
Violent and continued abdominal pain, causing the patient to be doubled up. Sensation, as if the intestines were drawn back into the spinal column (after one hour). Pressure beneath the diaphragm, which extended from the left to the right side, after eating. Pressure in the abdomen, with a feeling of heaviness and emission of flatus. Feeling as though a violent purging would ensue. Slight cutting pain in the upper abdomen (after one hour and a half). Feeling of coldness in the abdomen as though uncovered and naked, after dinner. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Cutting in the lower abdomen. Cutting in the lower abdomen with distension of some parts, as if a hernia would protrude. Feeling as if the pubes were suddenly forced asunder.

Transient tearing pain in the symphysis pubis. The inguinal glands were painful with slight swelling in the evening, while sitting (after thirty-six hours). Cutting drawing from the abdominal ring into the left testicle, disappearing while stooping. Constant more or less severe dragging and cutting in the right groin. Movement and working in the inguinal region, as though a hernia would protrude, especially while sitting with the legs outstretched. Drawing in the groins and thighs. Transient cutting drawing in the right groin. Cramp, dragging, and pressure from within outward in the groin, as though a hernia would protrude, now in the right, now in the left groin, disappearing while walking (after twenty-four, thirty-six, and sixty hours, and after three weeks).


Burning in he anus. Violent burning and crawling in the anus, with a sensation as if worms were creeping out. Burning in the anus after stool. Slight burning in the anus while standing.

Tickling and burning in the anus. Itching burning in the anus after a stool, from blind hemorrhoids. Urging to stool without result. Pressure and stool after eight hours, as though another evacuation would follow. In the evening he is obliged to go to stool for the fourth time, but without result.


Diarrhoea. Hypercatharsis. Quickly purged (after second dose).

Diarrhoea, six to eight times a day, with evacuation of half a vesselful to tapeworm. At five o’clock in the afternoon, a gentle purging evacuation. Evacuations thin, yellow, with discharge of tapeworm and round worms. Stool thin, greenish yellow, smelling of Turpentine. Several thin yellow stools, with discharge of tapeworm. Frequent soft stools. A pasty evacuation, with colic and burning in the anus (first day). Faeces of a dark-chestnut brown, and unnaturally dry. Two stools in the evening (second day). Constipation. Evacuation of the bowels diminished, the stool was harder than usual. Stool diminished in quantity (instead evacuation he had two). Stool scanty, hard. Constipation with distended abdomen. Obstinate constipation for four days. The bowels remained inactive until he had taken eight ounces of the compound of Senna, with ten grains of Calomel; the evacuations, when passed, were extremely fetid, black and slimy, but gave no smell of turpentine.

Urinary Organs

Kidneys and Bladder. Symptoms of genuine urethritis, with extremely painful erections as in chordee. Heaviness and pains in the region of the kidneys (second day). Pressure in the kidneys in the morning while sitting, disappearing on motion. Transient drawing in the right kidney, extending thence into the right hip. Violent burning-drawing pains in the region of the kidneys (second to sixth day). Pain in the kidneys and diabetes, and dried hydropical in twenty-five days. Pressive pain in the left kidney (after ten hours). Inflammation of the bladder supervened. Spasmodic pain in the bladder while sitting, frequently recurring. Violent twinging and cutting in the bladder, which alternates with a similar pain just above the navel, less when walking in the open air, worse during rest (after two days). A transient movement in the region of the bladder during a stool, as if the bladder were suddenly distended and bent forward. Burning in the bladder, and when urinating also in the urethra. Urethra. Burning during micturition, frequently very violent. Burning in the urethra. Slight burning in the urethra while urinating (first day). Micturition and Urine.

Inclined to urinate more frequently; each time the urine was scanty. Increased amount of urine (first day); (second and third days). Profuse discharge from the urinary organs. Diminished micturition. Urine diminished in quantity. She is now incontinent of urine, and will probably continue so to the end of her days.

