What are the indications for Opium in Apoplexy?
Tattling, stertorous breathing, and the very dark red face, and sometimes a tetanic rigidity of the body and face, and sometimes a tetanic rigidity of the body and paralysis; the darker red the face the more it is indicated.
When would Arnica be called for?
When there is aching soreness all over the body. Bed sores form readily. Paralysis, especially on left side, full and strong pulse and stertorous breathing.
When thee are convulsions accompanying, what remedies should be thought of?
Belladonna, Hyoscyamus and Lachesis.
Give some indications of Belladonna.
The effusion is attended with symptoms of violent congestion; if given early may be of use. Pupils are dilated, face flushed, throbbing of carotids.
When should Gelsemium be sued?
In threatened apoplexy with a general released state of the system, weakness and trembling; muscles refuse to obey the will.