
(During the proving a couple of pustular eruptions, that had persistently remained for a month, rapidly healed). Previous to going to sleep the second night, I experienced a burning sensation in the left ear, on which, in the morning, appeared a simple eruption of a vesicular character. The juice of the root applied to the surface and rubbed upon it, occasions smarting and irritation. Excessive itching was experienced on the skin, below the knees, though no eruption was perceptible. The first symptom experienced which I thought might be attributable to the action of the drug, was a burning itching of the legs, below the knees, which seemed much worse by exposure to the atmosphere.


(Tired and sleepy directly after breakfast, a very common symptom), (eighth day). Feel sleepy in the evening much earlier than usual (third day); feel sleepy in the evening and by spells during the day (fourth day); at night feel sleepy (seventh day); less sleepy at night than for several evenings past (eighth day).


Coldness of the whole body on going to bed, though within a short time the surface of the body seemed to be gently perspiring, with continuous heat of a feverish nature. Noticed during the day that I would have spells of feeling as though the room was too warm, would then break out in a general perspiration (fourth day). Great warmth in the face, resembling catarrhal fever (sixth day). Slight perspiration (one hour after second dose, third day).


(Afternoon), 2 and 3 P.M., pyrosis.

(Evening), Headache.

(Exposure to air), Burning itching on legs; the symptoms.

(Bending forward and backward), Pain in hip-joints. (After breakfast), Tired and sleepy feeling.

(Letting limb hand down), Pain in forearm.

(Micturition), Pains in urethra.

(Motion), Pain in right elbow, forearm, and wrist.

(Reading), Lachrymation.

(Standing), Pain in right foot.

(Walking), Pain in right foot.


(Pressure), Pain in forearm.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.