead when coughing ; eyes half open during sleep.
Titillation, with sensation of constriction in throat ; oppression, nausea, vomiting of food and mucus after cough.
Whooping cough : convulsive stage ; great exhaustion, children fail to recover strength after a paroxysm, and are inclined to lean head against something for support ; fever, with cold perspiration, especially on forehead ; intense thirst ; small quick pulse ; emission of urine when coughing ; cough ceases on lying down and recurs when rising ; spells brought on by entering a warm room or drinking cold water ; face pale and sunken ; restlessness and anxiety ; vomiting of tough, thin mucus ; Fall and Spring epidemic.
Constriction of chest.
Pressing in region of sternum after eating and drinking.
Constant rattling of mucus, but cannot expectorate ; sticky sweat about head ; weak ; frequent irregular pulse ; bronchitis of old people.
Capillary bronchitis ; livid face, blue nails, cold extremities and tumultuous irregular contractions of heart ; cold sweat on forehead when coughing ; eyes half open during sleep.
Acute bronchial catarrh in emphysematous subjects.
Rattling in lungs, fear of suffocation ; frothy, serous sputa ; blue face ; oedema of lungs.
Stitches in sides of chest.
Croupous pneumonia ; pneumonia supervenes during whooping cough.
Diaphragmitis and peritonitis with vomiting.
Strong palpitation of heart, with chorea.
Violent, visible anxious palpitation with fainting.
Tumultuous irregular contractions of heart, forerunner of paralysis. θ Capillary bronchitis.
Intermittent action of heart in feeble persons, with some obstruction to hepatic circulation.
Palpitation in the anemic ; nervous ; agony of death, legs cold ; difficult breathing ; > at rest or lying down ; with anxiety and rapid audible respiration ; at night ; with prostration or fainting ; driving out of bed.
Angina pectoris ; periodical attacks of pain in left chest, or cutting, with excessive agony extending to shoulders ; general prostration, skin cold and clammy ; difficulty of breathing ; suffocative constriction of chest, so distressing that he sweats from agony ; general prostration ; cramps in limbs ; skin cold and clammy.
Pulse : frequent, small, hard ; slow, soft, intermittent ; slower than heart beat ; very small, irregular ; imperceptible.
The blood runs like cold water through veins.
Great activity of arterial system.
Muscles of nape of neck seem paralyzed.
Neck too weak to hold head up. θ Whooping cough.
Constant pain in shoulders of ten years’ standing, extending thence to occiput and arms, < from motion, and in damp weather. θ Myalgia.
Rheumatism between scapula, extending from nape of neck to small of back ; burning along spine.
Myelitis ; painful, paralytic weakness in upper and lower limbs ; tingling in fingers, causing anxiety ; painful jerkings in limbs ; electric jerks in limbs, < in bed, sits up, legs hanging out of bed, or must walk about.
Bruised feeling in sacral region.
Neuralgia in brachial plexus as if beaten or bruised.
Aroused from sleep every morning at 4 or 5 o’clock by intense, indescribable pains in arms ; they feel as if bruised or broken, pains extend from shoulder to wrist, can hardly move arm ; pain continues as long as he lies in bed, can tolerate no covering ; > getting up and moving about ; trembling of arm rest of day, particularly left ; < in bad weather, Spring and Autumn ; of three years’ duration. θ Neuralgia in brachial plexus.
Arms feel cold when raising them ; feel as if too full and swollen.
Arm trembles when anything is grasped.
Pain in middle of left forearm, as if bones were pressed.
Tingling in hands and fingers, causing anxiety. θ Myelitis.
Crawling in hands as if they had been asleep.
Hands icy cold blue.
Wrinkling of skin of hands and fingers. θ Cholera.
Violent coxalgia coming on every morning about 4 o’clock.
Tearing pain in left leg from thigh to toes ; frequent shocks therein ; leg sensitive to touch, at other times cold and insensible ; frequent restlessness of leg ; pain < at night after being in bed a while, must rise and let leg hang over side of bed, or walk about ; right leg also affected, but to a less degree.