Dysuria. Strangury. Strangury, bloody urine, and its total suppression. Most distressing strangury, more violent than I ever before witnessed, and attended with a greater loss of blood.

A great degree of soreness remained in the bladder for several days. Complete suppression of urine. ( Effects from use for stone. ) Bloody urine. Urine very scanty, red, sometimes bloody, or else copious and light colored. Urine scanty and bloody, and had a strong terebinthinate smell. Urine very scanty and red, or else, very copious and light colored, but in both circumstances smelling of violets. The urine smells strongly of violets in a high degree, the secretion is somewhat increased.

The urine has the peculiar odor of violets, but of natural color.

Voided a small quantity of urine, denoting the effects of the turpentine (soon); in the afternoon, the urine presented more powerfully the odor of turpentine. The urine is clear, but on standing becomes turbid, with a reddish-white sediment (second day). The urine deposits a thick slimy, whitish-yellow sediment, has a wine color and smells strongly of violets. The urine deposits a slimy sediment (after twelve hours). Sugar in the urine.

Sexual organs

Violent spasmodic drawing in the left testicle and along the course of the left spermatic cord (after two hours and a half).

Drawing in the left testicle while sitting (after three quarters of an hour). Transient burning in the posterior portion of the right testicle. An emission at night (first day). Tearing in the mons veneris. Menstruation delayed for two days, and more scanty than usual.

Respiratory Organs

The mucous membrane of the air-passages becomes dry, as in the first stage of catarrh. Distressing prickling in the trachea, as in commencing bronchitis. Voice. Voice gone. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, as from a foreign substance in the trachea, with a kind of cramp in the larynx, as in whooping cough; inspiration in six or seven catches; the cramp soon became so violent that he could scarcely inspire, followed by scraping in the throat (soon). (The short dry cough was aggravated, especially while lying down after eating). Expectoration streaked with blood. Respiration. Increase of the respiratory movements. Respiration hurried, short, and anxious. She complained of short breath. Difficult respiration, the lungs seemed over-distended. Breathing labored (second day). Breathing stertorous (after three hours).


Auscultation disclosed mucous rales, and minute crepitation through both lungs. Spastic contraction of the muscles of the chest and neck, in the evening (first day). Sensation of soreness in the lower part of the chest, lasting a long time and very marked. Pressive pain behind the sternum. Burning in the chest, along the sternum, gradually extending over the whole chest, and disappearing with transient stitches at both nipples (after warm drinks); (after three minutes). Transient itching pain in the left pectoralis major muscle.

Heart and Pulse

Precordia. Frightful oppression the precordial region (soon). A feeling of warmth at the heart while sitting, in the evening (of which she had noticed nothing during the whole day, though she had been in constant motion), so that she was obliged to yawn a great deal, with collection of water in the mouth (after fourteen hours). Heart’s Action. Palpitations; in the evening (first day).

Acceleration of the circulation. Pulse. Hard rapid pulse. Pulse rapid and weak (after three hours). Pulse and respiration quickened (in ten minutes). Pulse quick, small, compressible, and almost imperceptible, but regular. Pulse thready and scarcely perceptible. Pulse almost imperceptible. Pulse rose from 65 to 86. Pulse 69 (before talking); fuller, 75 (after five minutes); small, hard, 80 (after half an hour); small, hard, 82 (after one hour); small, irregular, 86 (after one hour and a half); small, weak, 92 (after three hours); weak, irregular, and intermittent, in the evening (after twelve hours).

Neck and Back

Gradual painful drawing from the nape of the neck up into the occiput, which then extended to the forehead (after one hour).

Severe pain in back. Pressive pain in the back, which extended up to between the shoulders, and there became a throbbing. Drawing pain in the back while sitting, especially in the evening.

Drawing in the dorsal and lumbar muscles, with a sensation of heaviness and indolence on moving in the open air. She complains of drawing pain in the small of her back. Pain and increased warmth in the lumbar region, over the kidneys, and also in the hypogastric region; these places became sensitive to pressure.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.