Taxus baccata


Chilliness. General coldness for some minutes, at 2 A.M., followed by dry heat in the hands, and especially in the feet, with general malaise; dry mouth without thirst, and then copious sweat on the forehead, which, in three hours, ended the symptoms (after twenty-one hours). Chilly and listless (after two hours).

Coldness of the surface. Skin cold and clammy. Skin cold and bathed in perspiration (after six hours). Shivering over the whole body. Extremities cold. Unpleasant coldness of the skin of the thighs, especially in front, all day (fifteenth day).

Temperature 98.3 o (after fourteen hours and a half); never exceeded 99.9 o for three days. Heat. Fever. Dry heat with thirst. Heat in the forehead. Sweat. Offensive viscid sweats, with smart itching and redness in the glandular parts at the surface of the body. Perspiration of a peculiarly offensive odor, with itching of the skin and eruption of vesicles.

Sweating after the least exercise, with great weakness (thirteenth day). Profuse night sweats.

Condition.- Aggravation.

(Before and after each meal), Oppression and cough.

(Pressure), Pain in pit of stomach. (Pressure on xiphoid cartilage), Oppression and cough.

(Deep respiration), Cough. (Shaking from cough), Headache.

(When standing quietly), Unsteadiness. (Warm liquids), Pain in right forefinger.


(Rubbing), Itching of eyelids.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.