Sensitiveness of the whole the to touch, especially on moving the scalp. The scalp seems contracted and tense. A crawling itching on the forehead that provokes much rubbing. Biting pain in the skin on the left side of the forehead (after thirty-four hours).

Burning in the skin of the temple, in front of the right ear (after seventy-five hours). Burning in the skin of the right temple near the eye.


Objective. Yellow rings around the eyes. Redness of the white of the eye, with injected blood vessels. Redness and inflammation of the white of the eye, in the morning the lids are so heavy that he can scarcely open them. Much hardened mucus in the eyes, frequently all day. Great moisture in the eyes, without sensation. The eyes are very weak, apparently with an internal impediment; whenever he turns them they remain, and he does not know what he is looking at, like one whose vision had vanished.

The eyes seem dim and weak, with unchanged pupils. Eyes look dim and weak (after seven days). Eyes appear bright and sparkling, as they generally do before the eruption of small-pox or measles.

(*Hahnemann’s s. 105, revised by Hughes.*) Eyes seem distended. (*Original revised by Hughes. *) Subjective.

The eyes hurt on motion, as if too large for their orbits. He could not turn the eyes in all directions without pain. Pain in the eye. Pain as if sand were in the eyes. Dry heat in the eyes in the afternoon. Burning pain in the left eye towards the temple (after thirty-three hours). Burning pain in both eyes, so that he was involuntarily obliged to close them, and could not open them for five or six minutes, with a feeling of anxiety as if he would never be able to open them again; on opening them after the pain had disappeared vision was prevented by a fiery sea of blood-red masses rising up, with lachrymation and great dilatation of the pupils; the vision returned (after fourteen days). Sensation as though the eyes were watering, which was not the case, with slight pressure in them; the vision, however, is just as much affected as in lachrymation (after twenty-six hours). Violent burrowing stitch in the middle of the eye and in the inner canthus, that does not prevent vision, but presses the upper lid downward (after seventy-four hours). Crawling in the eyes. Brow and Orbit. Burning itching in the right eyebrows, relieved by scratching (after twenty-six hours). Burning pain in the left eyebrow. Swelling on the temporal side of the orbit, with pressive pain and painful soreness to touch. Dull pressure above the orbits (after ten minutes). Violent pressure above the right orbit, with a dull pressive pain in the whole head (after two hours and a half). Pain pressing from without inward, at the side of the right eye (after three hours). Violent pressive pain in the bone of the left orbit, on the temporal side near the malar bone, followed by swelling of the bone, which is sore to touch.

Pain as if the left orbit were pressed from downward. Lid.

Eyelids so relaxed and paralyzed that they hang low down and must be raised with the hand, with greatly dilated pupils. Sensation as if a hard substance were under the right upper lid, relieved by rubbing (after four days). Ulcerating and biting painful soreness of the margins of the lids. Pain as if the upper lids were hard and immovable; he could not raise them easily. Burning pain beneath the right eyelid (after three hours and a half). Burning pain in the right external canthus. Fine painful cutting as with a knife, on the margin of the left lower lid (after nine hours). Sticking pressure beneath the lids of both eyes (after two hours and a half). A very fine but painful sticking, like a needle-stitch, in the margin of the right upper lid (after twenty-three hours). Sticking pain in the right inner canthus (after eleven hours and a half). Some recurrent stitches in the left eyelids. Lachrymation. Trickling lachrymation; much biting, acrid water runs from the eyes. Ball. Intolerable pressive pain in the eyeballs, still more painful on turning the eyes; on attempting to look with the eyes turned he became dizzy, so that he was obliged to turn the whole head. Pressive pain in the eyeballs. A contractive burning pain in the right eyeball.

Tensive pain in the left eyeball (after forty-nine hours).

Constant sticking pain in the right eyeball, also on moving it (after twenty-four hours). Itching stitch in the right eyeball, that returned (after one hour). Itching in the left eyeball, that disappeared on rubbing. Pupil. Pupils unchanged, but looking weak and dim. Dilatation of the pupils (after a short time); (after a small dose). Vision. Whenever he fixes his gaze vision vanishes. Farsighted; can see clearly at a distance but not heat.

