
Incessant convulsions of the facial muscles; eyes sunken; clonic spasms of the upper extremities and dorsal muscles. Convulsions of the muscles of the face and of the lips. Face distorted, livid. Features distorted. Look unsteady. Expression of prostration and collapse (after two hours). Face hippocratic; face drawn and deathly pale. Face sunken (after four weeks). Face sunken, expressive of great anxiety; the patient frequently sprang from bed, and died in collapse, with an extremely odor from the mouth and involuntary discharges. Countenance expressive of great pain; look fixed; eyes sunken; pupils contracted; pupils pinched. Gangrenous look. Countenance greatly altered. Face puffy, frequently changing color; the lips swollen, sore. Face pale. Face very pale, with movement in the stomach (fourth day). Deathly pale. Countenance pale, dingy, and deathlike (in two hours). Face pale, puffy. Countenance pale and expressive of great anxiety. Face pale, distorted, expressive of the greatest pain. Countenance pale and sunken.

Face pale, restless, drawn. Face red. Face red and puffy. Their faces were covered with numerous red spots, which in the course of a few hours, scabbed over and became brown. The face became dark blue, the eyes protruded, with danger of suffocation. Face cyanotic. Face blue, as from threatening suffocation. Face dark blue. Jerking several times in the face, about the left ear, also on moving the head; afterwards, also, during rest.

Tearing in the left facial bones, then in the right side of the head. Some violent tearings, so that she started up, in front of the left ear, extending into the cheek, where it became a crawling. Cheek. Swelling of the left cheek. Cheeks livid (sixteenth day). Redness and sensation of heat in the right cheek. Bruised pain in the left malar bone, at first increasing, then suddenly disappearing. Pinching in the skin of the cheek, beneath the right eye, first increasing, then disappearing. A violent stitch frequently extending upward in the right cheek.

Sensation as if the cheeks were puffy, and as if albumen had dried upon the skin. A cooling burning in the left cheek.

Lips. Great swelling of the lower lip, and tongue, the margins of which were black; the mucous membrane of the whole mouth swollen, with burning in the mouth, pharynx, and stomach. Dark-grayish sloughs were observed across the upper lip, descending down the angles of the mouth; similar, marks were on the forepart of the neck, chest, and on the right arm. Corners of mouth sore, as if the seat of superficial ulceration; surface white (after half an hour). Lips swollen, red, painful to touch. The skin on the lower lip and the upper lip was scorched by the acid, and was of a reddish-brown color. The mucous membrane of the lips was thickened and white. The lips were white and shrivelled and had small blisters on their inner surface, and there were also similar appearances on the mouth and tongue. Lips and tongue blanched. Lips violet. Lips smooth, dry, brownish.

Epithelium of the lips, mouth, and fauces white. Lips white. The lips became cracked and scaly. Lips, tongue, and mouth swollen, and covered with white aphthous spots, exuding offensive bloody ichor. Peeling of the inner surface of the lips without pain.

China Chin and lips excoriated. Trismus. Tearing here and there in the lower jaw.


Teeth. The teeth presented a yellow and black fur, like the sordes of fever. The teeth were of a chalky-dead whiteness, and had completely lost their polish. Subsequently, all the teeth broke off and fell out in pieces. Teeth on edge at various times. Teeth on edge the whole afternoon (after four hours). Toothache, aggravated by cold, relieved by warmth, preventing sleep all night. Toothache in the left lower row, in the evening after lying down. Gnawing toothache in the right lower jaw, in the evening, worse after lying down till 2 A.M.

Gnawing pain in the back tooth and in the incisor, only when biting on something hard. Digging pain in a hollow back tooth during and after chewing something hard. Pain pressing inward in the right upper incisor. Frequent painful tearing in the teeth of the left side. Tearing in the left lower teeth, in the bed, in the evening till midnight. Tearing in the left eye-tooth and in the lower jaw, all night, during the menses. Gum. Swelling in the gum of the right lower jaw; when pressed, pus exudes.