Shocks in right hip.
Electric jerks in limbs ; < in bed, must sit up and let legs hang out of bed or must walk about ; rheumatism. θ Myelitis.
Walking very difficult ; like paralysis, changes from right to left hip (or in patients from left to right).
Trembling of limbs ; spasms ; great debility following.
Complete muscular prostration ; rapid sinking of forces ; sinks down completely exhausted ; great paleness of face.
Violent cramps in extremities.
During wet weather pains in legs, < by warmth of bed, > in walking up and down.
Legs stiff in forenoon and while standing ; rheumatism ; alternately hot and cold, head hot ; cold.
Pain in shin bones as if broken.
Cramps in calves. θ Cholera.
Pains in feet, especially knees, as if heavy stones were tied to parts ; must move about for relief.
Sudden swelling of feet ; they are cold and anasarcous.
Feet icy-cold.
Very cold feet, with colic.
Transient stinging pain in toes of right foot, while standing.
Limbs go to sleep, also when lying down.
Painful paralytic weakness in limbs.
Paralysis of limbs.
Pains in limbs, as if exhausted by excessive fatigue.
Pains in limbs, < during wet cold weather ; < in warmth of bed ; > when walking up and down.
Nails blue on account of coldness.
Rest : palpitation >.
Horizontal position : vomiting >; comparatively well feeling.
Lying : cough ceases ; palpitation >; limbs go to sleep.
Sitting : still, breathing >; with legs hanging out of bed, myelitis, jerks in limbs.
Stooping : headache <; rush of blood to head.
Standing : stiffness in legs ; stinging in toes of right foot.
Motion : headache <; least, produces nausea and vomiting ; cutting pain in stomach <; shortness of breath ; inclination for, asthma ; neuralgia in arms <; debility <.
Rising : black motes or specks before eyes ; cough <.
Desire to sit up or jump out of bed : asthma.
Rushes about bent double : intussusception.
Raising head : causes vomiting.
Raising arms : they feel cold.
Manual labor : diarrhoea <.
Throwing head back : asthma >.
Grasping : arm trembles.
Driving out of bed : palpitation ; jerks in limbs, myelitis.
After getting out of bed : chill >.
Walking : must walk about, to > jerks in limbs ; neuralgia in arms >; neuralgia in legs >; very difficult, like paralysis in hip ; > pains in feet and knees.
Exertion : least, causes fainting ; causes cough ; causes sweat.
Nervous, as if she would have to fly away.
Faintness ; faints from least exertion or from slight pain.
Rapid sinking of forces ; complete prostration ; cold sweat and cold breath ; collapse.
General debility, with blue hands and cold feet.
Excessive weakness ; is obliged to move very slowly ; so weak she can hardly raise her hand, and every motion seems to increase debility ; even a movement of bowels causes great debility ; very weak, almost imperceptible pulse ; cold sweat, particularly on forehead ; thirst for icy-cold water.
Sudden sinking of strength.
Excessive weakness after abuse of Cinchona.
Child feeble, with a sort of hectic. θ Whooping cough.
Must lie down ; anguish ; cold sweat on forehead when he rises.
Extreme collapse, coldness of surface, clammy sweat, pale face, sunken eyes, great thirst vomiting and purging of almost colorless fluid ; feeling of intense weakness.
Chronic weakness ; trembling of whole body.
Trembling ; jerking ; spasms ; convulsions.
Tetanic stiffness of body.
Convulsions : puerperal ; caused by religious excitement ; hysterical ; of children ; anxiety, pale face, cold sweat on forehead ; cough before or after ; syncope after spasms ; with cyanosis.
Tonic spasms with contraction of palms of hands and soles of feet.
Cannot dress herself ; constant twitches and silly motions ; legs twitch even in sleep ; cannot walk ; vomits food ; cries at least trifles.
