

At intervals, dull tearings in the inmost part of the cartilage of the concha of the left ear (thirty-sixth day). Twitchings in the cartilages of the left ear, near the orifice of the external meatus (fortieth day). Boring sensation in the right external auditory passage, often repeated (a symptom frequently felt during the proving), (fiftieth day). Burning on right outer ear (second day). Both ears stopped, without affecting the hearing (third day).


Violent sneezings and coryza. Coryza (third day). Violent fluent coryza towards and during the evening, until falling asleep (second day); a fluent coryza in the forepart of the day lasted longer than a fortnight. First, the right nostril, and shortly after, the left stopped up; this changes every few minutes and prevents sleep, in the evening after going to bed (second day). Left nostril stopped up and discharging greenish mucus (as in Pulsatilla), (fifth day). Smell as if smelling manure (fifth day).


Yellow complexion (seventh day).


Tongue coated white (seventh day). Tongue coated white; this coating so thick that it can be scraped off (first day). After swallowing the medicine, dryness of tongue and throat (first day). Burning on th tongue (immediately). Unable to open his mouth to speak (after one hour). Blisters on the inner side of under lip, towards the left (fifth day). Slight burning in the buccal cavity (first day). Frequent inching of the palate (twenty-eight day). Much saliva, which tastes sour (seventh day). Sour taste (immediately after second dose, seventh day). Bitter taste on the root of the tongue (seventh day). Taste like old coryza (third day).


A habitual hawking of grayish mucus in the morning, which lasted since more than a year, did not appear this morning (sixth day), and not afterwards). Pains and acidity in the left side of the throat when swallowing (thirty-sixth day). The sensation of acidity in the throat extends to the left ear, and the pulse is more frequent than usual (thirty-sixth day). Scraping in the throat causing cough, which produces a sore pain in the thorax in the morning; at 9 P.M. every symptom of severe inflammation of the throat appears; burning and soreness in the throat cough, with severe burning pain, as if the throat would burst, with difficult expectoration of bronchial mucus (second day); every symptom aggravated (third day). Pain, as from a splinter in the left side of the throat, making deglutition painful, as if the food were prevented from passing into the stomach by a foreign body lodged in the oesophagus; the swelling of fluids becomes difficult; pressing the left side of the throat causes a feeling of suffocation (third day). While writing, a sensation as if the right tonsil were swollen, which is not the case and severe palpitation (seventh day). The symptoms of the throat are equally persistent (thirty-seventh day).


No appetite (second day),; (sixth day). Total loss of appetite; aversion to all food, especially meat and eggs, the mere thought of which produces nausea (seventh day). Aversion to meat; hunger, but no desire for food after swallowing the first morsel (second day). Urgent thirst, bitter risings, and after a meal risings tasting of the ingesta, all day. Violent eructations of wind (after half an hour). Qualmishness, and a feeling as if going to faint (third day). A peculiar sensation of heaviness in the stomach. In the morning, while hiccoughing, pinching in a line with the lumbar vertebrae (twentieth day).


Pressing pain in the region of the liver (first day). Pressing pain in the liver (seventh day). Outward pressure in the left hypochondrium (seventh day). Stitches in the region of the liver and right kidney, in the evening (second day). Shortly after rising, on going outdoors, ulcerative pain in the left side of the umbilicus twenty-ninth day). Much flatulency, wind pressing against both hypochondria, and in breaking, giving no relief; flatus odorless (third day). Rumbling in the bowels (seventh day). Smart pinching in the left side of the abdomen, a little below the line of the umbilicus (after repeated does), (ninth day). Sharp pains in the left iliac fossa, aggravated by drawing breath, and by touch.


Sharp colic in the rectum, relieved by emission of fetid flatus; shortly afterward, a soft stool, preceded by renewed colic (forty-third day). Lancinations or slow pinchings, which appear to affect the cellular tissue exterior to the rectum on the right side for several days in succession (forty-third day).


During several days, two soft diarrhoeic stools every day, and on the third day, great prostration (after several doses). Two soft stools and accompanied by colic (thirty-first day). Mushy stool (second day). Stool mushy and easy (third day). An hour after the accustomed stool, a smaller one, mushy, reddish, terminating in a discharge of brownish jellied mucus (third day). Stool constipated, after much pressing, and insufficient; the same brownish, jellied mucus after stool (fifth day). Stool like yesterday, but a sensation as if a severe diarrhoea would set in (sixth day). Feeling as of approaching diarrhoea; stool mushy, with much flatulency (seventh day).

