

Appetite and Thirst. During the whole time, a good appetite and a disposition to drink a glass of beer oftener than common, which always tasted good; both later ceased. 11.30 P.M., while going to sleep, sudden desire for apples, which makes him wide a wake again (thirteenth day). No desire to smoke (first evening).Eructations. Eructations tasting of the food. Heartburn.Heartburn, a sensation of warmth, as after spirituous drinks, in the epigastrium and on both sides of the same. Nausea. Nausea before the evening meal, ceasing by eating, together with the headache (fourth day). Nausea caused by the vertigo; after eating rice he was obliged to vomit. Disagreeable sensation in the stomach; something comes up as far as the pharynx, as though a wet eructation were about to occur, but nothing comes up; finally a difficult retching, then an accumulation of water in the mouth; after half an hour accumulation of water in the mouth, retching, then yawning. Stomach. Feels empty and week in the stomach, yet without appetite. A feeling in the stomach like weakness or faintness (tenth day). The disposition to become easily faint in the region of the stomach often recurred. In the forenoon, in school, she had always a fullness and oppression in the epigastrium and was obliged to loosen her clothes, ate much less; was obliged to lie down after eating, which, however, gave no relief; the oppression became, indeed, rather worse; the left thigh upon which she lay became numb and her feet cold; at last she took Nux vomica, lay down again and then slept better (after four weeks). Singular contracting sensation in the epigastrium, as if the parts were folded together; when this sensation passed away, there remained a pain and soreness in the left side.


In the forenoon, when sitting, a burning in the right side of the hepatic region, and later, a heavy painful pressure. She was attacked in the right side of the abdomen, but worst of all, low in the back, which continued several days, with gnawing, rubbing pains in the abdomen. Pain in the left flank within the crest of the ilium. Very peculiarly stinking flatus, like a compound of hydrogen, such as he never smelled before (second day); after one week, the same once again, not occasioned by the mode of living.Pressure of incarcerated flatus under the last ribs, first on the left side, then on the right, an hour and a half after breakfast (third day). Fullness in the region of the upper part of the abdomen and of the liver. After supper, very full in the abdomen, but not bloated. General sensation of warmth in the abdomen, as after spirituous drinks. Sensation of numbness in the abdominal walls, as if it were in the flesh, began below the umbilicus on each side of the same, and extended around and upward to the ribs, while he lay on the sofa after supper.Frequent spasmodic pains in the bowels, as if from incarcerated flatulence, chiefly in the afternoon (from fifth to ninth day); to-day, about 6 P.M., while eating, the spasmodic pain was excessive, with urging to stool; copious stool followed; after this no spasm, but only feeling of flatulence in bowels (ninth day); pains returned between 3 and 4 P.M., followed by copious stools, after which the pains went off (thirteenth day). About 10 P.M., pinching in the abdomen; better after passing wind (seventh day). About 8 A.M., pinching in the abdomen and stool, first thick, then diarrhoeic (eighth day). Some dull pain low down above the pubic region, and anteriorly on both sides of the abdomen. Pain in the pelvis at the left side (after one hour).

On the left side, in the region of the uterus, across, in the groin and towards the hip, violent stitches or cuttings (third day). Frequent stitching pains from the middle of the pelvis across towards the left side, in attacks (fourth and fifth days).

After lying down, a throbbing on the right side, superiorly in the pelvis (ninth day). She put on a somewhat tight petticoat; this was very uncomfortable and caused a return of the pain in the left groin, which she had several weeks before (after five weeks).


Blind hemorrhoids (second day). After the stool, itching in the rectum (sixth day). For a few minutes, itching in the anus.Inclination to stool without straining and urging (after half an hour).