Cold as ice ; breath cold ; tongue cold ; great weakness ; distorted face ; expression of terror. θ Shock from injury.
Paralysis : after cholera ; from debilitating losses.
Uninterrupted sleep for three days. θ Typhoid.
Drowsy, starts as if frightened, preventing sleep ; fever follows.
Arms stretched above head, moaning during sleep.
Nightly anxiety and sleeplessness.
Dreams : of being drowned ; of being bitten by a dog and cannot escape ; of being hunted ; of robbers, with frightened awaking and a fixed idea that dream is true.
At 4 A. M. : eructations.
Toward morning : headache >; diarrhoea >.
Morning : on waking could not open eyes ; lids seemed to stick to ball ; diarrhoea ; twitching and jerking of limbs ; headache during menses ; asthma ; cough <; sweat ; chill.
Forenoon : stiffness in legs.
From time of rising until 10 A. M. : diarrhoea <.
From 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. : diarrhoea >.
Afternoon : griping in abdomen.
From 3 to 9 P. M. : neuralgia of bowels.
At 4 P. M. : neuralgia of bowels.
At 5 P. M. : headache on vertex.
Evening : anxiety ; remitting fever <; late, cough <; heat ; sweat.
Night : cursing and howling : groaning and sighing ; headache, beginning in afternoon ; in sleep, epistaxis ; delirium, remitting fever ; pressure in stomach <; in Summer sudden diarrhoea ; cholera morbus <; womb disease <; hemeralopia ; palpitation ; sweat.
Open air : after exercise, bulimia.
Warmth : does not > prosopalgia ; of bed, cough <; of bed, neuralgia in leg <.
Warm room : going into, cough <.
Hot day : drinking cold water causes diarrhoea.
Hot weather : diarrhoea ; scarlatina.
Cold : eating and drinking, cough <.
In sharp, cold air : dry, tickling cough.
Cold, damp weather : rheumatic ophthalmia ; asthma.
Damp weather : neuralgia in face.
Wet weather : pains in limbs.
Bad weather : neuralgia in arms.
Change of weather : cough <.
Chill and coldness : mostly external, with internal heat, and cold, clammy sweat ; running downward ; shaking chill with sweat, which soon passes off into general coldness ; of nursing children ; with desire for cold drinks.
Chill increased by drinking ; > after getting out of bed.
Whole body icy-cold.
Chill and heat alternating, now here now there, on single parts.
Internal sensation of chilliness running from head to toes.
Cold skin ; cold clammy sweat.
Face cold, collapsed.
Coldness over back.
Extremities cold.
Heat : of head ; and redness of face ; mostly internal, with thirst, but no desire to drink ; in evening, with sweat ; ascends ; alternating with chilliness.
Sweat : profuse ; morning, evening or all night ; with every stool ; cold, clammy ; offensive ; bitter smelling ; staining yellow ; with deathly pale face ; general, cold, < on forehead ; from least exertion.
Intermittent fever, often pernicious, during cholera ; also after abuse of quinine.
Quotidian ague, chill lasts an hour, with blueness of nails, then heat mingled with chilliness, finally general profuse cold sweat ; thirst during fever and particularly during sweat ; nausea ; bitter vomiting ; diarrhoea ; urine dark, depositing brick-red sediment.
Several chills every other day ; chill commences with coldness in abdomen, spreading thence all over body ; frequent stools, thin and watery ; coldness became general, but no shaking ; breathing oppressed and labored ; stools became bloody, finally nothing but pure blood running from bowels steadily ; vomiting of blood, part of time blood thin and bright-red, afterward dark and thick ; prostration excessive ; speechlessness ; chill lasted eight hours and patient seemed at the point of death.