He does not see as distinctly as usual, and when writing is obliged to make great effort, as if water were in the eyes. It constantly seemed as though feathers or hairs were in the eyelashes, or as if a fog were before the eyes; this sensation was aggravated by rubbing (after one hour). Impending amaurosis.


External. Otalgic pain on the margin of the left concha (after twenty-two hours). Drawing pain in the antitragus of the left ear. Twitching in the right concha. Pinching pain on the posterior portion of the right concha (after three-quarters of an hour). Burning pain in the whole of the left concha. Burning pain in the right concha. Middle. Constant pain in the right ear, as if it would be pressed asunder (after fifty-nine hours).

Pressive pain within the right ear, that extended to the whole malar bone and the right molar teeth (after fifty-seven hours).

Pressing inward pain, gradually increasing in the auditory canal (after three-quarters of an hour). Pressure as with a plug in the left ear (after half an hour). Pressive pain in the left ear (after thirteen hours). Drawing pain in the left ear, extending towards the malar bone. Violent thrusting tearing in the right ear, several times. Jumping sensation, as from the swashing of water in the ears, on stepping suddenly (after a quarter of an hour). Recurrent paroxysms of jerking pain in the ear, extending to the eye and lower jaw (after twelve hours). Boring stitch within the right ear (after forty-nine hours). Boring dull sticking jerk within the ear, from time to time, that even shoots into the throat (through the Eustachian tube). Itching-prickling sensation in the right ear (after seventy-seven hours). Itching crawling in the right ear. Itching sticking in the left ear.

Beating in the left ear. The ears seemed closed. Sensation as if the left ear were loosely stopped though without difficulty of hearing (after half an hour). Closure of the ears, as with a finger, in the open air, when the wind blows into them (after five or six hours). Ears closed, in the evening, as if something were lying in front of the drum, which seems contracted (after fourteen hours). The ears seem stopped, even when she is not listening or not talking. Hearing. The inner ear is painfully sensitive to loud noises (after several days). Difficulty of hearing in the left ear, as if the ear were closed with the finger, together with a fluttering noise in it (after two hours).

Closure of the ear an loss of hearing on blowing the nose; on boring the finger into the ear it disappears and the hearing returns. Sound as if the wind were rapidly blowing across the left ear. Sudden crackling and roaring in the ears, extending into the forehead, and a wave-like pulsation in them; is obliged to hold the hand over the eye in order to obtain relief.

Fluttering as from a bird in the ears, followed by a moist discharge and very clear hearing. When talking, ringing as of a bell in both ears, and re-echoing through the whole head.

Sensation of distant ringing in both ears, with a sensation as if the ear were loosely stopped or a hick mist were in front of it.

Roaring in the ears. Violent roaring and whizzing in the ears, especially in the evening.


Objective. Tetter-like eruption, with soreness to touch, on and in the right nostril (after twelve days). Frequent sneezing (after four hours). Sneezing with discharge of bloody mucus, in the morning after waking. Catarrh like a catarrhal fever; he was hoarse and hot to touch, day and night; without thirst and without perspiration, with prominent eyes; with profuse fluent coryza; violent headache and weeping mood. Dry catarrh, after eating (after twelve hours). Sudden coryza, at first dry and after four hours fluent, lasting twenty-four hours. Fluent coryza. Mucus, at one time white, at another yellow, is discharged from the mouth (after seven days). Stoppage of the anterior part of the nose, with profuse discharge of mucus through the posterior nares into the fossae, for eight days. Nose stopped for several days. Subjective. Disagreeable sensation as from impediment in the root of the nose. Burning in the wings of the nose, provoking rubbing, but not relieved thereby. Tickling on the back of the nose, as if lightly touched by hairs, or as if a gentle wind were blowing across it, lasting a long time.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.