
Veratrinum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


An alkaloid (C H N O) found in the seeds of Sabadilla, and in the roots of Veratrum album and Lobelinum. Prepared almost exclusively from Sabadilla. Preparation: Triturations.


Trembling and uncertain movements, when he wishes to lay hold of anything, he misses his grasp. Subsultus tendinum (after 6 milligrams). Twitchings. Slight twitchings in various muscles. Felt dreadfully tired, weak, and faint, as she had undergone some tremendous exertion, though she had enjoyed an excellent night’s rest. Great weakness (after 24 milligrams). Prostration. Faintness (after 6 milligrams). Violent collapse, with vertigo obscuration of vision, paleness of the face, cool skin, weak, irregular, rapid pulse, followed by violent vomiting, trembling of the whole body, sweat, depression (after 3 milligrams of Acetate). Great agitation, with violent vomiting. After a person has taken, for two or three times, from 1/6th to 1/4th of a grain of Veratria, frequently indeed, in from half an hour after the first dose, there arises a feeling of tingling, sparkling, prickling, in parts remote from the stomach, most commonly in the joints of the fingers and toes, sometimes in the elbows, bends of the knees, and shoulders, occasionally on the forehead or over the eyebrows, more rarely and at longer intervals in the thighs, abdomen, or back. Simultaneous with this, or soon after, some patients experience a sense of warmth, others of cold, referred to different region of the extremities and trunk, most in the hands and soles of the feet, the knees and mouth. While one has the feeling as if a stream of warm air or drops of hot water were issuing from these parts, another perceives, as it were, a frozen atmosphere around the feet, and particularly the knees, or as if cold water was poured them. Some compare the sensation in the mouth to that produced by sucking peppermint. In general the warmth occurs where there is integrity of the vital powers, but abdominal torpor, while old hypochondriacs and hysterical women, with predominant asthenia, experience the cold. Sensation of warmth in the stomach, which gradually extends itself over the abdomen and lower part of th chest; after the dose has been repeated once or twice, the same feeling is experienced in the lower extremities, and particularly in the feet; the upper extremities and head become also affected in the same manner, and if the medicines be pushed further, a sensation of tingling, exactly similar to that caused by friction with Veratria ointment, manifests itself in various parts of the body, and sometimes over the whole surface of the skin; this is generally accompanied by considerable perspiration, and some feeling of oppression, and all these effects are augmented by heat, or by the use of warmth dilutents; to this succeeds a sensation of coldness; and should their administration be still continued the stomach becomes affected, and a degree of nausea takes place, followed by vomiting. In a few instances only have they acted as diuretics, and in still fewer as purgatives (after 1/6 grains). Sensation of electric streams in the nerves. Shooting pain like electric shocks, in various muscles and joints. Besides the above sensations, there is occasionally superinduced this peculiar phenomenon, namely, that a pain, which may have been of long standing in some part of the body, either suddenly disappears altogether, or else is replaced by another, equally sudden in its invasion, in some distant part. Examples are not wanting of a limb or of the muscles of the face, especially if previously the subject of painful or spasmodic paroxysms, becoming seized with starting and tremor soon after taking the medicine. Thus, in from half an hour to an hour after the dose had been swallowed, parts began to start, which were in a half paralyzed, state from apoplexy, or which used to present violent spasms or trembling during severe paroxysms of tic douloureux. In some cases the development of heat was very marked. In the case of torpid lymphatic subject, in whom, from “abdominal epilepsy,” the left arm had gone into half-palsied state, attended with frequent twitchings, a fleeting but sensible warmth succeeded the application of Veratrine. Antidote: coffee, mixed with a little lemon-juice.


Delirium, with illusions of the senses. Anxiety. Great anxiety. Loss of consciousness.


Vertigo, (after 12 milligrams). Great giddiness. Dull headache (after 12 milligrams). A peculiar sensation of oppression and anxiety in the head, a sense of suffocation.


Redness of the palpebral and corneal conjunctiva. Lachrymation. Pupil extremely contracted.


Frequent sneezing. After vomiting had been produced, violent sneezing came on, and continued for about half an hour.