A boy, at. 12, had ague for two months ; at first chill every other, now every day, alternately weak and strong ; shivering, with thirst for half an hour, followed by heat, lasting some hours, with dry cough and headache ; perspiration profuse, with thirst ; soon after chill sets in patient falls asleep ; during hot stage sleep turns into coma, out of which he awakes occasionally and asks for drinks ; during whole intermission sleeps and drinks a good deal, but has little appetite.
Intermittent fever coming on early in morning.
After chill no heat, but sweat.
Pernicious intermittent ; collapse during chill.
Bilious fever ; cramps in stomach ; costiveness ; colic ; depression ; despair.
Rheumatic fever, with profuse sweat, great weakness, diarrhoea.
Typhoid forms of fever, especially in cholera season ; also when vital forces suddenly sink ; cold sweat ; coma ; vomiting and watery diarrhoea ; bluish face ; pointed nose ; wrinkled skin.
A boy, at. 5, lay on his right side ; excited, loquacious ; answered sometimes clearly, again irrelevantly ; delirious talk or moaning ; kicked off bedclothes ; head hot, feet and body cool ; liked cool water on head ; skin dry ; red spot, came and went on abdomen and nape ; abdomen full but not hard ; stool had been painful, now painless, clay-colored, thin, copious, frequent ; for ten days has been vomiting everything at once, but is hungry while nauseated ; thirst sudden and occasional ; tongue dry, thickly coated, white, papilla projet ; mucus in mouth and on teeth, sticky, dark.
Yellow fever ; gastro-hepatic type, with thin blackish or yellowish diarrhoea ; thin, blackish or yellowish vomiting of bile or blood ; burning in stomach ; lips and tongue dry, brown and cracked ; cold perspiration on forehead ; great exhaustion and small intermitting pulse ; face yellowish, bluish, cold, covered with sweat ; eyes dull, yellow, watery ; deafness ; difficult swallowing ; hiccough ; thirst ; cold hands and feet ; trembling, cramps ; coma ; unconsciousness, delirium ; vertigo ; fear, depressed, restless.
Intermittent : frontal neuralgia ; neuralgia of bowels.
Gradually : pain radiating from epigastrium to sides and back.
Every few minutes : neuralgia in bowels.
Every fifteen minutes : vomiting.
For two hours : vomiting and purging in cholera.
For eight hours : chills.
Every morning 4 or 5 A. M. : pains in arms ; coxalgia.
Every day : chills.
Every other day : remitting fever ; chills.
For three days : uninterrupted sleep.
For two weeks : pain in hypogastric region.
For three weeks : diarrhoea.
For six months : painless diarrhoea.
For ten months : exhaustion with diarrhoea.
For nearly two years : vomiting after meals.
For some years : morning diarrhoea.
For ten years : myalgia.
Fall and Spring : whooping-cough epidemics ; neuralgia in arms.
Left : head falls when raised up ; prosopalgia, eye injected ; sparks before eye ; neuralgia in bowels <; burning pain under ribs ; severe pain in hypochondrium ; pain in chest ; pain in forearm ; tearing in leg.
Right : as if a bunch of hair were electrified ; neuralgia palpebraris ; epistaxis ; facial neuralgia ; hypochondrium tense, sensitive to pressure ; shocks in hip ; stinging in toes.
Left to right : facial neuralgia.
As if pregnant or in throes of childbirth ; as if he had a bad conscience or had committed a crime ; as if things whirled in a circle ; as of a lump of ice on vertex ; as if brain were torn to pieces ; as if head would burst ; as of heat and cold at same time on scalp ; as if a bunch of hair were electrified ; eyelids as if rubbed sore ; as if salt were between upper lid and eyeball ; as if inner surface of lids were too dry ; as if hundreds of fine needle points were thrust into eyelids ; as if ears were stopped ; as if nose were dry ; teeth feel as if filled with lead ; as if tongue were too heavy ; coolness, as from peppermint in mouth ; as of dust in throat ; as if mouth were lined with mucus ; as if something alive were rising from stomach into throat ; as from ravenous hunger, pain in stomach ; radiating pain, from abdomen ; distress over heart and epigastrium ; sinking and empty feeling in abdomen ; as of knives cutting bowels ; as of hot coals in abdomen ; pinching, as with pincers in abdomen ; as if intestines were twisted into a knot ; as if cold water were running through veins ; arms as if bruised or broken ; as if bones of left forearm were pressed ; as if arms were too full and swollen, feel cold when raising them ; as if hands had been asleep ; as if heavy stone were tied to feet and knees ; limbs pain as if exhausted by excessive fatigue ; as if she would have to fly away.
