
Paleness of the face. Cheeks. Red cheeks, but only the usual warmth in the face. Swelling of the cheek. Pressive-tearing sensation in the right malar bone (after quarter of an hour).

Stitches in the cheek. Sticking itching in the left cheek (after a quarter of an hour). Cramplike pain, extending from the left articulation of the jaw to the cheek, in the evening while eating, for five days. Cramp like pain in the left upper jaw (after half an hour). Fine jerking stitch, from behind the right upper jaw into the ear, in the evening in bed. Needle like stitches transversely through the left upper jaw (after two hours and three quarters, and three hours and a half). China Fine stitches beneath the lower lip (after seven hours). Swollen glands beneath the left lower jaw, painful to touch (after seventy-three hours). Several swollen glands beneath the right lower jaw, which prevent motion of the neck, with tensive pain on (after thirty-eight hours),- The left side of he chin is painful to touch, as far as the corner of the mouth, as if suppurating (after four days). The lower jaw is painful to touch.


On chewing food, an acute sensation as if the back teeth were blunt and loose (after six hours and a half). Pain in the right lower back teeth, as if the gum and teeth were swollen, and the latter were elongated, for two days. Pain as if he had bitten something between the teeth. A (burning) pain in the left upper molars (after twelve hours). Stitches in the upper incisors.

Itching in the upper and lower teeth. Gum. The gum is swollen and painful when chewing. General Mouth. Blisters, with stinging- burning pain on the inner surface of the cheek and on the margin on the tongue, so that she could eat nothing solid. Tongue.

Blisters on the margin of the tongue, with sore pain. Saliva.

Accumulation of saliva (after a quarter of an hour). Water accumulates in the mouth, with nausea (after twenty-four hours).

Taste. Sweetish taste in the mouth. A persistent bitter taste low down in the throat, not in the mouth. Bitter taste in the throat (after a quarter of an hour). The coffee (she is accustomed to take for breakfast) has a bitter and disgusting taste; dinner tastes well (second day); taste like Glycerin from the ninth day until the nineteenth, then suddenly changing to that of fresh nuts; also desire for dainties; these symptoms disappeared after one drop of 30th attenuation of Saccharum lactis. The (usual) tobacco has a rancid taste in the mouth and fauces, while smoking (after half an hour).


Hawking of mucus (after twenty-five hours).

In the goitre, a sensation of working, distension, and pressure, as if everything would force out. In the goitre, a sensation as if it were loose, and as if everything were moving about in it, as if alive, especially on swallowing. Scraping in the throat, for several days. Stitches in the goitre, even when not swallowing. Sticking pain in goitre when swallowing, when not swallowing slight aching. Sticking internally in the throat, especially after eating, and on the throat externally, a sensation as if something pressed outward, morning and evening.

Constantly recurring needle like stitches above the pit of the throat, externally (in the lower portion of the goitre).

Transient crawling in the throat (after one hour and a half). A burning in the throat and larynx, and afterwards, in the ears.

Extremely disagreeable relaxed sensation in the pharynx and stomach, as if he had drunk too much warm water, lasting several hours (twenty-three hours).

Stomach.-Appetite and Thirst.

Increased appetite. Great hunger; she could not satisfy herself.

Desire for dainties, with the taste of fresh nuts. Diminished appetite. Excessive thirst, always after smoking (as usual).

Thirst for cold water, in the evening (after thirty-eight hours).

Eructations. Sour uprisings (after five hours). Eructations, several times (after several hours). Empty eructations (after half an hour). Bitter eructations (after one hour). Hiccough.

Hiccough (after eight hours and a quarter, thirty-three, thirty- seven, and fifty-seven hours). Repeated hiccough (after a quarter of an hour). Nausea. Constant nausea. Nausea, while smoking, as usual (after thirty hours). Qualmishness, without vomiting.

Stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon.

Pressive pain in the epigastric region, lasting all the forenoon (after a quarter of an hour). She cannot tolerate any tight clothing about the trunk, especially about the epigastric region.

Sensation of internal coldness in the pit of the stomach, with fulness (after a quarter of an hour).

