Agg From Rest. (Bry Amel).
Agg Rising from a sear or beginning to move. (cf. Lycopodium)
Agg Before a storm: before rain; in damp weather.
Agg From getting wet, especially when heated.
Bad effects of lifting or strain, especially raising arms high up to lift things. (cf Phosphorus)
Restlessness, can’t be long in one position.
Bad effects of bathing, either in fresh or salt water, (cf. Calc)
Wants to lie on something hard.
Lancinating pains of cancer (cf. Lachesis)
Cold skin, but desires to be uncovered
Fullness or weight, as if from a foreign body in rectum not Amel by stool.
Supper Amel all symptoms except dryness of throat.
Suppuration, especially when there is tendency of the pus to burrow
Thin serous pus.
Intolerance of least draught of air (headache). (cf. Na.c.)
Caries. Fistula, Perforating ulcers.
The swollen breast itches (scirrhus).
Fistular abscess. Cold abscess, whether proceeding from bone, gland or cellular tissue.
Phlegmon. Acute inflammatory action. Great soreness and sensitiveness. (Hep)
Vaccination, ailments after.
Eruptions on hairy parts and tip of nose.
Must have light, can’t sleep without light in bedroom.
Jerks head forward of pillow.
Amel By light.
Hard, dry, horny hands.
Life-taking pains.
All pains seem to go to rectum; or to center in the semi-lunar ganglion.
Agg On awaking (Lach)
Tall slender person (cf. Calc)
Poor breakfast eater. (Sepia, supper Amel; Na-m., hunger for supper)
Sulphuricum acidum.
Flushing and colliquative sweating, especially at menopause.
Ringworm; especially of body.
Agg By noise (vomiting, headache)
Patient feels cannot go on existing any longer. Sensation as if whole body very thin and delicate : as if she couldn’t resist the least attack; as if the continuity of the body would be dissolved.
Polypi. Naevi (Lycopodium Rad.) Condylomata. Warts Sweat only on uncovered parts.
Fixed ideas, “made of glass” “Has a living (croaking) animal inside him.”
Loath to be touched (Insane women).
Music causes weeping and trembling of feet.
Neuralgia from checked eruptions or gonorrhoea.
Sycosis and Syphilis.
Cracking in sacral region: while walking.