Urinary organs

Pain in the region of the right kidney during the night (fifty-eight day). For two nights in succession, dull pains in the renal region of the right side (as after sexual excesses), (thirty-ninth day). Stitches in the region of the right kidney (second day). Frequent urging to urinate, with burning in the urethra, at 8 A.M. (second day). Urine scanty, evacuated with great effort, bright red. Urine dark, like brandy (second day).

Respiratory organs

Feeling of roughness in the air-passages (second day). Hoarseness, voice deeper than usual, in the morning; later in the day not able to utter a word, like aphonia (third day). Dry cough, increasing during the day, caused by a feeling of soreness in the larynx and trachea, with expectoration of colorless mucus; cough aggravated towards evening (first day). Quickened respiration, in the morning. Inability to breathe deeply caused by a feeling of having an iron hoop around the waist (seventh day).


Feeling of tightness in the chest (second day). Pinching-drawing pains all around the base of the chest,; (thirty-fifth day). Lancinating pain, like knife-thrusts through the right lung to wards the liver, stopping the breathing (third day). Several sharp lancination, like needle- thrusts, across the chest, below the left nipple, in a line with the sixth rib (forty-fifth to fiftieth day). Transient sharp pinchings under the anterior margin of the right false ribs (forty-fourth day). Cutting and oft-repeated pinching in the middle of the right side of the chest (forty-fifth day). From time to time, similar, but less intense shootings on the left side (twenty-fourth day). Short and smart pinching in the left side of the chest, on the outside of the great pectoral muscle (tenth day). Stitches through the right lung, in the evening (second day).

Back and neck

Painful stiffness of the posterior muscles of the neck, in the morning. Pain in the whole length of the superior fasciculi of the right trapezius muscle during their contraction, morning and night (third day). Pain in the posterior part of the neck. Burning on right side of nape of neck (second day). Feeling of stretching along the spine (after half an hour). Pressure and feeling as if beaten in the spinal column, most severe in the region opposite the stomach (first day).


Hangnails, which become inflamed, with pain as if ulcerated; itching and redness of the roots of the nails (seventh day). Great lassitude of upper and lower extremities; weakness aggravated towards evening (first day). Numbness of the hands and feet (after twelve hours). Often, and for a long time, pain in the joints or the bodies of the metacarpus or phalanges of the left hand; sometimes, also violent pinchings in the plantar surface of the left foot (forty-fourth day). Pains in the joints of the fingers and toes (twenty-ninth day).

Upper Limbs

Pinching pains along the track of the nerves of the left arm (forty-first day). Drawings in the right wrist-joint (thirty-sixth day). Dull pains in the right first metacarpal bone (forty-fifth day). Drawing pains in the second joint of the right ring finger (twenty-fifth day). Pretty frequent painful drawings in the joints of the left middle and ring fingers (fortieth day). Sharp, deep seated, lancinating pain in the palmar surface of the left middle finger (thirty-ninth day).

Lower Limbs

Pinching in the posterior portion of the left thigh, even to the popliteal space along the track of the sciatic nerve (twenty- ninth day). Pain in the knee-joint (behind and above the patella) on the right side, aggravated by extension and pressure, for two days and two nights (seventh day). Dull pains, sometimes in one knee, pains behind the knee-pan, sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left (forty-fifth day). Intermitting dull pains in the anterior part of the right tibia (during several days). Long and sharp needle-thrusts in the anterior middle portion of the right leg (tenth day). Frequent lancinations in the left calf. Pain in the left calf. Drawing pains in front of the right ankle-joint (thirty-fifty day). Repeatedly, while stooping, and consequently when bending the lower limbs, sudden cutting pain in the tendo Achillis of the left side (twenty-eight day). Lancinations in the left os calcis, in the morning (forty-fifth to fiftieth day). Violent and dull lancinations in the left os calcis (forty-fifth to fiftieth day). Frequent lancinations in the left heel,; (twenty-sixth day). Sharp pains in the right great toe-joint (fortieth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.