
Subsequent to the poisoning the child suffered from the most violent parotitis. Stitches in the ear (twenty-third day).

Everything heard seems at a greater distance than natural (after 50 drops). Buzzing before the ears.


The nose is of a deep-red color (fourth day). Considerable sneezing (with discharge from nose), (twenty-third day).

Discharge during the day of a thin watery substance from the nose, with considerable sneezing; great discharge of water from right nostril, the left being closed as from a cold (twenty-third and twenty-fourth days). Burning in the nose (twenty-fourth day).


Highly congested face, expressive of wildness and anxiety (in three hours). Swollen and flushed face (second day). Flushed face. Face red, swollen. Red, bloated face. Red, fatigued face.

Expression of fright and terror. Face pale. Face looked as though he had been intoxicated, at 11 A.M. (twenty-third day). Sharp neuralgic-like pain shooting from the lower jaw up into the left ear, leaving suddenly and coming as suddenly (twentieth day).

Lips dry and blistered (twenty-third day). Lips and tongue feel dry as if scalded (twenty-fourth day). Trismus (after three hours). Very sharp pain running from the lower jaw up into the left ear, of a neuralgic character, at 10 A.M. (twenty-fifth day).


Tongue sore as if burnt (twenty-fourth day). Dryness of the back of the tongue and arch of the palate (after 10 drops). Dryness of the mouth (after 35 drops). Great dryness of the mouth (after 40 drops). Mouth very dry (after 50 drops); (twenty-third day).

Insipid taste in mouth (with pain over eyes), on waking in the morning (sixth and seventh days). Utterance becomes uneasy.


Dryness in the throat. Stitches in the right side of the throat (twenty-third day). Raw sensation in throat, painful on swallowing (twenty-third day). Throat very sore on swallowing (twenty-fourth day). Tickling sensation in throat, causing him to cough frequently (twenty-fifth day). Fauces dry (one hour and a half after 25 drops). Constant sticking in fauces, especially on swallowing, at times stitches shooting from the fauces towards the drum of the right ear (after 40 drops). Left tonsil feels swollen, with soreness on swallowing. Left tonsil feels swollen as from cold, sore on swallowing (twentieth day). Feeling as if there were a splinter in the right tonsil (twenty-third day).

Stitching pain in tonsil (twenty-fourth day). Sensation of cramp in the oesophagus (after twenty-five drops). Deglutition is effected only when their jaws are forced wide open in order to make them swallow liquids. Throbbing of the carotid arteries, at 8 P.M. (twentieth day). Violent beating of the carotids (twenty- third day).


Appetite and Thirst. Want of appetite; they go to bed without wanting their supper. Thirst. Great thirst, causing me to drink often, and in large quantities (twenty-fourth day). Very urgent thirst, but the liquids taken were soon vomited up again (second day). Unquenchable thirst. Excessive thirst. Eructations. Empty eructations (with burning in the stomach), (fifth day).

Heartburn. Slight heartburn, of short duration, immediately after eating breakfast (seventh day). Heartburn, with nausea, at 6 P.M. (eighteenth day). Violent heartburn after eating dinner; burning sensation up into the oesophagus, passing off in the course of an hour (twentieth day). Heartburn after going to bed, in the evening (twenty-first day). Heartburn, in the afternoon, lasting for about an hour (twenty-second day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. Nausea, with sparks before the eyes, continuing until he went to sleep (twenty-first day). Nausea and retchings.

Nausea, with efforts to vomit, followed by profuse vomiting, at first of mucus, afterwards of bluish or grayish-black liquid.

Vomiting. Vomiting of all food. Loathing vomiting of ingesta.

Vomiting of ingesta, then of a blackish-green liquid. Copious vomiting, at first of mucus, then of a thick, blackish-green liquid. Seldom failed to either vomit, sweat, or purge the patient moderately, or to increase the quantity of urine; it sometimes occasioned a giddiness, especially when it made the patient sick (nauseated), but neither the sickness or giddiness were constant symptoms, and when they happened they generally abated or ceased entirely after the first dose. Frequent vomiting, first of mucus, afterwards of a bluish or gray-blackish fluid. Stomach. Severe pain in the region of the stomach, extending up into the region of the heart and left shoulder, at 5 P.M. (fifth day). Great pain in the pit of the stomach. Great pressure in the stomach in paroxysms (after thirty-five and forty drops). Pressure in the stomach (after fifty drops). Severe cramps in the pit of the stomach, at 5 P.M.; worse on walking; gradually subsiding after eating supper (sixth day). Sharp, cutting pains in and across the stomach, relieved by pressure and bending forward, at 5 P.M. (fourth day). Severe burning in the stomach, with vomiting. Burning pain in the stomach after the evacuations (fourth day). Burning pain in the stomach, extending upwards, with nausea (after loose evacuations), (fifth day).