Had, for weeks every morning, a stool, sometimes soft, sometimes harder, often with some blood. Since taking the Tellurium, also every day a second stool like the first, so every following day, for one week; later again, as had been the case sometime before, every morning thin stool. Stool, first thick, then diarrhoeic (eighth day); diarrhoeic stool at 10 A.M.; after the stool urging in the rectum for awhile, with some burning; thereupon stronger retraction of the rectum (ninth day). No stool for two days; to- day, 11 A.M., a stool, composed of crumbs enveloped in some brown-reddish slime (fifth day); stool in the evening, the first part like that of yesterday; the last part softer (sixth day).Bowels costively inclined from the first (ninth day); still inclined to be costive; bowels act only every other day, and with some difficulty (thirteenth day). The next morning the customary stool was lacking. Constipation with much wind (second day).

Urinary organs

Pain and sensation of soreness began after some time in the region of the kidneys; this extended downwards and over towards the abdomen, with a pressing-down, as if by a weight, which increased during the whole night; in the morning the kidney pain was still worse, especially the sensation of soreness. At the close of urinating, burning in the orifice of the urethra. Very frequent urging to pass water, and a very unpleasant sensation if she cannot yield to the urging (second day); sudden cold weather had formerly a similar effect upon her, but to a far less degree.Urine transparent, dark, easily evacuated, without pain. Urine acid, rather small in quantity (17.5 fluid ounces in twenty-four hours), deep red, sp. gr. 1030 (eighteenth day). The urine was analyzed several times during the proving, but no remarkable peculiarity was observed, except the great abundance of the coloring matter, hydrochloric acid developing a very striking change of color. The examination to-day gave: urine acid; high- colored; sp. gr. 1030; 22.5 fluid ounces in twenty-four hours.Water. 930.10 Urea. 30.06 Uric acid. 80 Fixed salts. 19.40 Organic matters, etc. 19.64 Solids. 69.90 1000.00 (twentieth day).

Sexual organs

Male. He had erections all night, a thing which had never before happened to him. For one week a much more excited and powerful sexual instinct, but after that time this appeared to be entirely extinct; without any want of capability thereto, he renounces the indulgence for weeks without missing it. Sexual desire and power increased, for last week (thirteenth day).Female. Menses appeared in the afternoon, one day too early (third day); the next menstrual period came three days too early; the first day the usual quantity, later less than usual.

Respiratory organs

A sensation between roughness and pressure in the region of the larynx, which generally provokes a cough, passes gradually into a pure tickling (first day). Voice. Hoarseness with the coryza (seventh day). Hoarseness early in the morning, after rising (twentieth day). Cough and Expectoration. A cough which often came on by day or night in slight attacks, with a wheezing in the larynx without becoming loose, especially after smoking, drinking, and much walking, or after going upstairs, came on again, and always towards morning, and with much violence; after a few days it became loose and then ceased; after taking cold it came again, and then ceased permanently, so that even taking fresh colds did not bring it on again. Cough and pressure in the middle of the chest, under the sternum (seventh day).Expectorates white mucus, which is easily discharged.Respiration. Slight feeling of suffocation in the upper part of the throat.


Feeling as if some fluid wanted to discharge itself (pressing down wards) in the middle lobe of right lung for four or five hours, in the afternoon (second day). Bubbling in the middle lobe of the right lung for a few minutes, on three or four occasions, chiefly in afternoon (from ninth to thirteenth days).Pain in the clavicle. Slight stitches in the chest, transient, more to the left side (first day). Some pain in the middle of the sternum. Throughout the whole day, constant pain in the chest, anteriorly in the middle, sometimes extending backwards between the shoulders, and a dull unpleasant feeling in the head, especially above the eyes (tenth day). The pains change their locality more frequently this morning than yesterday; mostly on the left side of the chest, only now and then in the right chest and over the right eye; once or twice in the right shin (eleventh day). Stitching pains lasting from three to ten minutes, above the fifth rib, on the left side (first day). Some pressure in the left chest, above the first rib. Drawing, cutting pain around and in the left nipple, extending towards the scapula (first day). When lying on the left side, a throbbing sensation on the right side under the ribs, somewhat towards the epigastrium, as from wind balls, undulatory; in the morning it is as if, when lying on the right side, wind had accumulated in the corresponding spot on the left side; flatus does not pass off so freely in the morning as is customary, and the hitherto rather diarrhoeic stool intermits; latterly the flatus become stinking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.