Pain : under scapula ; in hepatic region ; in shoulders ; in shin bones, as if broken.
Intense pain : in arms, waking from sleep, at 4 or 5 A. M.
Violent pain : in hip, 4 A. M.
Severe pain : in stomach, an hour after eating ; in left hypochondrium ; in descending colon.
Sharp pain : in hypogastric region.
Cutting : in abdomen ; colic ; in stomach ; in left chest.
Tearing : in eyes ; in face ; in cheeks, temples and eyes ; in legs ; in left leg from thigh to toes.
Stitches : in submaxillary gland ; in posterior wall of uterus ; in sides of chest ; in corns.
Stinging : in toes of right foot.
Pricking : in fingers and toes before unconsciousness.
Burning : in brain ; in mouth and throat ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach and oesophagus ; in abdomen ; under l. ribs ; colic ; in anus ; in rectum.
Aching : in bowels.
Bruised sensation : in brain ; in sacral region.
Drawing : in face ; in fingers.
Pressure : in brain ; on vertex ; in eyes ; in pit of stomach ; in hepatic region ; in region of sternum ; in bones of left forearm.
Griping : in abdomen, above and below navel.
Twisting : colic.
Neuralgic pain : in head ; in face ; in bowels ; in brachial plexus.
Rheumatic pain : between scapula ; in limbs.
Soreness : of head ; of eyelids ; as if rubbed.
Scraping : in throat.
Roughness : in throat.
Pinching : colic.
Cramps : in calves, feet and fingers ; in bowels ; in masseter muscles ; in thighs.
Cramplike pain : in epigastrium.
Constriction : of throat ; in bowels ; in chest ; of larynx.
Choking : when swallowing.
Suffocating : with vomiting.
Stiffness : of neck ; of eyelids ; of masseter muscles.
Throbbing : headache ; toothache ; in right temple.
Distension : in pharynx ; in pit of stomach.
Fulness : of stomach and bowels.
Heaviness : of head ; of eyelids ; in teeth ; in tongue.
Tension : in abdomen.
Tingling : in limbs ; in fingers ; in hands ; all over.
Tickling : in trachea ; in bronchi, lowest branches ; in throat.
Crawling : in hands.
Weakness : in stomach ; hypogastrium.
Trembling : in stomach.
Fainting : with nausea.
Sinking : in abdomen ; during or after stool.
Warmth : in fingers and toes, before unconsciousness.
Heat : in eyes ; in anus ; all over.
Coldness : in mouth ; in throat ; in stomach ; in abdomen.
Chilliness : running from head to feet.
Dryness : of eyelids ; of mouth and palate ; in throat ; of fauces.
Rapid sinking of vital forces ; collapse.
Whole body and face pale ; cold sweat.
Skin and muscles lax.
Anasarca ; vomiting, purging, great prostration.
Cramps in limbs.
Touch : abdomen painful.
Pressure : slightest, neuralgia palpebraris <; left hypochondrium sensitive.
Slight wounds : cause fainting.
Shock from injury.
Skin blue, purple, cold ; wrinkled ; remaining in folds when pinched.
Skin livid, cold ; pulse thready ; drowsy and restless.
Rash over body, or on face and hands.
Dry eruptions like itch.
Desquamation of indurated or thickened portions of skin.
Burning after scratching.
Heat and tingling all over.
Itching and corrosive itching.
Severe stitches in corns while sitting.
