
Rectum and Anus

Burning pain in the anus after the stool. Itching in the anus.

Repeated ineffectual urging to stool, followed by a hard evacuation several hours after the usual time. Tenesmus and violent pain in the small of the back during stool, p73 though the evacuation was soft (fourth day). Frequent urging to stool in the morning (eighth day). Desire for stool with frequent tenesmus in the rectum (after four minutes). Violent straining at stool with pressure as if the faeces were retained, yet the stool was soft. Straining and violent burning in the anus during the stool (eleventh day). Frequent desire for stool, but always a scanty evacuation, preceded and followed by sore pain in the abdomen (second day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, etc. Profuse diarrhoea. At intervals, violent diarrhoea, accompanied with severe gripings, lasting sometimes several days, and followed by constipation. The diarrhoea was not like that produced by tobacco in the provings; it was urgent, watery, painless; one movement on rising in the morning, and four or five before reaching his office, and no more till next morning; cured in two weeks. After one or two years the symptoms of chronic poisoning begin with serous diarrhoea, followed by a peculiar change in the color of the face, which becomes a pale gray; the blood becomes very thin, and passive congestions occur. He was subject, for eighteen months, to severe attacks of diarrhoea, which almost invariably came on at night, about 2 A.M. On discontinuing the use of tobacco, these attacks ceased. Simultaneously with the convulsive attack, he was purged to a most unusual and extraordinary extent, the whole bed and floor around it being flooded, as it were, with the discharges, which consisted of feculent matter of a dark greenish-brown color. Diarrhoea with vomiting and delirium (after two hours). Involuntary evacuations. Involuntary evacuations at times of both urine and faeces. Bowels very loose, especially in the morning; generally has to rise from bed about 4 A.M., in consequence of a call to stool, and he frequently two or three evacuations before breakfast also; the motions are of a good color, only thin. Purging several times (second and third days). Purging and emission of flatus immediately after eating (fourth day). Purging with colic (fourth day). Five diarrhoea-like stools at night, with burning and tenesmus in the anus (seventh day). Liquid, very offensive evacuation, followed by tenesmus. Green, slimy diarrhoea with tenesmus. Frequent thin evacuations. Thin evacuation of the bowels, increased in quantity. Stool at the usual time, and rather thinner than usual (first day). Stool softer than usual.

Frequent pasty stools. Involuntary thin stools. Involuntary thin stools. Habitual soft and often diarrhoeic stools. A very sudden, almost involuntary pasty yellow-green evacuation, followed by tenesmus. Stool pasty, increased in quantity, frequently slimy, with emission of flatus. Stool softer than usual, after large doses. Black, fetid stools. Several stools.

Two thin stools with some colic. It depresses the action of a purge upon the colon. Stool only after thirty-six hours, harder than usual, and of a dark color. Frequent involuntary and unconscious evacuation of bloody and watery faeces and watery urine.

Two soft stools at night (second day). Two soft stools within two hours, followed by internal sensitiveness of the abdomen (second day). Two small soft stools in the evening, followed by straining for a long time (second day). p73 Stools resembling those of cholera. The faeces, resembling the excrements of sheep, had for long only been passed after the use of enemata and purgatives; at first, on the contrary, purging had been present. Let an individual smoke half a cigar in the morning, soon after breakfast, and almost before he had finished, he will have an urgent desire for an alvine dejection. Stools irregular. Stool indolent, with at times diarrhoea, associated with great weakness of the sphincter ani. Average weight of faeces, 8.10 ounces (for five days before smoking); 8.09 ounces (for five days while smoking). Average weight of faeces, 6.04 ounces (for five days before smoking); 4.52 ounces (for five days while smoking). Constipation. Constipation, etc. The stools usually daily, omitted for two days. Absence of stool, contrary to habit (first day). No stool (fourth to seventh day). The evacuation that usually occurred in the morning, now took place towards evening, and was harder than usual. Inclined to constipation at times. Habitual constipation, worse when the patient is worse in other respects; never has diarrhoea.

Unrelenting constipated bowels. Obstinate constipation, changing at times to diarrhoea.

Urinary Organs

Kidneys and Bladder. Pressive pain in the region of the kidneys before urinating. Paralysis of the bladder and rectum. Urethra.

