
Heart and Pulse

Precordial. Diseases of the heart and particularly of the circulatory system, become worse after wetting the hands in cold water. Inability to lie down on account of the extreme anguish it caused in the precordial region; did not retire to bed not sleep for four nights. Precordial anxiety, tumultuous beating of the heart. Precordial anxiety; the movements of the heart are not felt (after a moral shock). Violent anguish of the heart.

Oppression and pain in th heart, as if a misfortune had happened, with weeping and moaning, followed by cramps and coldness in the inferior extremities. Pain in the heart, as if squeezed or compressed, also in the aorta, under the left clavicle, and carotids; with violent throbbing of these arteries and heart.

Pain, as if the heart and aorta were torn, with a tingling sensation. Severe pain in the aorta, extending to the subclavian, as if it was going to burst, with slight beating of the heart. Sensation as if the heart turned or twisted around, with pain in the chest, and general perspiration. (Relieved by Bovista). Painful compressed feeling in the heart, with severe headache, bitter mouth and thirst. Pressive pain in the heart and aorta, with violent throbbing. Pressive pain in the whole region of the heart, with severe headache, and a great deal of moaning in the night. Pressive pain in the region of the heart, worse by touching. Shooting pain in the heart and arteries of the left side of the chest, extending to the left arm. The sensibility of these parts is so increased, that the contact with the dress is very painful. Heart’s Action. Palpitation, with sadness, inclined to tears, oppression, headache, with great perspiration and burning heat. Palpitation of the heart, without any known cause. Palpitation of the heart, with great oppression, panting respiration, headache, and prostration.

Palpitation of the heart, stitches interfering with breathing; pain in the back, painful feeling in the spinal column. Severe palpitation, with murmur in the heart. Great irregularity in the circulation. The circulation of the blood, judging by the pulse, is alternately increased and diminished. Painful throbbing of the carotids, with fullness in the head, especially in the region of the medulla oblongata, relieved by the epistaxis. Trembling of the heart, and thumping, as when frightened, or when hearing bad news. Pulse. Hard and frequent pulse. Irregular pulse.

Neck and Back

Neck. Rigidity of the neck, being so painful that he cannot move without screaming from pain. Rigidity of the neck, with a great deal of pain, and inability to turn the head; violent pain in the forehead, as if encircles by a band of iron. In the morning, when turning the head, pain in both side of neck, and from that time until night pain in left side of neck when turning the head to the right. Neck felt sore. All the muscles of the neck and back are so painful, that movement is impossible. Pain in the neck and back, followed by general paralysis. Back.

Distortion of the vertebral column (result of rachitis), with commencing paraplegia. A swelling, kind of a tumor or rheumatoid prominence on the vertebral column, with labored respiration, pain in the limbs, and sleeplessness (in a person of 14 to 15 years). A tumor near the middle of the vertebral column, with numbness of the inferior extremities. Narrowing of the vertebral canal, the result of venereal and scorbutic affections. Pain in the back, from morning till next day. Dorsal. Pain in the scapulae. Shooting pain under the scapulae. Shooting pain in the scapulae and abdomen. Towards evening, sharp shooting pain under the left scapula, causing him to scream, and leaving a dull pain; movement brought on the shooting pain; after some hours the pain descended under the false ribs; the pain and shooting reappeared during the night, when moving or turning, but did not interfere with sleep. Pain along the middle of the back, as after receiving a last. Lumbar. Shooting in the left side above the hip, at 9 P.M. Acute convulsive pains in the left inferior part of the vertebral column at the appearance of the catamenia, ceasing with it. Violent pains in the lumbar region; paralysis of the inferior extremities, and suppression of the urine; (result of concussion of the spinal column). Pain in the lumbar region as soon as menstruation commences. Repeated lancinating, shooting pains in the coccyx.


Swelling of the joints, relieved with Tarantula, followed by a pain on the right side, with anxiety; sometimes increasing so much as to stop breathing. Weakness of all the limbs, staggering when walking, general numbness and dulness. The necessity of moving the legs is extended to the hands, with desire of taking something and throwing it away, followed by general fatigue. The necessity of moving the legs extends to the hands, with an uncontrollable desire to take something and roll it between the fingers, followed by general fatigue. Pain in all the limbs of a rheumatic character. Lancinating pains in the arms and legs.

Great pain in the knuckles and toes, and on account of the intensity of the pain, could scarcely bear the lightest weight on linen.

Superior Extremities.

Heaviness in the superior extremities one hour after taking the medicine. Pain in the right arm. Pain in the left arm. In the forenoon, pain in the left arm and hand, as if strongly squeezed.

