
Tongo homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


Dipteryxodorata, schr. (Baryosma Tongo, Gaertn.; Coumarouna odorata, Aubl.). Natural order: Leguminosae. Common names: Tongo or Tonka bean. Preparation: Tincture of dried beans.


Great indolence and sleepiness after dinner (seventh day). Feeling of comfort (immediately).


She feels very cheerful (first day). Sadness, disquietude, bad temper (first day). Bad humor, it frets him to work or talk (sixth day). Peevish, feels good fro nothing, for an hour and a half (first day).


Heaviness in the head, on rising, after stopping (first day). Heaviness in the whole head, in the morning, on waking and after getting up (sixth day). Confusion of the head, especially the occiput, with somnolence and a sort of intoxication (immediately). Stupidity in the head during a hard stool, and even sometimes afterwards. Headache all the morning, pressure, tearing and stitching, especially on going into the room; with tearing up the left side of the face, very morose, and much sensitiveness of the scalp, mostly ceasing or using vinegar, at noon (fifth day). Drawing pains in the head, now here, now there, especially in the right frontal eminence (after an hour and half). Feeling of weight in the head, and sensation as if it was too large (at one end of an hour). Throbbing headache, with heaviness of the whole head, in the morning after rising (seventh day). The troubles in the head and teeth cease after using vinegar. Heaviness in the forepart of the head, almost preventing him from lifting his eyes (after half an hour ). Tension at a small place on the vertex (first day). Several serve dull dartings deep in the vertex (first day). Transient, Painful drawing deep in the brain, in the left half of the forehead, when lying in bed (second day). Weight in the forehead, on rising after stopping. Pressure in the forehead, now here, now there, but more on the left side (seventh day). Pressure and throbbing in vertex (ninth day). Fine tearing on the vertex, on the right side of the head (after eight hours). Several pointed stitches in the vertex, and, at the same time, a painful cutting, like a contraction, in the occiput (second day). The crown of the head, is very painful to touch (first day). A shock in the vertex, followed by tearing more in the front in the left parietal bone, and at the same time a painful shooting in the cranial cavity, which makes him cry out (first day). Tearing in the right side of the head, when stooping, ceasing on rising (fourth day). A violent tearing, deep in the head, in a small spot in the right parietal bone (after two hours). When laughing, deep sticking in the right side of the head (second day). Sharp darting in the right side of the head, followed by tearing in right ear, in the evening (sixth day). Several sharp darting in the upper part of the right parietal bone, through the head, and coming out below the occiput (second day). Some sudden severe shootings in the right side of the head, so that the utters loud cries (second day). Dull stitch in the left parietal bone. Sharp stitching in the left side of the head (fourth day). Throbbing stitching above and behind in the right parietal bone, extending toward the forehead, broken off, often, by learning the head on the hand (second day). When entering the room, throbbing in the both side of the head, which feels squeezed as in a vice;at the same time sensitiveness of the hairy scalp; this all soon disappeared after dinner (first day ). Throbbing pain in the left in the left side of the head (second day). Throbbing headache in the left side, as she goes into the room (sixth day). Compressive headache in the occiput, with external sensitiveness in the morning, after getting up (sixth day). Tearing from the right occiput, through the head, to a frequently painful tooth in the right lower jaw. Dull stitching, followed by tension, in the right side of the occiput;it drew the head backward (seventh day). A sharp stitch in the left side of the occiput, and afterwards itching in the same place, ceasing when scratched. Ulcerative pain in the right side of the occiput, the skin is even painful to touch. Extreme sensitiveness and painfulness of the scalp to touch (sixth day).