The orifice of the urethra is inflamed and agglutinated (eighth day). Burning and tickling in the urethra, soon, followed by an emission at night. Burning in the urethra when urinating.

Burning-itching pain in the urethra after urinating (eighth day).

Prickling in the urethra during micturition. Itching in the urethra before urinating. Micturition and Urine. Frequent desire to urinate. Constant desire to urinate. Pressing desire to evacuate the bladder and bowels. Desire to urinate, with or without vertigo. Frequent and increased evacuation of the urine, which was once passed involuntarily at night. Urine evacuated more frequently than usual, at times involuntary dribbling.

Urine passed involuntarily. Increased discharge of urine, etc.

Increased evacuation of red, offensive, ammoniacal urine.

Increased secretion of urine, from small doses. Copious secretion of pale urine. Urine pale, increased in quantity so that he was frequently obliged to rise at night to urinate, with almost incontinence of urine. Increased evacuation of yellowish- red urine. Suppression of urine. Quantity of urine small and dark in color, specific gravity 1025, acid reaction; deposits urates and mucus, no albumen or sugar. Albuminuria (second day).

Urine dark, red, smelling of tobacco. Urine clear, lemon yellow, more copious than usual. Average quantity of urine, 41.69 fluid ounces; free acid 27.86 grains; urea 657.69 grains; uric acid, 12.83 grains; chlorine, 148.81 grains; phosphoric acid, 56.18 grains; sulphuric acid, 36.92 grains (for five days before smoking) average quantity of urine, 39.82 fluid ounces; free acid, 32.89 grains; urea 615.32 grains; uric acid, 18.71 grains; chlorine, 125.77 grains; phosphoric acid, 80.01 grains; sulphuric p73 acid, 41.33 grains (for five days while smoking). Average quantity of urine; 38.85 fluid ounces; free acid, 24.64 grains; urea, 610.50 grains; uric acid, 10.53 grains; chlorine, 129.55 grains; phosphoric acid, 44.23 grains; sulphuric acid, 31.66 grains (for five days before smoking); average quantity of urine; 37.34 fluid ounces; free acid, 27.67 grains; urea 547.96 grains; uric acid, 15.05 grains; chlorine, 114.55 grains; phosphoric acid, 74.46 grains; sulphuric acid, 40.01 grains (for five days while smoking).

Sexual organs

Male. Genital organs flabby,. Erections towards morning (first day),. Many erections without voluptuous sensation (second day),. Some crawling in the glans penis,. Varicocele,.

Emissions,. Nocturnal emissions. Emission at night, without waking (eighth day),. No erections or sexual desires. Female.

Discharge of a few drops of liquid like meat-water from the vagina, fourteen days after the menses (second day),. The menses, which were delayed about one day, came on profusely than usual (first day),. Derangement of the catamenia.

Respiratory organs

Constrictive pain in the larynx. Terrible tickling in the larynx, with alteration of the voice. Irritation of the upper part of the trachea, followed by expectoration. Voice. Voice weak. Voice feeble and low. Voice hoarse. Cough and Expectoration. Almost constant cough, with sensation of burning in the larynx. Dry cough (second, third, seventh, thirteenth days); towards evening. Dry cough the whole morning, with a stitch in the pit of the stomach (twelfth day). Dry short cough.

A dry cough, which soon became frightfully severe; a genuine whooping-cough, continuing night and day, only intermitting during a meal. At times tickling cough. Cough and hiccough at the same time, as if she would suffocate, lasting a quarter of an hour (tenth day). Cough, with dark sputa. Hemoptysis; she had raised several ounces of blood and mucus this morning; she had now a cough and continued to expectorate small quantities of blood; on close examination the matter expectorated was found to contain numerous dark particles diffused through it; in some spots several of these had coalesced and formed large masses, although she had not touched snuff for four days; the next day the hemorrhage had gradually lessened, but the snuff was still diffused through what was brought up, and continued so the whole of this day and the next. I ascertained that the attempt to introduce a spoonful of snuff into the mouth has, from the first, been frequently followed by a convulsive cough. Her friend from whom she learned the habit is troubled with a constant cough, and has become emaciated and weakly. (Expectoration of gray mucus, in the morning), (second day). Respiration. Respiration very free and more easy than usual. Respiration very rapid, short, or at times slow and deep, apparently omitting entirely at times.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.