Slight pains in the middle and external parts of the arms and forearms, on the inferior surface of the wrists, and superior part of fingers. Shoulder. Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if its ligaments were relaxed, with slight tickling in the stomach.

Arm. Painful and burning sensation in the upper part of the arms, their internal aspect; in the middle of the forearms; in the left knee and calf, with anxiety, restlessness, and crossness. Forearm. At noon, shooting in the flexure of the left arm. Pain from the flexure of the arm to the hand, at noon.

Pain in the anterior and inferior parts of the left arm, increased by carrying the hand to the left shoulder. Wrist.

Pain and swelling of the wrists. At night, pain in the left wrist when pressed, or when making use of it; continued several days. Towards noon, shooting in the right wrist; renewed in the evening. Hand. Restlessness of the hands; movements as if knitting, followed by a marked general shaking, particularly of the inferior extremities (Aren. 8000th checked these symptoms).

Necessity of moving the hands and fingers, together with general malaise (relieved by Cocculus). Painful sensation on the palmar and dorsal surfaces of both hands, with pain in the head, burning in the abdomen, sadness, and indifference. In the night, lancinating pain in the external border of the right hand.

Shooting, lancinating pains in border of left hand. Fingers.

Unbearable pains in the thumbs, particularly the right, relieved by pressure. In the evening, pain in the left thumb. Pain in the right little finger when using it. Pain in the right little finger, extending to the forearm.

Inferior Extremities.

Paralysis of lower limbs; violent pain in the back, that the least movement makes unbearable. Complete paralysis of the lower limbs; inability to move them on account of the pain. Hard and frequent pulse. Great restlessness and agitation, particularly of the inferior extremities, with desire to cry and restlessness.

Weakness of the lower limbs, dulness of mind, general prostration, obscuration of sight, and immobility. Since sunset, great fatigue and pain in the lower extremities, particularly in the left thigh and hip, as after a very long walk, or like the rheumatic pains felt before a change of weather. Numbness of the inferior extremities, followed by paralysis. Numbness of the lower extremities, changing to a conclusive retraction of the muscles. Hip. Pain in the hips and kidneys during the night.

Pain in the hips and coccyx in the evening, disappearing when sitting. Bruised pain in the right hip when rising up, when standing, and walking, disappearing when sitting; followed by an uncontrollable desire to jump. Thigh. Severe pain in the buttocks, lasting from 6 A.M. till night; increased by ascending or descending stairs, or making any oblique movements with the trunk. This pain was accompanied with toothache. Pain in the thighs when walking, as if strapped. Pain in the right thigh and hip. Shooting pain in the left thigh. Knee. Trembling of the knees when standing or walking; the joints felt stiff and sore.

Pains, with slight swelling of one or both knees, which are so sensitive as to make any pressure unbearable. Pain in both knees. When beginning to walk in the morning, pain in the left knee, for several hours, even at rest. Convulsive shaking or twitching of the right leg. Leg. Weakness of the right leg, not allowing the foot, when walking, to be placed squarely on the ground. Weakness in the legs, with throbbing, hammering pains in the knees and left thigh, extending to the hip-joint.

Uneasiness in the legs, with necessity of constantly moving them. Great heaviness of the legs; difficult walking; inability to kneel down; and necessitating sitting on account of the cough, the oppression, and the perspiration. Great heaviness of the legs, and difficulty of moving them; they do not obey the will; has to lie down. The leg and lower joints gradually became numb and insensible to pinching. In the bitten spot there was a tumor of the size of a lentil, reddish and almost livid. Bruised pain, particularly from the knees downward, with uneasiness, and desire to move often; the pain remains the same when standing, sitting, or lying down. Great fatigue, and weakness of the legs when walking. Slight pains in the middle and anterior parts of the legs. Shooting in the right tendo Achillis. Shooting pain either in one or both calves. In the morning, crampy pains in the legs, particularly in the abductor muscles. Ankle. Pain in the right internal malleolus, in the afternoon. Shooting in the articulation of the right foot, when walking, and when placing the foot on the floor, in the afternoon and evening. Foot. Pain in the foot, as if an abscess were forming. Severe pain in the right foot, when waking up in the morning. Painful cramp in the sole of the right foot. Toes. Toe which had been bitten very much inflamed. Unbearable pains in the toes, with an enormous swelling. Crampy and tearing pains in the toes, more intense and constant in the great toes. In the night crampy pain in the right great toe, in the metatarsal articulation; this pain is worse on motion; afterwards crampy pain in the right thigh and calf; the pains appeared and disappeared rapidly. Shooting in the right great toe. Shooting in the right little toe.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.