Skin anemic, or cyanotic.
Measles tardy and pale ; skin livid ; hemorrhages, but no relief ; drowsy ; weak ; cold ; thready pulse ; spasmodic pulse and vomiturition.
Scarlatina in hot Summer weather ; eruption bluish ; pulse feeble ; burning heat of limbs, alternating with coldness.
Ulcers bluish, hard, indurated, itching, painless, but with redness of areola ; pus scanty.
Children and old people.
Lean, choleric or melancholy persons.
Young people and women of a sanguine or nervo-sanguine temperament ; also people who are habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction ; gay dispositions ; fitful mood.
Boy, at. 6, months, ill-nourished, fretful, suffering five weeks with pertussis ; spasmus glottidis.
Child, at. 9 months ; spasmus glottidis.
Baby, at. 9 months ; cholera infantum.
Boy, at. 11 months ; meningitis.
Girl, at. 15 months ; cholera morbus.
Boy, at. 3, suffering three weeks ; diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 5 ; cholera.
Boy, at. 5 ; typhoid fever.
Boy, at. 9, after typhoid fever ; bulimia.
Boy, at. 9 ; vomiting.
Girl, at. 11, has had ague ; neuralgia of bowels.
Boy, at. 12 ; ague.
Boy, at. 13 ; diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 15, delicate-looking ; chorea.
Girl, at. 17 ; cholera.
Girl, at. 18, strong, pale, slender ; prosopalgia.
Girl, at. 19, ailing several years ; dysmenorrhoea and hemeralopia.
Jewess, at. 20, rest of family similarly affected ; plica polonica.
Miss —, at. 20 ; diarrhoea.
Woman, at. 21, ill three months ; gastralgia.
Compositor, at. 24, lean, pale, earthy complexion ; colicodynia.
Miss B., at. 26 ; insanity.
Mrs. C., at. 26, light complexion, mild ; insanity.
Man, at. 29 ; mania.
Woman, at. 30, confined two weeks previously ; insanity.
Woman, at. 30 ; insanity.
Woman, at. 30, insanity.
Woman, at. 30, nervous ; prosopalgia.
Man, B., at. 30 ; empty feeling in abdomen.
Man, at. 30, ague.
Peasant woman, at. 32 ; mania.
Man, at. 32, strong, suffering three years ; pains in arms.
Miss —, at. 33 ; mania.
Woman, at. 34, ill one week ; dyspepsia.
Woman, at. 36, suffering eight days ; insanity.
Man, at. 36, delicate, after a cold drink six months previously ; diarrhoea.
Woman, at. 38 ; insanity.
Woman, at. 40 ; vomiting.
Woman, at. 40, ill five weeks ; dyspepsia.
Woman, at. 43, suffering three years since cessation of menstruation ; vomiting.
Woman, at. 44, ill six months ; dyspepsia.
Woman, at. 47, weak, emaciated ; colic.
Man, at. 50, suffering from rheumatism and hemorrhoids ; affection of throat.
Man, at. 50 ; gastric disorder.
Man, at. 50 ; cholera morbus.
Woman, at. 54 ; gastrodynia.
Woman, at. 55, ill six years ; dyspepsia.
Woman, at. 56, medium height, weak, gouty ; colic.
Man, at. 60, miller ; insanity.
Man, at. 60 ; intussusception of bowel.
Woman, at. 60, after fright ; diarrhoea.
Merchant, at. 62, strong, well nourished, leading a life full of excitement and care ; bulimia.
Miss F., ill ten months ; diarrhoea.
Old lady, small, thin, weak, is hard of hearing and has an impediment of speech ; sciatica.
Antidoted by : Aconite, Camphor., Cinchon., Coffea.
It antidotes : Arsen., Cinchon., Cuprum (colic), Ferrum, Opium, and removes bad effects of alcohol and tobacco.
Compatible : Arsen., Arnic., Cinchon., Cuprum, Ipec.