Abdomen.-Umbilicus and Sides.

Fine stitches externally about the navel (after two hours).

Painful constriction in the left side below the stomach, while sitting, especially while lying sideways upon the right side (after seventeen hours). Pressive-tearing pain in the region of the abdominal rings of both sides, at various times, only while sitting. Strangulated sensation, which was aggravated by pressure of the head, in the left side of the abdomen (after half an hour). Sensation of fine burrowing, as of something alive under the skin of the abdomen, in the left side above the hip, upon which he was lying in bed, in the morning (after twenty-two hours). Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, in the region of the liver (after one hour). General Abdomen. Abdomen tense (after twenty-four hours). Emission of flatus and soft stool, without difficulty (after six hours). Rumbling in the abdomen and empty eructations (after half an hour). Difficulty and fulness in the abdomen after eating, as if digestion stopped.

Weakness in the abdomen (soon). Qualmishness in the abdomen, with frequent thin stools, like diarrhoea. Frequent griping in the abdomen, which was relieved by the emission of flatus (after fourteen hours). Colic, griping in the whole of the abdomen.

Cutting in the upper part of the abdomen, after eating, in the morning (after twenty-six hours). Violent cutting colic, in the morning after eating, so that he is obliged to bend the abdomen up; with great urging to stool, when the stool is natural but scanty (after five days). Tensive pain in the upper abdomen, while walking, but worse on stooping (after one hour). Tensive pain in the upper abdomen, while sitting. Cramps in the abdomen (after six days). On smoking, heat in the abdomen, also extending up into the chest, without heat of the rest of the body, which, on the contrary, is affected with chilliness (after three hours).

Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Griping low down in the abdomen, while sitting, compelling him to stand up because there seemed to be an urging to stool; but immediately after rising the pain was relieved, and on standing bent over it immediately disappeared (after ten hours). Griping in the lower abdomen, with loud rumbling (after five hours). Strangulated sensation, low down in the abdomen, relieved by emission of flatus, but very soon becoming worse (after seven hours). Tensive pain from the middle of the lower abdomen down to the anus (after eleven hours and a half). Cutting in the lower abdomen, extending into the left chest, in the evening after eating (after four days). Burrowing stitches in the lower abdomen, left side, noticed only on expirations, and worse on stooping (after ten hours and a half).

Swelling of the glands in the right groin, with tensive pain, while walking. Pain in the inguinal region, as in a hernia.

Cramp like pain in the left groin, while sitting (after one hour and a half).

Rectum and Anus.

Bruised pain, almost like a sore pain, in the anus. Sore pain during the evacuation of the stool, for several days (after two days). Twinging in the anus during stool, as though diarrhoea would occur (after four days). Twinging with every stool.

Stitches in the anus and rumbling in the abdomen before every stool.


White diarrhoea (after forty-eight hours). (The first part of the stool is hard, the second soft). Stool hard, delayed seven hours (after nine hours). Many threadworms are passed daily; a crawling in the rectum, every evening.

Urinary organs.

(Pain in the neck of the bladder like a warning to urinate).

Frequent efforts to urinate (after one hour and a half). Stream of urine very thin. (Inability to retain the urine). Increased flow of urine (fourth day). (The urine froths like yeast). The clear, bright-yellow urine deposits on standing a yellow sediment (after twenty-three hours),.- The urine deposits a thick grayish- white sediment.

Sexual organs.- Male.

Painful drawing stitches in the body of the penis out through the glans (after four days). Voluptuous itching on the tip of the glans penis, lasting several hours, and provoking rubbing (after fifty-two hours). Itching and burning on the scrotum and body of the penis, several times. Pressive painful swelling of the testicles (after ten and twenty-four hours). Simple pain in the testicles, also when touched. A pinching, bruised, squeezing pain in the testicles. Large, somewhat blunt stitches shooting from the testicles into the spermatic cords. Spermatic cords swollen, painful. Female. Twice after a few doses, she miscarried at about six or eight weeks, but she did not suspect the cause until she noticed afterwards that, whenever she took a few doses, it brought on a flowing like the menses, which would continue several days. Menses much too early and profuse (immediately).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.