Dryness and burning in the eyes, in the evening, when reading (second day). Burning in eyes, as if they were to dry, in the afternoon (third day). Violent tearing in the right upper orbital border (first day). Three painful tearings, externally, above right orbital border (first day). Violent biting and sticking in the right eyebrow, in the afternoon (seventh day). So violent a trembling in the right upper lids that the eye waters with it;frequently renewed, for two hours (seventh day). Feeling as of a grain of sand in the inner canthus of the eye (first day). Tension around the lower eyelid;she dares not open it for fear of an aggravation, which, however, did not occur (first day). Tearing and tension in the left lower eyelid (second day). A Burning shooting in the lower eyelid, like a bee-sting (seventh day). Itching in the inner canthus of the left eye, which rubbing relieves, but does not remove (after one hour and a half).


Twisting dartings in the lobe of the right ear, so that she starts (first day). Some painful tearing around the right ear. Violent tearing behind the right ear in the bone (fifth day). Tearing in the external auditory meatus, which goes on penetrating more deeply, until it reaches the internal meatus, where it terminates;it returns after a short interval (first day). Painful tearing deep in the left ear (first day). Tearing, followed by titillation, in the left ear (seventh day). A couple or sharp dartings in the right inner ear, so that she starts (first day). Painful crawling in the right ear, which ceases on introducing the finger (second day). Violent itching in the right, the act of scratching increases it (fifth day).


Violent sneezing, ten times in the night (tenth day). Coryza, with stoppage of the nose, she is obliged to hold the mouth constantly open, at night;this ceases in the morning, but returns at noon. Slight tearing in the root of the nose, with irritation to sneeze, in the evening (first day).


Face very pale, in striking contrast with red cheeks (eighth day). Feeling as if the mucous membrane of the left cheek was drawn up (first day). Tension in the right malar bone, with feeling as if there was a slight weight there;pressure removes this, and it return, but in a less degree (after one hour and half ). Painful tearing in the upper jaw, but she cannot tell whether it is in the gum or in the roots of the teeth. Slight tearing in the right lower jaw, and at the same time tickling itching in the ends of the teeth, and tearing in the roots of the same;the pain ceases in the jaw, but not in the teeth on biting on them (after two hours).


Bleeding of a hollow tooth of the left lower jaw, the blood has an acid taste, in the evening (seventh day). Some painful tearings in a hollow tooth of the left lower jaw, an hour after dinner (first day). Violent tearing in all the left lower teeth, from behind forward, as if they were being pulled out, after dinner (first day). Digging and disturbance in the left lower posterior molar, unchanged by cold and heat;they are aggravated by the contact of food (sixth day). Several painful tearings in three left inferior molars; she believes they are being pulled out, after dinner (first day). A violent tearing in the left lower jaw, in a corresponding molar tooth (first day). Tearing in the left upper molars, when laughing. Tearing from the last left molar to the upper part of the head, in the morning, after rising (seventh day). Tearing in some of the left lower molars, which cold water causes to cease, in the afternoon (first day). Tearing in the roots of upper molar; the pain reaches as far as the zygomatic process, and is followed by crawling in their tips, on closing the jaw it at first increases, then ceases (second day). At dinner, violent tearing in two lower molars of the left side, aggravated by biting on them, in the forenoon (first day). Shooting, which starting from a diseased tooth goes through the head and the muscles of the right side of the nape of the neck (first day). Tickling in some molars of the right side, in biting on them, ceasing when she opens the mouth (first day). Acrid blood flows from the left lower gum, without sucking, in the evening (third day). Tearing in the left lower gums and in the teeth (seventh day). Burning of the palate (after three-quarters of an hour). Fine tearing in the back part of the palate (in half an hour). Flow of water in the mouth. Mouth constantly full of water, almost all the forenoon. Acid taste in the morning, after getting up (second day).


Abundant viscid mucus in the throat, which disappears by frequent hawking (first day). Rawness in the throat, disappearing after supper (in three-quarters of an hour). Scraping and rawness in the throat, in the morning (first and second days). In the right side of the pharynx, feeling as if a rough, sharp substance slowly forced itself into the ear, and moved about for some time deeply in the interior (after one hour and a half).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.