Burning in the stomach, with empty eructations (fifth day).

Slight burning in stomach, with nausea (after two hours, sixth day). Burning sensation in stomach, extending up into the oesophagus (eighteenth day).


Violent cutting in the umbilical region (after thirty-five drops). Abdomen excessively distended and tense. Meteorism to such an extent that he seems almost to swell up visibly. Colic.

Colic and ineffectual urging to stool. Pain in bowels (after one hour, second day). Pain, at 5 P.M., as if the intestines were cut with knives, which continued until after supper, when it gradually subsided (fourth day). Pains in the abdomen and desire to lie down; after about an hour the pains increased and were accompanied by nausea, without vomiting.


Tenesmus in the anus.


One or more of the natural evacuations were almost always increased. The bowels, which have been somewhat constipated, are rather loose; stools semifluid; 10 A.M. bowels still somewhat loose; evacuations of a yellow color, somewhat watery, at 5 P.M.

(fourth day). Loose evacuation of a yellow, watery character, at 10 A.M., followed by a burning pain in the stomach, extending upwards, with nausea (fifth day). Constipation, with smelly, dry, hard stools (eighteenth day). Bowels somewhat costive (twenty- fourth day).

Urinary organs

If a sweat did not break out, then an extraordinary discharge of urine was the consequence, and frequently followed by a purging.

Respiratory organs

Respiration rapid. Difficult respiration. The breathing is quick, but easy,. Stertorous breathing.


Slight oppression of the chest (soon after ten drops).

Constriction of the chest. Pressure on the sternum and at the tenth dorsal vertebra (after thirty-five drops). Cutting pain in left side (twenty-fourth day).

Heart and Pulse

Anxious feeling in the region of the heart. Pulse very rapid, scarcely perceptible. Pulse rapid, irregular. Small and very frequent pulse (in three hours). Frequent and somewhat irregular pulse (second day). Pulse from 90 to 95 (twenty-third day). Pulse 95, during forenoon (twenty-fifth day). Pulse about 95, at 8 P.M.

(twenty-fourth day). Pulse slow, small, and soft (after thirty- five drops). Pulse small and slow (after twenty and forty drops).

Pulse full and irregular.

Neck and Back

Neck feels sore and stiff, as if bruised; worse on moving the head (seventh day). Severe pain in muscles of neck (twenty-fourth day). Great pain in the back of the neck, and shoulders, and lower extremities (with fever), (twenty-fourth day). Pain in back of neck and between shoulders (twenty-fifth day). Bruised feeling in the back and limbs (seventh day). Pain in back and limbs, at 9 P.M. (twenty-third day).


Restlessness in the limbs, with carphologia. Pain in limbs (and back), at 9 P.M. (twenty-third day). Wandering pains, first in the shoulders, then down the arm, then in the lower extremities (twenty-fourth day). Severe pain in all the limbs, at 8 P.M.

(twenty-fifth day). Painful drawing in arms and feet.

Superior Extremities.

Arms heavy, as if prostrated, especially the right (after fifty drops). Dull, heavy pain in right arm, extending down to the ends of the fingers, at 10 A.M.; this continued until 3 P.M., when it gradually disappeared (fifth day). Pains extending down the left arm of a lancinating character, at 9 P.M. (fifth day). Pain shooting through left arm and wrist (twenty-fifth day). Pain in the left shoulder and right wrist (after fifty drops).

Interior Extremities.

Gait unsteady, heavy, insecure (after 35 drops). Trembling of the lower extremities, especially of the muscles of the thighs, like small, successive jerks (after 20 drops). The lower extremities seem prostrated, especially the left (after 50 drops). Weakness of the thighs (ten minutes after 25 drops). Pain in the right knee, extending upwards towards the hip (fifth day).

Legs feel sore on walking, as if bruised (twenty-fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.