Twitching of the muscles of the face (after 6 milligrams). Violent shocks, pains extending from the face (the place of application) to the vertex. For some considerable time afterwards, when she was eating or laughing heartily, or talking animatedly, there would frequently be a spasmodic closure of the lower jaw, which would shut suddenly with a loud snap.


Tongue much swollen. A peculiar biting and formication of the tongue. Dryness of the mouth. Mouth and throat very sore, as if she had swallowed boiling water. Intense irritation (caused by the acridity of this agent) of the mouth and pharynx. Salivation (after 24 milligrams). Flow of saliva in the mouth. Very profuse salivation. Frequent salivation, nausea, and vomiting. Profuse salivation lasting several weeks, but without any affection of the tongue or gums.


Constriction of the throat (after 24 milligrams). Sense of constriction in the fauces rendering swallowing difficult. Prickling sensation in the pharynx and stomach, sometimes intolerable.


Appetite and Thirst. Loss of appetite. Thirst. Violent, unquenchable thirst. Eructations. Frequent bitter eructations (after 12 milligrams). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, (after 12 milligrams). Feelings of sickness. A degree of nausea, but this may be obviated by taking care that too large a dose be not given at one time (after 4 or 6 grains, in 24 hours). Violent nausea and vomiting (after 6 milligrams). Transient nausea, with constipation. Nausea and vomiting, 11 12. Vomiting. Copious vomiting. Stomach. Slight transient burning in the stomach. Coldness of the stomach (after 6 milligrams). A peculiar feeling in the stomach, increasing after large doses to a burning. Cramp of the stomach.


Electric streams along the nerves of the abdomen and breast (from an inunction to the back). Great pain extending over all the nerves of the abdomen. Colic. A peculiar sensation which she described as if the whole of the intestines were tied together by a strong cord continually tightened.


Diarrhoea. Slimy diarrhoea (after 24 milligrams). Profuse watery stools. Relaxation of the bowels with tenesmus. Very copious stools. Soft stools (after 12 milligrams). Stools of bloody mucus. Evacuation of mucous substances.

Urinary organs

Spasmodic contraction of the bladder, with evacuation of watery urine. Urine to urinate. Continual calls for micturition independently of the quantity passed during the action of the bowels, which had freely moved twice or thrice. Ineffectual efforts to urinate (primary effect). Increased secretion of urine (secondary effect). Scanty, red, thick urine.

Respiratory organs

Breathing hurried.

Back and neck

Dull pain in the back. Dull pain in the back. Dull pain, afterward burning, in the lower part of the spinal column, followed by pain in the bowels and prepuce, watery and mucous evacuation, accompanied with jerking in the lower extremity. Drawing pain along the spine. Sensation of boiling water running over the back.


Paralysis of the limbs. Feeling of numbness and formication in the extremities. Painful jerking in the toes.


Coldness, warmth sticking, and prickling. Cold extremities. The extremities are so cold that he is obliged to use a foot stove. Sweat.


When rubbed into a very delicate skin in sometimes causes an erysipelatous inflammation, with inflammatory redness and very violent pain, even nettle rash eruption. Sometimes an evanescent blush pervades the surface, and in rare instances a quantity of eruption has appeared upon the part, but these produced (from application of ointment). After the ointment has been applied a sufficient length of time to put the constitution completely under its influence, the feeling of heat and tingling extends itself from the place where the friction may have been made, over the whole surface of the body, and produces sensations similar to those arising from the internal use. The sensibility of the parts over which the application has been made, is increased so as to render peculiarly susceptible; these agents have in some instances been applied along with the Veratria ointment, but have given rise to sensations so acute as to render their further employment almost insupportable, and that without the slightest perceptible alteration of the surface (after application of ointment), 7. At least two months after the itching had subsided, there continued an exceedingly troublesome tingling all over the skin, as if she had been stung by nettles, though without any rash, or indeed any sort of appearance of irritation. A continual tingling over the skin, and now and then sudden fits of the most unbearable itching in different parts of the body, compelling, her to scratch and rub vigorously in the most uncontrollable manner.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.