Ulcerated gum. Gum and inner surface of the lips grayish white, thick wrinkled. The gum has a furzy feeling; bleeds on the slightest touch. Tongue. Tongue horribly swollen. Tongue swollen, covered with wrinkled white skin. Tongue and throat horribly swollen; swallowing impossible. Tongue, cheeks, and mouth swollen. The mucous membrane of the tongue and mouth was corrugated, thickened, and milky white. Tongue thick, white, denuded of mucous membrane. Phlyctenae on the back of the tongue and the palatine arch (second day). Tongue covered with crusts of a grayish-white color; the tip and edges red. Tongue denuded at the tip and intensely red; parts of it covered with a thick white coating. The tongue became eroded, white, and dry (second day).

Mucous membrane of the tongue, mouth, and fauces of a pearly- white color, and covered with a white viscid secretion. Tongue presented a dead-white appearance. Tongue and inside of the mouth white (second day); the pellicle covering the mouth have dropped, the mucous membrane beneath being bright red and very sensitive (fourth day). Tongue redder than natural, often bluish red, and with a peculiar shining surface. The tongue has cast of its cuticle, and is quite red with prominent papillae (fourth day). Dark tongue. Tongue shrivelled, small. (Tongue dry.) (* Bracket.-HUGHES. *) Tongue insensible; very dry in the center (after six hours). General Mouth. breath very offensive.

Frothing at the mouth, with constant retching. Black frothy matter issuing from mouth. A discharge of stringy copper-colored mucus and froth was issuing from the dependent corner of the mouth. The mouth was filled with a frothy, viscid, tenacious fluid, which he ejected in considerable quantities, with almost constant and distressing retching, caused by the fluid irritating the fauces. The fluid ejected was of a reddish- brown color, containing shreds of mucus membrane, and seemed to be a mixture of the mucus and saliva; its reaction on test-paper neutral. Much brownish mucus in the mouth. Mucus frequently comes into the mouth, which causes choking, hacking; is obliged to swallow it constantly. Swelling of the whole mouth and fauces.

Mucus membrane of the mouth swollen, covered with brown bloody liquid, which was constantly expectorated. All the soft portions of the mouth and fauces were frightfully swollen and inflamed, the corners of the mouth burnt, with burning heat in the pharynx and oesophagus.Mucous membrane of the palate and pharynx swollen and injected, with several ulcerations. Whitish-gray swelling in the mouth and fauces. Whole mouth, fauces, and pharynx inflamed. The inside of lips, tongue, and fauces were swollen, having the appearance of being smeared with thin arrowroot (after half an hour). On examination of the body, the mouth, lips, and part of the chin were found to be charred and desiccated. Mouth and fauces shrivelled and dry. Large superficial ulcerations in the mucous membrane of the mouth, with discharge of bloody liquid. Aphthae in the mouth. Vesicles on the inner surface of the left cheek. Mouth, tongue, and throat white, denuded of mucous membrane. Mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, and wherever the acid touched, was discolored. All the parts touched by the acid, from the mouth as far as could be seen, became covered with crusts and exuded an offensive ichor; the parts finally became aphthous and gangrenous. The acid had caused large white patches in the mouth and throat; the whole internal portions of the mouth and tongue were white, with a large quantity of tenacious glairy mucus. All the soft parts of the mouth and fauces covered with a thick fuzzy membrane. The mouth, tongue, lips, fauces, and pharynx, as far as could be seen, had a whitened and swollen appearance. Mucous membrane of the mouth, lips, and throat pearly white. Mucous membrane of mouth white and ragged. Lining membrane of mouth had a white bleached appearance. The mouth, lips, tongue, and fauces were white and slightly excoriated (in two hours). The whole mouth and pharynx covered with a thick white coating; swallowing difficult; voice without sound. Mucous membrane of mouth and fauces were covered with a whitish fur, which was already peeling off in parts, leaving a raw red-dish-brown surface; this was especially the case on the dorsum of the tongue and the end of the uvula. The inside of the mouth, as well as the surface of the tongue, was dry, white and corrugated, as far as the lower lip, where there was a distinct line of demarcation. Mouth of a brown color. On the second day, the mouth and fauces were covered with fungoid blackish-red masses. Inside of mouth of an ashy-gray color. Frightful pains in the mouth and stomach.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.